Why are you against Communism?
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I like to own stuff
The millionaires are hard workers and deserve to keep their millions all to themselves, they're the best, they're the smartest fuck society and fuck you. Fuck free health care, get a job nigger. Communism is for parasites, not hard workers like me.
Why should i like communism?
Why is reality against Communism?
It's gay
literally a kike control system
Which side of the Berlin wall were trying to escape, East or West?
I don't want to be a slave to kikes
Che was alright though, even Peron said he was a good guy.
You can own personal property under Communism (toothbrush, playstation, PC, books, TV, etc). You can't own factories, land, mines, natural resource extraction facilities, pharmaceutical companies, military companies, etc.
>The millionaires are hard workers and deserve to keep their millions all to themselves
Who do you think is more of a "hard worker", fifth-generation West Virginia coal miners or Goldman Sachs executives?
>they're the best, they're the smartest fuck society and fuck you.
No, they're not. Most millionaires simply inherit their wealth. Fuck them and fuck you, bootlicker faggot.
I work in an industry that is dominated by cut throat capitalists. I'm transitioning to an even more morally bankrupt industry. Why should I support communism?
Peron was killed by his own generals for going too far with his pro-worker, anti-elite policy. Proving that fascism and economic fairness are mutually incompatible.
I despise authoritarianism because it crushes the human soul.
Because then it wouldn't be dominated by cut throat capitalists anymore. It would be dominated by the workers.
communism requires equal efforts from every citizen, unfortunately we have a lot of lazy slobs. Che was known for telling people to go work, and he would go and work himself. People hated him for it because the cuban is lazy by nature, typical islander. This is why communism cannot work, because nobody will chip in an equal amount of effort
why do communist activists think that Sup Forums is a good place to take their message?
same reason we're against communism, because communism is retarded.
Peron died of pneumonia and a heart attack because he was almost 80 years old and a chronic smoker you lying kike.
This is why everyone hates communists (Except Che Guevara who is hard to hate).
most communist figures were anti-semetic. Marx (born to Jewish parents who converted to Lutheranism) loathed the jews. Stalin made religion illegal just to destroy Jewish pride. Brezhnev sent the KGB on a Zionist who sent him a letter. The Chinese believe in anti-semetic stereotypes but view them as positive.
Communist intellectuals might be jewish but they inevitably get purged in most revolutions as they usually go for the Communism Kike Edition, that being Trotsky ism. Trotskyism is inherently anti-populist in it's globalist tendencies. Stalin believed in nationalism and "Socialism under one state"
Frankly capitalism is life in the jewish ghettos where the jews aren't forced into little enclaves. Just saying.
People like to own things.
nice edited picture of stalin. Can't believe people still eat that soviet era propaganda
You know that isn't the real young Stalin, right Comrade Cumguzzler?
Yeah but then I can't acquire wealth, can't obtain CFR and Trilateral Commission membership, and therefor can't create geopolitical conflicts and disasters to help me further profit.
Growing up is usually the highlight of most people's lives; communism or no.
Because ive seen only useless retards with no future back it, hate how they want free gibs me dats. Nigger tier.
because I'm not a filthy commie
I'm fucking proud to be part of a long line of commie killers
>commie regime fakes GDP
>commie regime collapses
>real GDP becomes known
>most communist figures were anti-semetic
What kind of alternate reality are you living in?
Religion was never banned by in the USSR, it was however violently discouraged and atheism was actively promoted.
Judaism was certainly never banned or even subject to the same level of oppression and destruction at the hands of the state as the Orthodox church was.
>Marx (born to Jewish parents who converted to Lutheranism) loathed the jews
Marx hated average Jews because he saw them as far too passive and not anti-white or anti-Christian enough. He felt they needed to become far more radical and destroy the white bourgeoisie capitalists and enslave the white working class. A generation later most jewish intellectuals in Eastern Europe had come to agree with him.
That almost worked in Russia but then Trotsky lost the power struggle with Stalin. Policy wise this didn't immediately change much at first. Stalin still genocided and starved the white farm workers as Trotsky had planned, but eventually Stalin saw fit to consolidate his power which meant purging all the jewish communist intellectuals that wanted his job.
Trotsky got an icepick in the brain and the rest of the Trotskyites fled to NYC to become neoconservative columnists pushing for Zionist control of the world.
hebrews are the embodiment of greed.
a part of me regrets bringing up marx because his anti-semetism is a topic of much debate. Some believe what you did, others (like myself) buy into the belief he was anti-semetic.
>What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.
a quote from him.
Military uprising against Peron's Government. For several days, there was some fighting in cities such as Córdoba and Misiones.
Peronist government overthrown
military dictatorship seizes power
Eduardo Lonardi becomes acting head of state
Communism, in every country that has ever practiced it, is oppression plain and simple
The good of the state outweighs individual liberty.
>The government provides you with food (the amount they think you need)
>The government provides you with housing (the size they think you need in the location they decide)
>The government provides you with medical (if they think you deserve it)
>The government provides you with a job (doing what they decide, and where they decide you should be.)
The life of a typical person in a Communist country:
You take an aptitude test to determine what career you should have
Government official says "You would make good ditch digger in Arizona"
You get sent to Arizona and live in 1 room apartment.
Government truck takes you to your job and drives you home at night because they decided you don't need a car to dig ditches.
You can't be fired from your job, and If you try to quit your job you will be thrown in jail.
You don't have to pay for rent, electric or utilities and you get food stamps based on what they think you need.
