Other urls found in this thread:
well 56% /ourguy/ at least
>He always had his hair short. He always wore like really patriotic shirts that seemed really extreme, like hating on the Islamic religion. For example, he would say things such as like, he would degrade Islamic people as terrorists and bombers. I've seen him wear a Trump hat. I don't know if he ever said anything about women. He didn't have any friends,” he said.
>"Most kids ignored him at school. They pushed him off to the side as if he was garbage. He screamed in class one time. He was upset and just started yelling at the teacher. The teacher was trying to help him and he just took it the wrong way,” Parodie continued.
loser like most posters here
Two different people
>implying an outsider's perspective
>implying shill
we are all Sup Forums you giant cocksucking jewfag
Sage Jew threads
thats him
they were both his accounts
Faggot bait thread. Neck yourself OP.
Thanks to you assholes, its just a matter of time before I lose my autistic space.
Fuck you Sup Forums, fuck you and your bitch mother that didn't cross her legs at the moment your hating ass came from her infected cooch.
Any proof those were his accounts?
obvious actor/false flag by the liberal deep state
They did this as revenge for the USA letting Russia mediate the israel vs palestine peace deal.
I have no proof either way. But those are the archived pages of the pics that people are posting. Just so people know that the accounts existed and on instagram.
wonder why they're pointing to the fake IG account and ignoring the real one
really makes u think
can you prove that?
It's obvious it's 2 separate people. One actually has a full pic and it's him. The MAGA hat one is fake.
the people that knew him were commenting on them both about him doing the shooting
Kek wills it he is indeed 56% /ourguy/
>on daca
we jumped on this story hard, the maga hat one didnt exist when we looked and the other one did exist
His Trump hat was a ruse cruise
maga hat instagram was made last year and the other one with the army hat is from 2015
That not him you fucking imbecil
>Registered Democrat
>Our guy
There were hundreds of comments on both of them. They weren't from people who knew him. They were from twitter mobs. Only one has his full face but, people are too stupid to notice that.
I wish he killed more.
Jews aren't our guys, you imbecile.
I'll say it again, the first one has a full face pic. The Maga hat one has no full pictures. There's no way to know it's him.
We know his name. That's all we need to know. He is Jewish.
>the main audience of Sup Forums is a bunch of angry mongrels
One was his normie account, the other was his alt.
Yes, I have no way to confirm. Unless the person who found the stuff knew a link we didn't know about, we can't confirm it's him yet. As more photos are found, though, we can look for the same bed, room, items, clothes, etc.
>face conveniently covered
seems legit
"De Jesus Cruz". No, he's cuban.
No proof of that. No links between them.
that's not the same person retard
You're really milking that plausible deniability bro. Does his Trump support mean that much to you?
why was he a registered Democrat?
yes they just decided to delete everyone named nikolaus cruz instead of them both being his account
I'd like some actual proof. Similar room layout, furniture, background, something. All I have is 2 accounts with no connections and one with a full face.
So you're implying that the Insta was created prior as part of a grand conspiracy?
Fuck off, retard, and let the Autism Investigative Task Force do its job.
>"oh fuck the names don't match up uhhhhhhhh just pretend that he spells it every way possible!"
Such lazy journalism.
when was his account deleted? it didnt exist when we found the other one
I'm saying there's no connection between them and he hadn't used social media in years. He also had an abandoned twitter account so it's possible.
Pretty sure he's a registered Democrat. According to news sources, he's either 18 or 19 years old. There's one voter registration for a 19 year old Nicolas Cruz. None of the other ones are close.
But who made the fake account?
Even theoretically?
The fucking logic of these instagram accounts makes no sense.
>hide face
>have full name in both instagram handles
The shooter is a former member of the US Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps programme.
Who planned the conspiracy? There are photos from before today.
Fake picture fake news
Or that two Nick Cruzs were bombarded with hate mail and people posting their images as that of a mass murderer resulting in them closing the accounts? Do you not even remember "Adam Lanza" who turned out to be the wrong Adam Lanza? His face was literally broadcast over every news outlet nationwide as the confirmed face of a mass child murderer.
What fake account? You're calling the second fake? I said it's 2 separate people and lazy journos.
You are creating a strawman argument by insisting that the accounts are "fake" instead of just other people with the same name.
They're known to be his though. Either they've captured the wrong guy, or the accounts are his.
thats not even his name you fucking idiot
National news
They're not. You're just making up things.
reports are this attack was racially motivated
not looking good for Sup Forumstards
Muslim convert.
I'm not insisting anything, I just think you're intentionally ignoring the fact that he is a person with a known web presence.
Yup, they would delete that account. It has animal abuse on it. A bunch of people swarm the page and alert them to it. They would delete the page for that reason alone.
Don't even bother with the mutts, they're absolutely retarded. It's beyond me how they think every mass-shooting is a conspiracy lol
>They're known to be his though.
By who?
Heavy.com quotes "sources" which go unnamed.
DailyBeast.com claims that authorities have not confirmed they were his.
Schrodinger's Insta, both his and not, at the same time.
that's even more reason for both accounts to be him
Not now Sven.
Even the dailybeast stated the authorities have not confirmed either accounts were his but, one does have his full face on it.
Guess again, fag boi.
>friends with a pakistani/indonesian
>that means he's muslim
literally what is this image trying to say?
spic violence is racially motivated? who would have thought that could happen?
Why? The first one without the maga hat has no animal abuse.
Your desperate denial is better than any liberal tear.
So the other one is a guy with the same name, same location, same insta friends, same hobbies, same everything?
The Instas are on the wayback machine, I suggest taking a look.
why do they delete his social media?
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
So I guess you just unquestionably hork down whatever the media presents you with? What a good little goy you are. Question everything. I'd rather have to deal with a skeptical psycho flat earth faggot then a normie who takes the TV as gospel because there is a well groomed person in the box telling them something they want to hear.
Oh man now I have a Columbine Classic and a Florida Valentine Rifle
>It is known.
>Deys da tru tru.
the army hat account 2015-2016
maga hat with animal abuse in 2017
shoots up the school in 2018
>face covered
Sure "he" is
I have a source inside the police station
they're conducting interviews and throughout questioning he mentioned the bogdanoffs and Q?
his social media had direct connections to his fellow muslim giving him advice on firearms.
Fuck you pieces of shit! You are all monsters! How can you fucking laugh and joke about this?! There are parents that will not be able to hug their children tonight because of gun policies that YOU PEOPLE advocate for! You give guns to children then encourage them to hurt people! That’s fucking sick! I hope you right wing Nazi assholes get what’s coming your way! I hope they shut this piece of shit board down and arrest all of you sick freaks! You shouldn’t even be allowed to exist! FUCK YOU
>reddit spacing
>pure fake news
Is this supposed to be some sort of made up timeline in your head? Because there's no evidence of it.