School Shootings Since January 1, 2018
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>a nigger shooting another nigger on a school campus is a school shooting
>90percent of all shootings where whitebois.
So the next one will be in Wyoming
>pellet guns that hit a wall of a building are school shootings
>literal niggers shotting at eachother
and? ill grant that but it's because these kids are sickos because whites have kids late because they are subsidized to have kids when they are kids themselves
>tfw no one is man enough to shoot up a school in your state
not* subsidized. you know what i meant but it is VERY IMPORTANT to understand that white crime basically does not exist and on any stat where it does, you see a literal jew
most of those were personal. not trying for a high score
Thread and saged
i mean mental health is also a really big factor but let just blame guns...smart
If you own a handgun or semi-auto, fucking kill yourself now. the only guns civilians should be allowed to buy (after a long wait period) are bolt action rifles.
fucking lol
Amount I care: _____
I'm just going to say this before this thread devolves into a fascist circle-jerk.
You DO NOT have the right to stage an armed revolt against the U.S government.
Because of this, the 2nd amendment, and all of the reasons it was written, are thus invalidated. There shouldn't need to be a mass shooting every week for you to understand that. Simply owning a gun should be considered an act of rebellion. You won't even be given the opportunity to turn in your guns peacefully; you will be marked as a traitor for at any point in your life owning a firearm.
Amendments have been repealed before and they can absolutely repealed again.
Nothing to see here, it's a perfectly normal society in which children murder each other at school.
>abloo hoo
(((Christians))) don't care. Amerimutts dying is a normal thing, now if this happened in Japan where saving even one valuable Japanese life is important you'll see quick reforms
Yes keep your janitor job Juan.
Second amendment is for the citizens to protect against government tyranny. Your failed argument would simply warrant the disarming of any #resist of any antifa members.
Besides, this is a false flag. No deaths, no blood, no gore.
You should hurry and build that wall.
Try it, nigger. In less than 30 years we will have a supreme court judgement saying the 2nd amendment was written to protect the people's right to pogrom Jews. You picked the new game, you don't get to whine about us playing it.
i don't live in any of those places
Goes to show how bad other countries are, if we still have dipshits trying to immigrate to our shithole.
My concern with so many of those sites is that they are a stones throw away from the state line. The overwhelming majority of them even have the yellow dot touching the state border.
Just an observation.
The issue is that no one is willing to propose the reforms that are actually needed. The school shootings are a symptom of societal decay, it's not just because of easy gun access.
The Dearborn "shooting" was a kid firing a gun in the air at a basketball game in the parking lot to scare away the kids beating up his friend.
Cool story....so come and take them, cuck. You and your army.
Freedom isn't free libtard
Pellet gun
Random gunshots no victim
The media is shilling hard. Even Fox.
That's true too but some people just shouldn't ever own guns and most americans would fit that category. Australia benefited from their "assault" rifle ban 20 something years ago I believe and they haven't had a mass shooting since. Sadly, taking the guns away from these subhumans would be like taking a pacifier away from a baby
Most of those are just niggers shooting other niggers, as usual. However, that being said, there still has been a large increase in shootings at peace white schools in the past 5 years.
I wonder who was president 5 years ago who could have caused all this chaos in society... hmm...
Remember to ignore meme flags
have to go to school to shoot it up, user
So weird. I wonder if any of them are "no gun" zones, If they aren't, then maybe they need to put up those little stickers that say "no guns allowed". That'll stop deranged psychos that often illegally obtain firearms and decide to commit murder, the already most highly illegal crime we have in our society.
No, they're a symbol of failing prescription drugs. EVERY school shooter has been on anti-depressants and they work 25% of the time at best.
So keep leafing, leaf.
It's not even that. It's pure media lies and anti-gun advocacy groups shilling.
100% of mass shooting are done by a mass shooter. Stop implicating innocent technology in this human tragedy. Guns are innocent.
what? i live in philly, there was no school shooting, unless they count like 1 death as a shooting
gay map
Looks like the perfect time to look into the benefits of home schooling or private schooling; to ensure not only your children's physical safety, but their mental safety and growth into a splendid adult as well. Public school shootings might very well usher us into the golden age.
Do not give a flying fuck. Not my monkeys, not my circus.
Guns need to be banned. No citizens needs an AR-15 sniper rifle that the military uses. No logic behind it.
There are 270 million privately-owned guns in the US. 18 of those guns decided to force a human being to take them to a school to shoot the place up.
0.00000067% of all guns were used in these 18 shootings. Why do you blame so many innocent guns for the actions of a tiny fraction?
>Pic Completely Unrelated
Ban the fucking guns and let people keep pistols
this is so retarded
Lol, and the media wonders why people don't trust it.
Couldn't agree more. Used to be a far right wing NRA gun advocate, I've seen far too much mass shootings that I believe they should be banned.
congratulations 'merica, you're heading for a new record. i'm glad to see that your strategy to increase mass shootings is working perfectly. personally, i don't understand why you want more mass shootings, but hey, i'm not here to judge. i'm just glad your "more guns to increase mass shootings" tactic works perfectly.
