Annon get in here!!! Shooter was Antifa and poster 3 days ago!! image releated
Annon get in here!!! Shooter was Antifa and poster 3 days ago!! image releated
big if q predicted this
There's other images of him wearing a MAGA hat. I don't think that's him
But if that's actually him in the image, he spent a decent amount of time on Sup Forums and did this to give us an out to frame commies.
Wrong guy
>He always had his hair short. He always wore like really patriotic shirts that seemed really extreme, like hating on the Islamic religion. For example, he would say things such as like, he would degrade Islamic people as terrorists and bombers. I've seen him wear a Trump hat. I don't know if he ever said anything about women. He didn't have any friends,” he said.
>"Most kids ignored him at school. They pushed him off to the side as if he was garbage. He screamed in class one time. He was upset and just started yelling at the teacher. The teacher was trying to help him and he just took it the wrong way,” Parodie continued.
he was a maga boy
He was also a registered Democrat.
Q can't get away with predicting how big this is, if true.
> (OP) (You)
>he was a maga boy
why are trumptards trying to dindu him when hes clearly one of their own?
Who the fuck are his parents?
Fucking kill his parents
If I end up sucided with a shot gun blast to the back of the head you know what happened
Sup Forums desperately trying to create a false narrative
leftycucks on suicide watch.
He's a registered democrat, retard.
the fact that you people are using a tragedy just to further your meme agenda is disgusting
You have no idea how lucky we are that Hillary isn't in power with her democrat SCOTUS because this video alone would have been the death of guns.
Wow what a tragedy
Pol is just a fucking internet board
Is far worse when the media does it
> (OP) (You)
>Sup Forums desperately trying to create a false narrative
Negative just showing that Antifa is fucked up and those that follow the Dems so blindly have issues
Is the average retard on Sup Forums really so stupid that think the "communistic party" t-shirt featuring Marx with a lampshade on his head is a serious political statement.
can confirm i am very stupid
>There's other images of him wearing a MAGA hat. I don't think that's him
are you serious? that screams false flag.
2 birds with one stone. Try to make Trump supporters look crazy and another attack on the 2nd Amendment.
both are keeping (((them))) at bay.
hes a gun loving right wing nut job u fucking dindu champ
If you wear anything related to communism you are a extreme-leftist yes
How isn't it a political statement?
Requesting more pictures of the dead bodies
This is fake you retard
>implying trump supporters need help looking bad
>implying muh gunz are doing anything to stop kikes from ramming you dry
I don't believe that's really him. Sup Forums wasn't born yesterday. We know a false lead when we see one. Provide proof or fuck off.
True if huge
why a nazi flag then?
He was a trumpkin faggot.
Deal with it.
We must acknowledge his conviction and will to carry out the cleansing.
can you imagine having the cognitive dissosince of discovering your political ideas can cause such violent and random attacks? they have to convince themselves otherwise - its called damage control
> (OP) (You)
>He was a trumpkin faggot.
>Deal with it.
Same kid just younger faggot
>(((Daily Beast)))
Kmfdm hahaha, such edge wow
Because antifa larpers always use nazi meme flags.
What a legend.
its all connected
like the bus stabbing dude in Portland. He was a Berniebro they painted up as a Trump supporter
>19 year old
Yeah nice fucking try
>implying hispanics dont support trump
you guys shit a golden break every-time trump gets some crazy mexican woman on stage telling everyone how much she supports him... its not unheard of
Oh well, Shareblue has declared him a Trumpkin. Guys, you might want to change the words you use when you change your VPN's, you're really getting sloppy with this. it's kind of obvious that these are ALL the same person.
>Wrong guy
>>He always had his hair short. He always wore like really patriotic shirts that seemed really extreme, like hating on the Islamic religion. For example, he would say things such as like, he would degrade Islamic people as terrorists and bombers. I've seen him wear a Trump hat. I don't know if he ever said anything about women. He didn't have any friends,” he said.
>>"Most kids ignored him at school. They pushed him off to the side as if he was garbage. He screamed in class one time. He was upset and just started yelling at the teacher. The teacher was trying to help him and he just took it the wrong way,” Parodie continued.
Lol fucking shill keep working their agenda faggot p.s. nice Photoshop ass clown
>wear pony t-shirt
>most people wouldn't wear a pony t-shirt since everyone will think you like the show.
