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The US is letting Russia play a larger role in peace negotiations. Netanyahu knows that US is an israeli puppet and that's why they want ONLY the USA to be the mediator. This was revenge for letting Russia be more involved.
Fucking nuts. Is this happenin? WHERE DOES THIS TIMELINE TAKE US?
We're in the best timeline and the jews are so fucked. Think about how terrible their attempts at false flags have been lately.
>Report: Trump Revealed Israeli Commando and Mossad Operation in Syria to Russians
>Trump to become first foreign leader to dine in Forbidden City since founding of modern China
>Trump’s ‘madman’ rhetoric may have scared North Korea to talks, analysts say
>Trump to Let Assad Stay Until 2021, as Putin Declares Victory in Syria
>Trump issues warning, but continues to honor Iran deal
>Donald Trump tells Israel it needs to make 'significant compromises' for peace with Palestine
>Kushner and Bin Salman Discussing a Saudi-funded Palestinian State, Report Claims
>Trump to UN Chief: Netanyahu Proving More Difficult Than Abbas in Peace Efforts
why attack America because Abbas has turned to russia?
Because this is how israel lashes out at people who go against them...
Brevik was Mossad and the week before that incident Norway sided with Palestine.
Ok then, I'll bite. How'd they activate him? Was he a sleeper cell? Mind control? Was it simply not him? I'm legitimately curious.
ah so you are saying the US are siding with Palestine and this is revenge?
Yes exactly.
Nah, I think they have Mossad agents do the shooting and they have a patsy prepared beforehand.
Bumping with this link again because it's definitely relevant.
The star WILL gorge itself on clay. Nothing will change that, no matter how many false flags the kikes try to push. This is, however, getting quite infuriating.
So will the US now allow for Russia to take it's place? It doesn't sound like Israel is wanting to deal with Russia on this issue, I mean, it's not Russia's Security Council veto that is contested over this issue so what can they achieve?
This is wholly a US Issue if they are the only ones who veto.
When have Eurocucks ever not been sided with the sand niggers?
I wouldn't worry, Israel will cease to exist and Palestine will replace them all within 10 years.
Here's what I think is going on. There's a few things.
Kushner has talked to Bin Salman about funding a Palestinian state. Also Kushner was responsible for the purge in Saudi.
Trump and Putin/USA and Russia are closer now than we've ever been before. We're sharing intelligence and even exposing Mossad operations.
Meanwhile, at the same time, there is a MASSIVE investigation going on back home. You know Preistap? Well Priestap's wife was on the 9/11 comission and her mother is FED chair in NYC. Her father is a giant goldman sachs banker. She is a zionist agent. Trump is about to expose israels corruption and evil they've done on the american people. Trump will cut all ties with israel.
/k/ here, please dump pics from today's shooting, or direct me to the sauce. Faggot /k/ mods keep deleting the school shooting threads
No, the US Congress (and everything else) is kike controlled and Trump knows it, so he lets Russia have more power in the negotiations and the DC puppets are rendered inert. In turn, Israel does what it does whenever it doesn't get it's way, it attacks innocent women and children and uses the event that it caused (in conjunction with it's kike puppets in DC) to try to disarm the American people and turn more of them against the president.
Israel is a spoiled child with government in it's pocket and kill squads operating on US soil.
It must be destroyed or this world will never know peace.
Checked. Praise kek.
>Marjory Stoneman Douglas (April 7, 1890 – May 14, 1998) was an American journalist, writer, feminist, and environmentalist known for her staunch defense of the Everglades against efforts to drain it and redefined the popular conception of the Everglades, as a treasured river instead of a worthless swamp
if there are many jewish students at this school i wonder if any have connections to those going after Netanyahu in Israel
Memri is Israeli controlled opposition.
Memri does the translations. They don't make the fucking news. The dude was speaking in english.
Here come the shills.
OP they will signal that this is a freemasonic event like all the other false flags.
The number 33 or the code CC will be shown, Also note the Sheriff's name is "Sherrif Israel" which is a clear signal this is a staged event, controlled by the zionists.
There's your Mossad cell. If we have this, so do the Feds. Hope they were trained to withstand waterboarding.
the shill will shill out in pain as he shills at you.
WASHINGTON -- Twelve Israelis who were unaccounted for in Las Vegas amidst a massacre there on Sunday night have been identified and are safe, an official with the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles said on Tuesday.
"All of the Israelis that we were looking for has been located," the official told The Jerusalem Post, confirming that their diplomats on the ground in Nevada were on their way back to California.
32 could signal the 32 floor where the imaginary gunfire came from, also note--
also those numbers could combine to make a 33. This phoney staged event will be as silly and as fake as all the others, also why all these hoaxes coming from Florida?
Also the dude had 13 tattood on his neck, coupled with the 12 israelis found. It must mean he was #13
Doubling down. I can respect that. I'm sure you'll say that Mike Scheuer is a shill too though, right? You know, the ex-CIA analyst saying that Israel is at the heart of all of our problems? The guy that mentions that every time Israel doesn't get its way, we have a school shooting within days? They guy that drops redpills every time he opens his mouth? He's controlled opposition, right, leaf?