>TFW you keep shooting, but the schools continue to be filled with guys who aren't alright.
remember that time gun-grabber Eric Holder was selling guns to mexican criminals and he got away with it
remember that time gun-grabber Leland Yee tried to sell guns to chinese criminals (but it was an FBI sting and his ass got collared)
remember that time gun-grabber Obama armed islamic state
but i'm sure they really honestly believe in gun control and aren't just ((DNC)) hypocrites pushing to disarm law-abiding citizenry to make it easier for predators and criminals to abuse the goyim cattle
None in the whitest part of America, what a surprise.
>You DO NOT have the right to stage an armed revolt against the U.S government.
Except that's denying multiple basic human rights. If the people make up their minds then the government is obliged.
Also 2nd shall not be infringed.
If you own a handgun or semi-auto, fucking kill yourself now. the only guns civilians should be allowed to buy (after a long wait period) are fully automatic assault rifles.
A lot of these cities have extensive black neighborhoods.
whites are only a tiny bit smarter than the colonised apes they hate so much
What the fuck is wrong with white people? And do something about your gun laws America, this is getting ridiculous.
>maplewood mn
Don't start digging goyim, just hand over the guns so we can (((protect))) you.
Just be glad we're a quarantine zone for individuals who want to murder a lot of people while not being muslim. At least with muzzies, you can visibly identify them and be on guard.
Crack down on anti-psychotic prescription giving and bring back public execution and stockades.
>The U.S government does not grant you the right to revolt against the US governments
Revolutions aren't exactly meant to be mutually consentual paco.
>Bronx, NY
Place is a shithole. Theres shootings there every day.
For years, gun ownership in America has been increasing while "mass shootings" have been decreasing. Sorry reality doesn't fit your narrative.
Excuse me, but Modern Folk Hero Dorner should not be listed with those other guys.
>Third-grader pulls trigger on Maplewood cop’s gun, firing a shot
Someone please fact check these no good dishonest kikes, this one in minnesota was a gun discharge and they are using it for their agenda. Fucking sick of these people, it tells me that they seriously want the guns for their own gain/control, I refuse to be in bin that knife land.
I dont seen Arkansas for some strange reason
You retards do know that a skilled marksman can fire several rounds from a bolt action rifle in a minute and the cartridge is more powerful than the shit in an AR. It'll blow a person's head to pieces
idk about that. in the 20th century you had 226 school shootings, and in the 21st you've had 212 thus far. but you seem happy with your daily murder sprees, so i'm glad you get what you wish for. i really want your country to be what you make into, as thus far, it's going in the right direction.
i really get happy every time you have a murder spree, because then i know you have achieved your goal. and after all, isn't that what life is all about? i hope you all get shot, you deserve it.
Why amerimutts are so violent?
I can't find shit on what they talking, at lease the seattle one. The problem is if they take a bunch of minor event, it's kind of hard to find info on them at all.
The military doesn't use an AR-15, retard. Also, you are asking for way more shootings if you try to take our guns away.
Fuck off.
>my wifes bf, tyrone, has a handgun and it makes me literally shake
your logic sucks, nigger.
you cannot be this retarded. what do paintchips taste like?
>muh false flags
and you faggots say liberals operate on feelings instead of facts
I live in st.johns, it was just a guy who shot himself in the parking lot. Anyways government brainwashing centers deserve to be shot up they are worthless. I would rather of been working at mcdonalds than go to highschool it was the worst time of my life.
90% of these weren't even school shootings
One was a guy unrelated to the school blowing his brains out in the parking lot at 2am Another was a stray bullet hitting a school ON NEW YEARS EVER when surprise surprise, nobody was there
Why are these left wingers so snakelike? Why are they so absolutely determined to disarm America?
One of them was literally vandalism with a BB gun.
>what are drones
Leftwingers are jews, nonwhites and then white shrill weak spineless cowards. They do not understand or appreciate american values. You can sit down, have a conversation with them about the significance of our freedoms. But they will do some bullshit faggy copout half agree-half disagree. Then deny that any infringement leads to an ever increasing authoritarian.
A solution america desperately needs is a place for these people who don't share the founding fathers values is a place for them to leave to. Instead they insist on staying here and trying to turn us into a third world.
are you the next shooter?
>jew gun grabber
These are mostly black kids shooting up other gang members.
Wyoming here I come.
that feel when your school shooting doesnt make national/global news.
tell me when these crazies match the # of killings as a crazy system of gov't [pic-related bro]
Another Trumpcuck Sup Forumsfag loser unfuckable hate nerd needed to go ALOHA SNACKBAR and ruin the day for the USA.
Why are you guys such fucking losers? Why can't you just kill yourselves? MUH WOMEN, MUH JEWS, MUH NIGGERS
You're the fucking problem. Stop with the anime, stop with the video games and just kill your virgin ass. Leave a note, we'll have "thoughts and prayers."
That picture is misleading at best and lying at worst.
>School nearby ≠ school shooting
All lib areas what's the problem?
Those ones you never heard about were done by niggers and illegals.
>We're against guns
>They make it easy to kill people
>So we're going to take them away from the people who have them
O I am laffin