How could this happen

how could this happen

Other urls found in this thread:

Mexicans and blacks should be banned from owning firearms.
Problem solved

Someone got trips

This video and my image will give a lot more clarity to the situation.




>bubble bath
what a fucked up website

you are an idiot

youre a fucking goof. go back to epstein's bubble bath you nasty demonic fuck


Cause there's a lot of loopy doops on Sup Forums that are disconnected from reality and think life is a video game.

Drudge is a jew homosexual
He literally let David Brock cum in his butt, on numerous occasions
He's not to be trusted

Yes it is

nobody died at SH though

also (((broward county))) sheriff
(((Scott ISRAEL)))

still better than mind raping our child hoods of the gay bert and ernie in the bath being slaughtered

They needed to cover up the NSA shooting today



I'm sorry?

what im saying is that they setup this fake persona for this kid. And his facebook followed groups that supported Palestine and shit because israel is chimping out.

just fucking jewry. it's a play on blood bath. and since these were minors and we love the 2A ahahaha theyre dead and dont know how to murder because this is a "false flag" ahahaha look at the dead kids

was rubio there?

yes they always set up the (((social media)))

Bath Salts.


Gun free zone

You didn't send enough thoughts & prayers OP

this one might actually be real damn

(((Pamela Geller)))


Why the fuck do white people shoot everything up. Im so tired of it

If theres anything that can turn me into a gun grabbing leftist, its this.

And im fucking CLOSE.

niggers shoot up shit way more often
but they also just kill with other things too

Take my fucking guns then, faggot.

also europeans

Deadlier than Alcohol? Deadlier than Driving? Deadlier than obesity? What's with the fucking lies?

This is another psyop by the Michael Bloomberg people.

See, the goal is to get guns banned STATE-BY-STATE since it's much harder to do so at the federal level.

Watch what happens in Florida in the coming months. They have a Republican governor, but let's see if he buckles.
With many of these pysops, there is a drill scheduled the same day, then they take that drill active.

A drugged-up patsty is then arrested.

Here's SWAT clearing a room, demanding the kids put their phones away:

Why would SWAT's priority in clearing the room be demanding that the kids not film them?

Shooter was a spic though?

School shooting false flag version however many the fuck

>meme flag
I wonder who is behind this post
nice conga line fellas

This has the stench off politicians trying to take our guns rights away.

its da jooz dummy. Come on - (((Israel))) is the sheriff. Are you a moron?

>With many of these pysops
fresh meat for the conspiratard dogs

stoneman look like a kool skool

Anti-Semites as well.