This is Sup Forums's worst nightmare. A right wing male shooting up a school, with beliefs just like yours. Look at his archived Instagram pages, he's literally Sup Forums as a person. So I guess we should demonize the right and all whites and take action against them, right? Just like you do to muslims and blacks for this sort of thing? How would it make you feel? Your double standards and hypocrisy are truly showing...You rejoice when a shooter is Muslim or black but flee when it's a white and say you're not like him. I have news for you. Not all Muslims and not all blacks are like their violent minorities either. This is the result of radicalizing white males, you are responsible.
The result of radicalizing white males
no, i would say the establishment shills and their edgy puppet followers are the problem. spreading edgy nazi filth instead of being respectable non-genocidal pro-white activists.
meanwhile shall we examine the stats for violence caused by muslims vs whites? in a country where mass protests turn murderous and shia and sunni are in perpetual warfare? the middle east, where gay people and lefties like yourself are thrown off buildings?
Imagine not realizing how few people have been killed by Muslim terrorists in the west. More people die a year in car crashes than 100 years of Islamic terrorism.
B-but Sup Forums is satire
>in the west
exactly, and how much muslim terrorism in muslim countries? i'm not talking their constant civil wars, even outside of that. should we bring more of them into our countries? eaves and waves of them while rape and violence statistics go sky high and muslim no-go zones take root in france and england?
oh, i guess i'm a racist now. it's only pc to criticize whites.
>honour killings
how many of these committed by whites
>throwing gays off buildings
how many whites do this?
Jew propaganda creates a shit society that brings all races down. Do try to keep up OP.
It's the monster they made.
>literally called parodie
>white males are radicalizing and because of their isolation
>lets blame them for everything so they become increasingly radicalized and isolated
Ironic autism is still autism lol
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Cruz was not a true Sup Forumsack.
>he's literally Sup Forums as a person.
We are a board of peace and few hateful members do not represent us
It's a board of peace
>I've seen him wear a MAGA hat
>most kids pushed him to the side
Simplest explanations typically account for more of the truth - it wasn't some overarching reichwinger philosophy that drove him over the edge but ostracism, like it does for many kids. Probably he adopted rightwing politics as a means towards acceptance and selfhood/individuality. It's just sad all the way round, user
>nicholas de jesus cruz
Dude is about as white as talcum x is black
tfw another mass-shooting in muttland
Sup Forums gets hyped and because the media has yet to identify the person they're all betting it's a Muslim or a black; each time citing that stupid law that says the longer the media takes to identify the suspect, the more likely it is he's a minority
ooops turns out he isn't apart of any minority and he's white lol. Time to say everything was a false flag and make up stories about how the shooter was actually a democrat or antifa
It's demographic change and the violence we know that's coming based on how they behave in their own nations that we fear. Not the odd terror attack.
Whose nightmare now?
How in the fuck is this a white kid? Maybe in Sweden
I can understand the confusion, considering the new europeans that are assimilating there, but here brown hispanics are not white
I legitimately believe that those quotes are fabricated and propaganda. Will the students who said as much go on record to say it live and publicly?
I mean apparently they weren't too distraught to give such interestingly specific and targeted statements after seeing their classmates murdered - so surely that wouldn't be an issue?
There's like twenty on that map, which says it's all of them since 2001
shut the fuck up buzzfeed
Isnt he hispanic tho? And a registered democrat? And seen photographed with a communist shirt and hat holding up a clinched fist?
and before it was found to be a white guy you were probably getting ready to cry "not all muslims!" and rightly so. but when it's a white guy "fuck white people". you probably are white yourself, hilarious.
>with beliefs just like yours
Leftypol is over at the other site.
Not all Sup Forumsacks
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Behead those who insult Sup Forums
>De Jesus Cruz
>he's white lol
>it was found to be a white guy
Cruz? Looks Hispanic to me. Are you retarded?
>This is Sup Forums's worst nightmare.
A Hispanic shooting up a high school in one of the few remaining majority White areas in South Florida? Yeah, that is our worst nightmare.
That image is bullshit, I already checked the voter database. None of them show his name retard
>This is Sup Forums's worst nightmare
You can't have a white ethno state without a little genocide. Stop being a cuck.
spics aren't White faggot.
He is literally Non White
Evidently Cruz is Cuban, the point was that Sup Forums always try to shift blame onto any other group
>nigger and spics murder and rape 1000% more than whites
>a random non-white guy kills some people
>hur dur end the white problem
Kill yourself retarded nigger, this just proves your stupidity.
It's a white male. Just admit your kind is a naturally savage collective.
based china
I still don't forgive my government for the betrayal of one of the few good countries we had allied ourselves with, all for a cheap stab at the commies we practically funded
Godspeed ROC
leaf BTFOs leaf
what is happening
>increasing anti-white sentiment
>increasing anti-white propaganda
You have the mentality of child. Nobody is shifting the blame. Literally 73% of American Criminals are Black or Hispanic. This man is also Non White.
Everyone arguing this guy's race,ideology etc. Who gives a fuck? He was just some assholes too cowardly to off himself, no principles or ideology behind his actions just innocent defenseless kids. Fuck him and fuck all these stupid threads. I hope he gets raped to death in prison.
