Donald Trump is bringing about the fourth reich

The secret society, Plus Ultra, is a variation of the Vril society. They are connected.

Who are they? They are the last remaining Nazis who have been working in secret behind the scenes, planning, for many many years, the destruction of the Jew. They are geniuses. Donald Trump is a member of the Plus Ultra secret society, as was Nikola Tesla.

A brief history lesson so that you may understand a bit better:
>The Nazi Germans had extraterrestrial technology before anyone else and had already been reverse engineering it. A full decade before the US got theirs with Roswell. Those famous Nazi flying saucer blueprints were taken from the Nazi Germans by the Americans in Peenemünde.

Donald Trump is a German, who is a descendant of the tribe of Amalek (Frankish), the very people whom are to bring about the destruction of the Jew. He is about to play his hand soon.

The remaining Nazi Germans in Antarctica are working with Trump and he is about to liberate the world from the Jew (The Synagogue of Satan) by releasing all cures and free energy technology.

The Nazis have returned and they now have power. There will be peace on Earth.

Other urls found in this thread:

>2017 was the year of the lord (5,777 in hebrew)
>Trump was born under a blood moon eclipse
>7 hours into presidency, Trump turned 7 decades, 7 months and 7 days old.
>7th US President from New York
>Officially won by 77 electoral votes, due to 7 faithless electors
>Skipped the 7th debate
>Has 7 family members
>First conference after becoming president was 77 minutes long
>Mother's name is Mary
>Father's middle name is Christ
>Declared his campaign on 6/16, saddest day on Jewish calendar (Tisha B'Av)
>Tisha B'av in 2017 is 5,777 days since the start of the war in Afghanistan on Putin's 49th (7x7 years) birthday.
>Born 700 days before Israel is founded. 777 days after his birth, Israel was a nation for 77 days
>His grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump died on 6/6/66. Jerusalem reunified on 6/7/67, 366 days after her death
>5,777 days since 9/11 is 7/6/17 (anagram of 1776) in the year 5,777
>7 hours into presidency was 7x7 years, 7 months, and 7+7 days after Jerusalem reunification on the 7+7+7th day of 2017 or 5,777
>Lamech the father of Noah (builder of the Ark), died 5 years before the flood at 777 years old, symbolizing the year 5,777
>Mike Pence was born on 6/7, which is 677 weeks after Trump's birth
>The name Donald Trump means "the ruler of the world, graced by God and a descendant of a drummer."
>Hillary fell deathly ill while running against him
>Everyone who goes against him has bad fortune
>Works with a global private intelligence agency and has Tesla's technology
>His predictions always come true

























