What is this? The politically correct way of saying mutt?
Pic related: "white hispanic"
Literal 56% meme
What is this? The politically correct way of saying mutt?
Pic related: "white hispanic"
Literal 56% meme
Fuck off shareblue
That's not a white hispanic
That's a mestizo 'Hispanic' mexican
A white hispanic would be someone like Martin Sheen, look at his real name
>I'm white btw
kys shill
Its called a Castizo, you stupid fuck
Found the "white hispanics"
They’re lumped in with whites when they murder someone and are strong Latinx when they manage to not commit a crime and live a normal life.
Picture is a mestizo not a white spic.
No, no, and no. Alan Greenspan modeled for the job of le 56%.
Juden projecting. Notice the way lie 56% meme disappears on Friday night at 7 pm until Saturday night at 7 pm when the kikes have their Sabbath and drain goyim children's blood for use in unleavened bread.
Hispanics are the 56%ers. A white hispanic, if one truly exists, would essentially be entirely Spanish. But I doubt any Spaniards managed to remain uncorrupted from their very long and desegregated stay in South America
el goblino
>tfw you will never get to racemix with a pureblooded aztec qt like ana de armas
why fucking live?
Jesus loved all
when they do something good theyre hispanic and when they do something bad theyre white hispanic.
Hold on let me check the chart
i think only zimmerman was called a white hispanic because the media viewed white hispanic as a mixed term (half german half mestizo) rather than the actual meaning of pure spanish
White Aztec here ama
Aztec's a race
Hispanic's not
There's a reason why any race could be hispanic
the funniest thing about this chart is that most spaniards aren't that blonde so the presentation is already way off to begin with
She isn't pure blood you autistic savage
If you're mixed enough to need to call yourself "white hispanic" instead of just white, then you're definitely not fucking white.
Excuse me shit Lord its fucking 2018 i can identify as a angry black women if i want
What if a white hispanic isn't mixed but just a white guy with a spanish name?
>pureblooded aztec
Pure blood aztecs don't exist, seeing that aztecs were mixed race as fuck.
I mean, oxford university is older than the Aztec civilization.
Is this the model for the le 56% face? Holy goblin
Just destroying identity, nothing new
these posters are hispanic btw
obvious as fuck
Then he has Spanish ancestry. Hispanic does not mean Spanish, it means part of the Spanish diaspora that spread into America and got diluted to shit by natives.
monstruo desde abajo
spaniards aren't filthy wh*toids, you shut your goddamn mouth.
>La Creatura...
>El Atrocidad...
>La Luz Extinguido
Why is this so funny
>d&c tactics
we are hwite
What if I'm 75% west european, 12.5% spanish, and 12.5% indio?
I have sandy hair and strong european features and I'm 6'0
Yes I'm a mutt but am I not a white hispanic? Are dirty blond North Mexicans who average 5-12.5% indian blood not white hispanics?
It's funny because it's true, they get so offended when you point out that half the Americans on this board aren't even white, but they want to be.
This is my "tan" after living in California all my life
I can't tell what body part this. You are very dumpy and out of shape.
Go outside faggot.
global rules:
3. >You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>no body hair
My arm lol, I might be out of shape but I'm not fat
Pic related- found a rare one
It's blond, camera decided no to pick it up. Hard to see in the sunlight
This. You should have hair, unless you're a faggot and you shave your legs. ARE YOU A FAGGOT?
>every Mexican lady after they turn 45
Most of my body hair is blond, camera isn't picking it up.
That's not a castizo. That's not even a mestizo he is has white blood but less than 50% and more Indian with something else.
t. I live in northern Argentina I know the Indios and their mixes
Pic related is castizo
>white hispanics
The memes are fucking real.
You didn't doubt him did you?
why should you care? wh*tes (nordcucks) are going extinct just as planned. lie back and enjoy the show.
Ive always knew that those who get butthurt over the mutt meme is always a dirty spic under an American flag
t. Texas
Honestly if your a spic I see no reason why you should be on Sup Forums
LOL is this OC? I legit just googled "ugly Mexicans" & went to images, chose a random pic
>the only ginger south of the border
Fuck niggers
It seems the memes were true after all...
When we bring up this topic they get so mad, so defensive. Genuinely strange. Either they are Mexicans larping as white nationalists in order to make it seem like racism is on the rise in America, or they genuinely hate themselves. Probably both.
>t. I live in northern Argentina
Where are you from man?
Wow, I'm castizo then
the liberal gov't uses the term "white hispanic" to take crime rates away from beanerspics, which they want to bring in en masse, and puts them under the "white" column, so whites seem to commit more crime than they do and spics less than they really do.
Get it soyboy?
you have to go back Juan. I'm sorry but you do.
blind moan!
Are you 1/4 native?
i'll be fucked in my ass if I ever thought about that re: Oxford, hilariously true
pic not related
this is a pure aztec chad
Shared blood*
how stupid are you to think he was serious?
mmm mmm mmm i wonder what their fupas smell like
come to daddy
orale ese i no speeky de engleesh hehe
yeah a menonite from a colony is good representation of mexicans
and u can see her non white skull
As the oldest university in the English-speaking world, Oxford is a unique and historic institution. There is no clear date of foundation, but teaching existed at Oxford in some form in 1096 and developed rapidly from 1167"
"The rise of the Aztec empire really began in 1150 with the fall of the Toltec empire."
-Wikipedia, kek
I didnt think he was , just posting a handsome aztec chad
yeah i already gorgoled it
I love this Hatefact
Won't tell you exactly where, but I am in the region of the NOA.
Lots of indios here.
now you've fucked up even worse, that dude is NOT full on Squat, quite obvs mixed with whites despite the Squat skintone
How do you do, fellow aztec purebloods?
the government created hispanic dumbass
The word hispanic shouldn't exist and spanish should be called white (or at least italian tier) while mestizos should be called injuns
Reminds me of the picture of native Americans who collected funds from Native American owned casinos for charity, I don't have it saved sadly
This is what Americans actually believe.
What euro/pol/ actually believes I look like
if everyone that Sup Forums deems 'untermensch' left, there'd be about 10 people left.
>being this paranoid
lol cheers from Entre Ríos m8
We exposed them & now they're fighting back
not quite. hispanic denotes spanish-speaking, and can take in almost everyone south of the TX border, it has some uses. i agree the way the govt uses it now is simply to manipulate crime statistics and take some crime out of the bean column and put it in the white column to balance it out--can't have americans knowing just how much crime our immigrant friends commit
White man keeps raping my women
Their children will think they are nazi germans
When in reality they are 53% native mexican
i wonder what my mutt baby boy will look like-- recently impregnated white/blue eyed gf. im a pale spic, probably due to my mom looking like one of these (she's light skin with green eyes, although i got cucked by brown eyes). at least my little guy won't be a manlet since gf is 5'9 and i lucked out being 6'2"
It may actually be a Jew of Hispanic origins. Find out the last name. If it ends in -ez, it's a Jew. Ears look pretty big.
dude the FBI arrests people on Sup Forums for Crimethought, don't you know that? and the CIA too and the EPA.
It's a term made by (((them))) to blame the crimes of shitskins on white people
fascinating stuff, thank you for sharing shithead