>"you think that ______ is a pony fag just because he wears a pony t-shirt? did you just assume his preferences?"
This is you brain on Marxism...
He went for a commie phase, MAGA phase, anime phase, etc, he was a socially rejected teenager, stop being dumb.
>Oh well, Shareblue has declared him a Trumpkin. Guys, you might want to change the words you use when you change your VPN's, you're really getting sloppy with this. it's kind of obvious that these are ALL the same person.
Good shit fellow Annon!
necro rubbing one out @ 0:07
When did he start wearing the hat?
how is it that with this shooting we've already gotten multiple videos released of the shooting itself as well as the aftermath, but it seems like every other big shooting all we get is smoke and mirrors?
Was there a single fucking video released of the Las Vegas shooting as it was taking place, or of anyone running around traumatized while seeing dead bodies? It's been months since the shooting and still NOTHING? But this we get multiple videos instantly.
If I remove it, will it be painful?
Sure we totally believe your fake account you dumb kike!
(((makarov))) now fuck off
you couldn't create more fake captions if you tried.
fake and gay.
I can see his face so clearly. Must be a true story... Nice try kike!
He was registered democrat I believe.
Don't you guys get it? He's none of those and all of them. The Jews link out evidence so both sides can argue with each other "no he's antifa Mexican" "no he's a racist white trump supporter" reality he does exist. This shooting was all staged. Just another typical false flag so the Democratic can take away our guns and Republicans can gave their policie state. I'm honestly a little embarrassed to share this board with such brainless like yourself
>how is it that with this shooting we've already gotten multiple videos released of the shooting itself as well as the aftermath, but it seems like every other big shooting all we get is smoke and mirrors?
>Was there a single fucking video released of the Las Vegas shooting as it was taking place, or of anyone running around traumatized while seeing dead bodies? It's been months since the shooting and still NOTHING? But this we get multiple videos instantly.
>how is it that with this shooting we've already gotten multiple videos released of the shooting itself as well as the aftermath, but it seems like every other big shooting all we get is smoke and mirrors?
>Was there a single fucking video released of the Las Vegas shooting as it was taking place, or of anyone running around traumatized while seeing dead bodies? It's been months since the shooting and still NOTHING? But this we get multiple videos instantly.
> (You)
>I can see his face so clearly. Must be a true story... Nice try kike!
Lmao you are all the same... Don't let the truth out cause our Dem party has to win... Fuck off
people from both sides are spoofing currently.
it's like a retarded MORPG/ARG
Confirmed autist doesn't understand the humor of a comedic pun
>people from both sides are spoofing currently.
>it's like a retarded MORPG/ARG
Agreed ..... I'ts a sad world we live in
Thats shill account made after the original was taken down
And by evidence of course I mean (((evidence)))
His classmates confirmed that he would wear patriotic t-shirts and a Trump hat to school and often complained about Muslims
There’s pictures of the real shooter and they look nothing alike
who gives a fuck who he was? You fucks who love your guns so much are the reason this kind of shit happens. 17 dead, 50 indjured. THIS IS THE RESULT OF YOUR HARD ON FOR GUNS. WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKTARDS. ENOUGH DEATH.
What’s this supposed to prove?
Something like 33% of Hispanics voted for Trump. That means 1/3. That’s a lot of Hispanics
Different guy
No, fucks like you who inject shitskins into our society and cause the social fabric to be destroyed are the ones responsible. There were no mass shootings in US or truck attacks in Europe until shitskins arrived.
>kmfdm hat
>e, like hating on the Islamic religion. For example, he would say things such as like, he would degrade Islamic people as terrorists and bombers. I've seen him wear a Trump hat. I don't know if he ever
how to recognize jew speak/newspeak
>anything alleged
>anything "he said she said"
>anything that generally appeals to emotion with no proof
>operating on the basis of something being true when there is literally no solid proof of it being factual
which further proves my point... shooter could theoretically be hispanic and a trump voter
Damn! We need more!
Eyebrows, mouth look alike.
And his chin is completely different
I don't think he was a magaboy, I think he was trying to throw us off and the staggering amount of misinformation being spread out doesn't help. Here you'll see that he's a registered democrat.
Same ears, The ears never lie.