ABC News - Israelis Detained on 9/11 Spies
Spy Rumors Fly on Gusts of Truth - Marc Perelman - Forward
FBI report - Israelis caught celebrating after first tower was struck
DEA report on Israeli "art student" spies who visited sensitive DEA and DoD locations directly prior to 9/11
What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks? [good summary]
FOX News - The Israeli 9/11 Connection ep.1
>[YouTube] The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links (embed)
Ryan Dawson - War By Deception [contains info on how ((neocons)) used 9/11 to get us into Iraq]
>[YouTube] War is always by Deception (embed)
Israel Mossad Chief - Juval Aviv, (mossad agent on whom the movie 'Munich' is based)
>[YouTube] Juval Aviv on Israel and 9/11 (embed)
tries to cover for Israel but ends up admitting a lot
2.40 'there is no doubt that there were various Israeli teams in America... who were MONITORING terrorist networks...
3.08 'Israel had [the 9/11] information that they were giving the American government..'
continues to blame the CIA for storing bombs in the towers
Whats it like living in a world of delusion?
I bet it's nice, thinking you're so much smarter than everyone else.
Sadly that makes no sense
It's so funny how all the pro israel posters on Sup Forums call people delusional and schizophrenic in every thread.
>says it doesn't make sense
>doesn't explain why it doesn't.
You're not even trying anymore.
There is no doubt these are pictures of Mossad extra super secret agents.
it gets so tiresome.
where is this based mother fucker right now? fucking hollywood jews made him suicide i bet.
Nope. He's still around:
He's part of Veterans Today which is a CIA operation I think. That website talks about Jews every day. It's grea.t
can someone tell me whats happening?
Jews did a false flag on this school. I've already seen shills pushing the narrative that the kid was a syrian/palestinian sympathizer. This happened ON THE SAME FUCKING DAY that it was announced Putin was taking a larger role in the peace deal and the US would play a smaller role. They did this to gain sympathy for israel and to have another excuse to delay the peace deal.
did any kids get hurt?
No idea.
oh shit
Just like the crisis actor Omar Mateen. Ignore the fake signs they leave, that's the "false flag" element. Pay attention to the Police chief "Israel" Cannot even make this shit up.
NO. The point of this thread was that this shooting was because Trump is letting Putin handle the peace negotiations in a bigger role. Israel did this to get revenge against the US.
They are gonna claim that the kid was a Palestinian sympathizer who went ot the school to kill jews.
Why is it that all shills jump right for the tried and true "you are mentally ill, because I am right and have said so." Your nose is showing man. showing hard. The worst part is, if you adapt to blend in, you loose all sense of self once you stop acting like a smug self righteous fuck head.
>that image
Jesus Christ, what is even real anymore? How can they be this obvious? I need to start going to church again, this is fucking insane.
I'm a shill?
I could have sworn I went to work all day, went to the gym, came home and ate dinner and played fortnight for 2 hours then came on here.
Are you that deluded to think anybody who disagrees with your delusions is a shill?
>They are gonna claim that the kid was a Palestinian sympathizer who went ot the school to kill jews.
You think this wouldn't happen without any influence?
It's common place in palestine and israel.
Palestinian gunman are nothing new, going back to even 1940
Fucking kill yourself JIDF. This was another Mossad false flag and you won't change anyones mind here.
some mentally ill retard shoots up a school,, its about Israel? thats a stretch, don't get me wrong i wish the holocaust wasn't a lie but this is just a stretch.
You didn't even read through the thread. FUCK OFF KIKE.
>every single thing in the world is an opposition towards the US
hmm, sounds (((FISHY))), really wonder where you're going with this
Slow that down a bit. But yes, slide it.
>we can communicate with the dead
i watched and read the webm
sure the jews did 9/11 and USS Liberty, stole our nukes etc, but if some lame brained kid shoots up a school its to cover up a story not ONE SINGLE normie would even give a shit about in the first place?
It's not to cover up a story retard. It's to lash out at us for letting Russia play a bigger role.
So you honestly think palestinians gunman dont exist?
You head is above the clouds (literally if a palestinian decided to do a suicide bombing)
And they are all jews! I challenge you to prove its not true.
Wasn't to cover anything up. It was to swing back at the US for giving Russia a larger roll in peace negotiations. This was Israel throwing a temper tantrum.
The US didn't let russia play a bigger role, the US is doing everything netanyahu wants, its the palestinians who are making a deal with russia.
There would be an attack in russia, not the US, if you theory is even remotely correct?
Fuck em, Trump is being based as possible with Syria IMO, and I'm sure his Generals would like to see some action.
Fuck off faggot.
Attack sponsored by Israel
Targeted a school that is 40% Jewish?
Yes. They want to say that the kid supported Palestine and killed Jews to get revenge against israel for their evil in the middle east.
Who is winning by doing a false flag? No one, it would be insane, USS liberty situation had a ton to gain, it was a risky gambit. Doing a revenge flase flag has no point
Fuck off israeli faggot. You are a kike piece of shit that is paid to sit on Sup Forums and say It's not israel. Well you know what? It's always fucking israel. If it wasn't you wouldn't be here.
Why don't you answer questions which may prove your theory better instead of lashing out like that?
How's the internet in palestine?
Find a nice US proxy?
>what is a false flag
Have you not seen Jews put swastikas on their own property? Or blacks write racial slurs about themselves?
They just do it to condition the sheeple, like a constant program of mind-control, we're supposed to fear some 'terror' or fear mass shootings or whatever retardation they cook up.
Look up "Problem reaction solution" and the New World Order masonic program for total control. Trauma based conditioning.