You also get a paycheck from your ditch digging job of about $20 per week to spend on whatever you want.
>Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew.
>Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew.
>What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
>The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews.
>In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.
The last quote is literally saying "human emancipation = emancipation from Judaism". In other words, only be eliminating Judaism can humanity achieve real freedom. How is that not extremely anti-semitic?
Collect all the resources, kill extra people to have more to everyone, produce resources, collect all the resources, kill extra people. Keep on repeating that.
Geez I wonder why communism rhymes with genocides.
What's the problem with your example? Under capitalism, that ditch digger was an unemployed drug addict whose hometown was stripped of its factories, which were sent overseas to make more profits for capitalists. A 1 bedroom apartment and a job is better than being homeless and unemployed.
Why are you not?
He didn't die in the 1950s coup
If he died in 1950 then how the fuck did he talk to Allende when they were both presidents? And how did he talk to Che Guevara in the 60s in Madrid?
> The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.
That's all well and good, but Marx's "solution" to Jews being rootless, amoral, profit seekers was for them to adopt radical Marxism, murder their way to the top of the political system and enact a violent revolution that would enslave (hopefully) the entire world, after which there would supposedly somehow be a period of peace and perpetual human dignity and cooperation.
i like food kinda
Because you Tankies open the door for corruption. Anarchism is the only way a fully socialist socialist society could work.
He didn't die, but he was overthrown, removed from power in a military coup.
I'm not. Communists are against me.
>2 shills fighting
just like in Barcelona kek
Unless you are an Illuminati Jewish bankster, you're wrong.
Hello 100 posts by this ID commie user! How's it going?
>using facebook memes
If "real GDP became known", there would be no continuity from 1991 onwards. There would be a gap in the graph, not a dramatic decline.
>muh Jesus was a communist argument
nuh uh sweety.
The Proletarian Dictatorship never left. You should also show pictures of The Volga Germans being forced into labor camps in Siberia and The Horrors of forced collectivization.
>just like in barcelona
kek that was pretty good.
I believe it works to some extent if society was on a smaller scale, but as it stands I don't think it really works. Mistrust between individuals is the main thing that prevents communism from being sustainable.
>shilling that USSR was real communism™ AND that Jesus was a commie
Fucking topest of keks
jews are always at the very top of it
I also like having my own waterfront property
>poor commiefags stay out
Forgot image.
I hate communism, but I respect Che for being a brave and effective guerilla fighter.
Going from 1 to 100 is a lot easier than going from 10000 to 1000000. Do you even know basic math?
Also, why are you promoting communism? Is it because you want to be edgy like the national socialists by promoting an old ideology? Well, unlike NatSoc communism has actually developed a shitton since the birth of the USSR. Yet, you are still stuck in the beginning of the 20th century.
I would rather be dead then live like that
If you really feel like that is a good way to live your life, then move to Cuba
You are never going to become rich by honest work. No Millwright or Coal Miner will ever become Millionaires.
Why don't you make it work?
Because Communism is literally pipe dream.
Oy vey! Delete this disgusting anti-semitic photo at once!
If Jesus was alive during WWII, he would join the Red Army. If he was alive in the post-war period, he would join his local Communist party.
It's real
>I would rather be dead then live like that
Spoken like someone who's never been homeless or unemployed in his life.
Jesus was also killed by the same people he was trying to save.
I will admit Bolshevism > Judeo Menshevism but that is all.
He is better looking in this photo anyways
It's already working fine without me. Why do they need me?
I hate Kikes thats why, bullet in sll commies only thing rednecks hsve it right about.
because communism is against me and is responsible for the untimely death of over 100 million people in less than a century after not even being "tried" fully
If it works without you, then it works without any of us, so stop shilling.
Nope you're average everyday proletariat. Hence I am a national socialist. You want me dead. You're Jewish system has in the past and will always destroy.
Stop exploiting people
You have to leave. You are conspiring with Russian think tanks that want to make the Russian Empire meaningful again. Nobody likes Russians* Not even Marx liked Russians since they where retarded in time; The west had already developed greatly in terms of science, industry, culture?, etc while the Russian Empire still sustained under medieval type technology; primitive resources.
>lose economic lands
>encounter corruption from downfall of the state
>muh capitalism
Explain Chinese communism and your oppression of the workers and the common people. The USSR become the bourgeoise at the end
Because in the absence of a system that makes everyone equal id have an above average life
>average everyday proletariat
You have less than 500 dollars in savings are in debt?
I'm not against communism. I'm against Marxism. Marxism is enslavement to the Egyptian-Jewish egregore. Communism is the only moral answer to the problems of capitalism/Marxism.
Why are you for dominating and removing rights of prole?
Kike shill
Because I'm not resentful of those who have it better than me.
I like food
Like what?
all communist should be shot and dragged through the street
"exploiting" who and in what way? rhetorical questions, you're retarded and have never thought seriously about your insane ideology.
The right to self rule and sovreignty.
I assume that individual owns the means of production, and lives off the back of the workers, if he claims that communists are against him.
Because Marxist theory directly contradicts reality, and has no more chance of working than trying to fly by clapping your hands and believing.
I against all moron who chose to self-identify with a fucking ideology.
"Hey, I'm "insert ideology here" "
To me it sound exactly like this;
"Hey, I'm "insert retarded here and you'll figure it out" "
You retard.
Because I didn't just stop reading at the communist manifesto like a campus petitioning mil surplus wearing,pamphlet spamming homunculus