Who's the snowflake now?
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Not me; I don't go outside.
Holy shit that's fucking terrible. The left can't meme
56% face
>Not wanting to be raped, killed assaulted, etc by spics
>Not wanting to be offended because someone calls you the wrong pronoun
also sage
An actual invasion vs. hearing different ideas, beliefs, and objective truth.
Meanwhile only inner city white leftists are ever killed by blacks. They live next to them because theyre just misunderstood
Carry on white leftists. You do not represent whites. You are not a part of our community
That’s him, that’s the shooter.
Yes, an entire country can be decoded by human feelings. Sad.
Just from smelly mexicants though.
Memes are cancer
Trumpfags confirmed for snowflakes who shoot up schools because they are losers
>He always had his hair short. He always wore like really patriotic shirts that seemed really extreme, like hating on the Islamic religion. For example, he would say things such as like, he would degrade Islamic people as terrorists and bombers. I've seen him wear a Trump hat. I don't know if he ever said anything about women. He didn't have any friends,” he said.
>"Most kids ignored him at school. They pushed him off to the side as if he was garbage. He screamed in class one time. He was upset and just started yelling at the teacher. The teacher was trying to help him and he just took it the wrong way,” Parodie continued.
>securing your national sovereignty =/= screeching about someone disagreeing with you
>destroying your county
>offending some faggots
pick one
>Most kids ignored him at school. They pushed him off to the side as if he were garbage.
Sounds like the entire student body effectively bullied him. They should have been more inclusive. Oh well, reap what you sow.
Um, excuse me, but the term "snowflake" is highly-offensive.
Please, refrain from using it in the future.
back to Plebbit
Yep. Caught it right away.
Like anyone would want to rape your sorry lard ass.
so they admit minorities are dangerous?
This is a man with no safe space.
The alt lite does it again
True, but what about the millions of other people?