What are the differences in political conversation between here and other online forums?
What are the differences in political conversation between here and other online forums?
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You are welcome at reddit.
We use better pictures.
Jokes aside, that's a common thing I see in Reddit, that the users there are accommodating.
The problem is I don't think it's genuine accommodation or care, it's a hiding game so you don't get outed as a bully and have the community scold you.
When do you ever see on Reddit a "Fuck off with your shit opinions faggot" response to anyone?
Not that that response is constructive, but don't you need that element to be able to discuss things openly?
I'm certain that the people that use this term are redditors who can't get rid of the upvote/downvote mentality
The upvoting system on Reddit is great for getting facts and aggregating material, but is shit for discussion.
>have “intelligent” discussions with whoever this reddit guy is
>get banned for having a different opinion or disproving his argument
enough said
I only use geographic location where/when I have a reason to. Do you remember Sup Forums before geographic location flags? Of course you don't.
It really sucks that the place that puts the most thought into their posts (because they have to, by rule) without obvious ad hominems, is also populated by people with absolutely shit opinions and ironically no independent thought.
Reddit is cognitive bias: the forum. If anything differs from the opinion of the majority it's going to get downvoted. Also, you can make a shitty argument but make it sound intelligent and get upvoted - but if you use the same argument but state it bluntly you'll get downvoted.
> owned by news company
> owned by billionaire
> who is largest shareholder of TWC
> ran by cuck
> who openly manipulates site
> who promotes cucked subreddits
> attracting more idiots
> morally corrupt /r/stealing and /r/shoplifting
> pay to win votes
> le wendys "memes"
> "haha idiot rich people" as $0.004 more is deposited to the billionaire's account
I'd rather sift through this dogshit place, thanks
>reddit is morally corrupt for stealing
>on a site that laughs about school shooters
> dogshit
Funny thing is the school shooting videos are on /r/watchpeopledie and not here. Also what's humility? I didn't learn that in school.
They are the same in bias confirmation.
Here, I can call you a nigger and a faggot, and there I can't.
why bother if you know the answer?
One is a place were people will post what is popular because they are karma whores the other is a place where you post what you want and get called a faggot when your being a faggot
this image must have been an user trying to scare normies.
>heavily moderated and forced politeness
>Supports "Freedom fighters" aka ISIS
>owner will change your posts and sell your info
>owner manipulates the upvotes on post that fit the sites agenda so it's seen first
>tries for fight injustice but can't organize anything properly
>messes with people for some white knight propose
>can't get a presidential candidate who had every advantage elected
>screenshots post from Sup Forums for upvotes
I only use Reddit for a couple of video game/mods subs where the Devs are active
Sup Forums
>everyone is a faggot
>only rules are don't spam or break Federal laws
>has confirmed kills against ISIS
>previous owner made times top 100 list
>fought scientology and won
>regularly brings animal abusers to justice
>no profile needed means no competing for votes
>messes with people for shits and giggles
>Pools closed
>got Trump elected
Oh okay, so if i were to discuss something about race, and tell plebittors that equality is nothing but a meme, they would downvote you with everything they got. Thats how they assure you keep your voice down, the downvotes will be applied by people that just want you to shut up. They think downvotes actually mean that you are in the wrong, but its the website culture.
Do you know why independent forums dont get The traction anymore that they used to get like 10 years ago? Its because reddit has the whole market to themselves, there is a subreddit for everything so you dont need special forums for it anymore. And thats the real bummer, in the old days every forum had its own culture, but teddit they have they culture in every subreddit. So whatever you say, you will be judged accordingly to the culture of reddit, a progressive shithole, an echo chamber in short words. Everyone acts the same no matter how different the subjects (subreddits) are.
>The upvoting system on Reddit is great for getting facts
no, it's great for making visible what everyone already thinks are the facts
Free speech vs censored content, your posts on Sup Forums are judged purely on there merit
It's the reason Sup Forums pioneered trollface, pepe, darude sandstorm, and most memes in internet history. The rest of the world follows
That pretty much summarizes it.
It's great for playing opinions off as facts, too.
i literally had a thread deleted earlier for saying that donald trump is a racist
Filled with hook-up attempts???
Sup Forums is where memes get made, plebbit is where memes go to die.
Do even the creators of Reddit think that at this point?
It’s freeze peach
Reddit shadow bans people. It's utterly dishonest and corrupt. First it's crooked because it's trying to fool someone into thinking they are posting when they aren't. Secondly, it's lying to the readers who think they are reading an honest debate, when really a censor has eliminated any opinion he disagrees with, and doing it surreptitiously.
Would you think a court case would be fair if only one side could speak? Hell no. But, Reddit does exactly that... Censors opposing views to create a false impression of agreement.
Give me Sup Forums any day. At least I'm hearing diverse viewpoints, and have a choice to select what I want in the "marketplace of ideas".
this reddit censors and cherrypicks discussions. Only certain ideas or opinions are allowed everything else gets deleted or shadowbanned. Not even insane racist shit, just things that the mods of whatever subreddit happen to disagree with. It's a problem because reddit is a huge platform and the mods have essentially turned it into an echochamber. Discussion the mods don't like? Comments deleted, users shadowbanned, thread locked. sage
The virgin forum vs THE CHAD IMAGEBOARD
>The virgin forum vs THE CHAD IMAGEBOARD
Anybody using any political subreddits are probably retarded. Reddit is better at memes than Sup Forums right now for this reason. On reddit I can choose to see exclusively funny content, on Sup Forums politics are infused into everything now. Even most political memes are shit nowadays. The only thing Sup Forums has going for it right now is the fact you can say whatever you want without repercussions.
It's always been political on Sup Forums, but every now and then we put aside our differences in priority of memes. What you fags refuse to realise is that opposing views is what made Sup Forums a great place to be, you could say whatever you wanted while at the same time see different perspectives. Now most left wing people only visit occasionally, and in their absence you autist's political opinions have gone way off the deep end. Its going to have to take some calamitous event for you cunts to realise this.
Nigger hate thread now!
Op is a Faggot sage
Where'd you get that image from user
Reddit is little more than a mainstream hivemind. It is the AOL of internet discussion. Completely nerfed.