Was this a turning point for America to the 2000s? Why do we have so many mass shootings now?
Was this a turning point for America to the 2000s? Why do we have so many mass shootings now?
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Becuase mondays suck
Q predicted columbine
gotta get that high score
Americans pretend to hate these occurances but actively encourage them to keep happening.
read bowling alone
your country is slowly dying and your kids can feel it
>why so many
have you been in those fight threads or those racist threads?
where you see brutal fistfights in the hallway and the staff helpless to stop them? stuff like that is why.
public schools are broken.
Now you think that only goes on in inner city schools.
it goes on everywhere, my city is only
The media keeps putting attention to them. Always focusing on the shooter and the deaths surrounding it.
Then some poor kid then thinks "I can get attention from this."
The cycle then repeats.
Anti-depressants are prescribed like candy.
Humans are violent you fucking cuck read a history book.
Subversive kikes being allowed to destroy Tradition and family
the mass shootings are sponsored by the cia and the mossad in order to take your 2nd amendment away
>Why do we have so many mass shootings now?
jew (((media))) gun grabber propaganda. Because brainwashing works on retards.
I swear it's METH. Before WW2 all the germans were publicly doing meth like it was nothing and then the holocaust came. Meth is huge on the rise for years now and no one talks about it and look at all the Nazi's America is getting. I always believed Breaking Bad was to glorify meth without actually showing the damage it causes.
why are people saying he's not white? This guy is whiter than me lmao
Another fucking faggot thread. Kike OP
Because ex mass shootings give a hint to next shooters how to get away from suffer ( getting bullied) in easiest way, and this, the USA law allow them how to defend themselves in a different way.
Texas tower shooter
Whites can't handle not being on top.
todays friday user
Liberal parents not raising their fuck trophies properly given how all the mass shooters have been registered Democrats or leftists.
we all know who's fault this is.
>so many
The death toll from these shootings in 5 years isnt even close the death toll caused by blacks shooting eachother every month in America.
It's an easy way for the government and media to false flag for anti gun agenda with maximum emotional impact on society
Monday still suck tho
I've been aware of it since 2008 and I was 16 then. You are either resigned to trying to carve out your own stake to stay alive before it's too late or angry enough to try to organize and change it. I became the latter in college
Huge if true
We always had them. It's just the left likes to promote violently mentally ill children into minor celebrities.
Culture is going to shit. Japan has gas attacks somehow.
>Was this a turning point for America to the 2000s? Why do we have so many mass shootings now?
what USA the GREAT