It's a leaf.
Lol he is literally Hispanic.
Thank you amerimutt.
Let me remind you that in the U.S whiteness isn't determined by your ethnicity. White is simply what you identify yourself as. R-e-t-a-r-d
>jews and friends label shitskins as White
>Sup Forums points out the bullshit
>you: Sup Forums always try to shift blame!
You're right user, I'm sold. Pic related.
Also this sure is a convenient narrative for a shooting, this sounds like bullshit.
>h-he was really patriotic
>i think he liked Trump
Yeah you caught me leaf, I'm a total hypocrite. Definitely hate white people 2 lol
>Sheriff Israel
Wouldn't have radicalized white men without de-facto arms of the state (media etc.) announcing their alliance with radicalized minorities.
Same goes for muslims and blacks then, right?
>Sheriff Scott ISRAEL
Holy crap not even trying to hide the false flag.
Don’t come here and lie. Hispanics aren’t white. The only reason it was ever the case is because before July 1965 is because the 2% of the US that was Hispanic was made up of Affluent Spaniards in Florida and the Southwest
Nope. This man was Hispanic. In fact Sup Forums is vindicated
the problem is that one of these things have a measurable effect on group relations. people don't get mad at cars
His last name is irrelevant. Rafael Cruz a beloved republican is also of Cuban heritage. Either way you're focusing too much on this event, I'm referring to every single time Sup Forums has threads regarding mass-shootings
George Zimmerman was white.
Wow great info I can deduce so much from that thanks
I laugh hard. Regardless most criminals aren’t actually European American and the definition of white isn’t loose. Also this is fake and gay. You guys are sad. Sweden you should contemplate suicide
Be this idiot, to not understand a meme
wow your rhetoric will turn africa around any second
Are you a newfag? Every time there's a mass-shooting Sup Forums always comes up with some bogus story of how the shooter was actually antifa/democrat/feminist/muslim or whatever lol
Just go look at the archived Stephen Paddock threads, literally everyone was saying that he was ANTIFA
They all saw the signs far ahead of time. They did nothing. There was a time when you could commit people like this, but now we just wait until these things happen. The kid from Aurora was begging for help and he was simply forced out of the university and ignored. Our society is sick in so many ways but all anyone wants to do is blame guns or politics. We all need to elevate ourselves.
Yeah, fuck the (((u.s census bureau)))
And??? He was actually an arms dealing pedo who took place in a anti Trump protest at his job. That’s a bad example
>be isolated in school
>be expelled for threats
>mother dies November of 2017
>be completely isolated with a bunch of guns
Clearly, it's because he supported Trump
Just callin it like I see it faggot
There are lots of Hispanic people that pass as whites, if you're mestizo like Tacobell Fuentes or Ted Cruz then there's literally no way of telling the difference
>they don't kill me so I should let them in!
Imagine having this much tunnel vision and being this short-sighted
Go to jail champ, the second biggest unifying factor in there is everyone's leftist.
Oh, let me re-think my whole life because of one crazy person said nobody ever
tell that to the genuine fuckers who ruined this site by actually buying pro-Trump garbage.
sage and hidden
>yeah Sup Forums clearly these people who killed a bunch of white people are right-wingers who support Trump
Ooh, the reason I'm alone on Valentine's Day is because I'm not feminist and liberal enough. Maybe I need to drink soy and grow larger man-tits to better understand woman.
I'm sorry that your K-12 education didn't work out for you. The definition of white has significantly changed in the U.S. Historically speaking Italians (Southern Italians), Scandinavians and all non-Anglo Europeans never passed as whites in the U.S. The fact that you used to refer to Irish Americans has in and out nigger proves this
I can feel that mutt anger behind your screen, please educate me more on Sweden loooool
To be fair, the biggest enemy of this world is not niggers nor shitskins, it's white liberals.
Because it's a common theme dipshit
>de Jesus Cruz
>jew news sources
>"the kids said hes a trump supporter and also loser virgin lol drumpf btfo"
>literally 0 proof of any of this being said, or any proof of that being true
really engages the cashews
Oi fuckhead he was an Islamic convert!
shame you inbreads cant read
Holy shit what's wrong with ur spatial ability dude, what's ur IQ? 85 maybe???
That queer feminist guy with a pussy hat at a trump protest was not STEPHEN PADDOCK.
There's no evidence that stephen paddock was a pedo or arm dealer so
ergo, you still believe all of the bullshit that came out of those threads, just die please
fake news or he put that there as bait.
It's practically impossible to distinguish between Hispanics and whites in the U.S LOL
Really, fuck the "shitskins are White" jewed government.
Sup Forums is a board of peace and any Sup Forumsack that uses any violence IS NOT PART OF OUR BOARD!
Both are lazy and dumb - big surprise. Nice logical fallacy.
He is white, prove me wrong
Fuck off shlomo no one gives a fuck about your bullshit. Spics aren't white no matter how much you kvetch. Jidf got a Swedish vpn.
except his name is spelled Nikolas
slide thread sage
why do you keep posting retarded shit mohammad? not used to being on the internet?