In this thread we discuss about different subjects and topics surrounding North,South and Central America.
So,what's the curret situation in your country?
America general
Its ok but I hope weedman gets voted out so we can have another neocon in. Neocon is as good as it gets here. Its tax time so everyone is getting constant fake phone calls from Pajeets in Brampton posing as tax agents looking for personal information and saying your bank account is about to be frozen. I got 3 today.
When the fuck did Aruba become white? It's 75% mestizo down there.
I fucking hate this country, I can't event say shit about argentinos because we have fucking ugly favelados funkeiros cor de caca cariocas puladores de carnaval
Fuck meme flag
Is there even a good candidate?
Venezuela is our Mexico
Feels bad man
Andrew Scheer is the leading conservatard candidate and hes just a liberal running in their party. I have no idea how the next election will go considering our entire younger generation voted a man in just on the fact he wanted to legalize weed. God only knows what hes going to say next. Hes importing immigrants en mass hoping they will vote for him so they can get the rest of their families in. The Liberal Party of Canada will do anything to stay in power. Their government is full of non stop lies and poring billions down the drain on stupid social projects that amount to nothing.
Is Brazil better than Mexico?
>This kills the american
Fuck this country and fuck the us gubment and the jews that run it
it was never white,stormfags and Sup Forumstards pretend it to be white just because hitler was once there,so in their flawed little logic argentina is white,is a mongrel land no different than brazil,actually is even less 'white' than brazil considering argentina has LESS european and german immigrants (12m vs puny 3.5m).
Lol who is the chink behind Murica?
are there 8+/10 girls left in venezuela? if so how much does it cost to buy one for a weekend of sex?
>how much
Kek just give her a sandwich and you have her for a full weekend
At least show your flags you complete faggots
Nope. Brazil is worse in terms of HDI, GDP, Life expectancy, literacy, crime rates and every other metric. Brazil is literally the biggest shithole in the region.
Just give her a empanada
Why are Argentinians so insecure about not being white?
>tfw rapidly becoming a latin american shithole
gas yourself my man, this is some commie bullshit id still rather live in the US in comparison to any other country on earth, gun ownership and free speech are worth the price of admission, if you work like a real man not a bootlicker employed by the government you can have anything you want. Im way richer than you poorfags and i couldnt attain this wealth anywhere else on earth
>Im way richer than you poorfags and i couldnt attain this wealth anywhere else on earth
Not everyone is as willing to suck cock for money as they are in America though yeah it's probably good money for you with those 1/4 sub Saharan African lips but for the rest of the world would struggle because we haven't had our genes shit into
Isnt 60% of the population in Costa Rica white?
Hey atleast people can go to school without some crazy motherfucker shooting up the place
Venezuela is complete ass and I’m lucky half my family is from the US or id be screwed. Fucking niggers in government took all my family’s property and do everything they can to fuck what’s left of my family’s company over there.
Can you tell me which flag flies on the islands?
aww a nice lay down? it is hard work having the most dominant culture and language the world has ever seen x
This triggers the argentinians
they do have better women but also twice the murder rate, other than that is practically the same shit they are just half nigger instead of half indio.
el grupo globino...
Nothing here.
real or not?
That and the economy, military power, resources, etc
alright mate we get it british people died in wars you might aswel post that water is wet and the sky is blue
Anyone here legitimately white living in a non-white country? How do you feel about that? Do you feel estranged when you are around people that are not like you or have you ever felt that you are different?
Answer honestly.
Nigga the man was 56 by 1945 if he did escape he prolly died during the 60s
>hating on Monsanto
we got a commie here
fuck off you little soyboy bitch
that's a peruvian/son of a peruvian.
I leave in China. Always on the watch for backstabing chinks and other funny things
China is based tho, the one country that isnt getting more and more cucked every day
You seem very sure Maradona.
we're doing better and better every day senpai.
I admire Chinese government, they banned hip-hop culture and degenerative tatoos recently, banned kpop and other garbage.
we should of killed all the natives and never imported niggers
They really don't have to love Israel so much. I'm not asking them to hate it either, It's controversial as it is, and it hurts the voter base. The Israel worship is gushy and cringy at best
te ves rubio vos de ojos claro negro trucho
los goblino del argentina
Never forget
what is the far right ginger country
count yourself lucky then fellow leaf
never mind found out it was aruba
it's not luck it's a change in ideology and way of thinking that is bringing us out of poverty
so you guys are dropping the communist shit as we embrace it
Hola to the lands south and ni hao to the one to the north.
How's it going New Worlders?
Thats right nigga
it's not necessarily economics but social ideology, less and less tolerance for corruption and more focus on education
The real Argentines are generally pretty based. It's the fucking mongrels from Bolivia that cross the border and ruin everything for everyone else.
>Englishman living in Buenos Aires
>new worlders
>feels absolutely pic related
why dont north and south america work together and fix their shit?
Communism is so shitty that only someone that never tried it before could ponder the possibility to practice it.
>So,what's the curret situation in your country?
Just a bit more for ANCAP paradise status.
i dunno, until fairly recently (-30 years) your country limited to stop the rise of a rivaling power
it may have been to much
Chile has a center right president, one of his main advisers is a right winger who is against "gender ideology".
Easier said than done.
The fuck is a "New Worlder"?
we decided middle eastern oil was more valuable than making allies. i honestly want to move down south away from this shitty facade of a good country.
reminds me of this
Sounds better than "Western Hemisphereans" doesn't it you autist?
Tell us more Nippon-kun!
If you could go back in some point in the history of your country and change one event, what would it be?
I would tell our portuguese bros to net fall on the spell on the qt3.14 native with her boobs out and start fucking everything that moves
Mass immigration is here, Chile's dead.
>one of his main advisers is a right winger who is against "gender ideology".
Literaly who?
Been here in Brazil a week for carnival and not seen any murder or theft. What I've done wrong?
There are absolutely zero good parties up here in leafland. Our prevailing attitudes basically depend entirely on what America is doing. If a democrat is in office, we like them. If a republican, we don't like them.
Also, by "we" I mean those pig disgusting Ontarians.
t. Mexican