Wait till someone you care or love is involved in a shooting ,and your tragedy is called fake
A reminder to all the conspiracy nutcases on this board, fuck off. Real people died today
Other urls found in this thread:
>lets scream to let the shooter know we are there
yeah, their sacrifice was frivolous before the sjw debacle of a few 100.000 youths brainwashed into cultural marxism AND political activity.
Not that ACTIVITY IS WRONG, but let's face it folks, SJW cultural marxism IS A NATIONAL DEAD-END.
>exactly why it's pushed on macDonald-eaters.
to fucking fuck their social fabric up
inb4 leninism for the disintegration of societies
Appeal to emotion/virtue argument will get you no where.
False flag doesn't mean that there were no deaths.
im a belieber
Israel did this to get revenge.
It was faked by the Jews.
it was literally a counter intel op perpetrated on the American people by their own government
>"Our fucking school is getting shot up"
Real people were killed but there's always a chance the shooter was a government spook like in Vegas. The whole "crisis actors" shit is just disinfo to muddy the waters.
The freaks on reality shows are NOT real people, you deluded fuck.
what was that vegas stuff about the push for metal detectors coming everywhere?
Sandy Hook showed what a shitty false flag looks like. The fact that it happened at all just makes people look closer at the next happenings that drive liberal media stories.
Los Vegas has more than its share of inconsistencies. This one will as well.
Vapid NPCs that psychologically torture people for fun aren't real people. Good riddance.
I hope they suffered.
Guys look just because this board is overflowing with wannabe tough guy Trump cultists threatening to murder blacks and Hispanics and gays and liberals and roasties and normies is no reason to stereotype this murderer as a proto typical murderous Trump cultist.
Trump worship is a religion of peace. The God Emperor says that even though he would kill a guy on Fifth Ave and get away with it, that we shouldn't kill.
That's how you can tell it wasn't really him on his Instagram and how come it's a false flag.
Please be more tolerant, and please watch out for white spacing when you type words. It's indicative of Reddit spacing and triggers the community here in what is supposed to be a safe space.
explain this anons.
Kek. You have no idea where you are.
for you
This idiot is one of those brainlets who think that a false flag mean nobody died.
> tfw
My siblings know the guy. They were at school today right down the hall. Fuck that guy and fuck You conspiracy theorist
why the fuck are there shells flying through the air though
School's pretty Lit. senpai.
neck yourself you worthless faggot
Cry me a river, faggot. Fuck off to Reddit where you belong, you weren't invited here.
>conspiracy nutcases
hi cia
kek this is the first time I've seen clyde mentioned on pol. he doesn't know much about the political side of things but can be have some entertaining content
I'm a crisis actor and I was at Douglas today with the other crisis actors. It's all fake.
>Wait till someone you care or love is involved in a shooting ,and your tragedy is called fake
I doubt that will be a major concern.
Were they attempting to say the suspect was on the stretcher. Because it was empty
>t. Vapid NCP
>Real people died today
>having people you love or care about
>A reminder to all the conspiracy nutcases
Whites are conspiracy nutcases but blacks lived in Wakanda and are Egyptian royalty.
>everything on the news is fake
>no one has ever died
>guns are Jewish
>Jewish are jews
>bodies are fake
>all senators are cyborgs
>everything is fake
>my parents are fake
ya bro heron bay checking in. thats all im gonna say.
You can think it's a conspiracy and people can still be dead. People die as a result conspiracies literally every day you fucking jackass.
I used to listen to this guy years ago, he really is blue pilled as fuck. False flag doesn't mean anyone didn't die.
What discord channel are you on?
my son died in sandy hook and... this one too.
Looks fake, bro.
hi back
Cruz jumped the the fence after first fire drill and blended in. he was wearing the HS colors/shirt.
may had informant about the fire drill
You see these? You know what these are? They're freedom. They're safety. I'll tell you this, because your parents didn't tell you about the real world.
There are people in this world that are sick, either mentally or if you believe spiritually. They have no other goal than to inflict as much suffering as possible. Inanimate objects DON'T kill people, a human being did this. Human beings, not guns kill people, humans, not pesticide killed people. You say that without guns those people wouldn't have died, but they DIDN'T HAVE ANY GUNS.
Just like in Russia, where Ukrainians were stripped of guns, and starved to death.
Just like in Germany, where who practiced a faith were stripped of guns, even those who fought for Germany, were worked, shot, starved, gassed, or left to die.
Now in comparison to the MILLIONS of people who died helpless, like those people did in that school, waiting for SOMEONE with a GUN to save them.
This is the world we live in. I'll take 17, mourn their lives and try tell the idiots in charge that a GUN would have saved them. But you, would have people with GUNS take our GUNS, and then what?
Do you think that someone, won't just do what that kid did, just on a massive scale?
Kid, grow the fuck up.
Nice try gun grabber. You libshits won’t get my guns but you’ll get a couple of bullets
All events are false flag until proven otherwise. NSA was shot up today, syria/israel/usa/russia escalations, now this. this could all be crisis acting - just dont know. the media channels are infected we dont know
this fucking feel
this fucking feel literally dozens of times per day
Fucken saved my guy.
Hold on a while so I can pull this out my ass. Fake News, its just a big hoax by the MSM. Do not trust the sources of the algorithms, they are being manipulated by the same people that were behind the Las Vegas Shooting.
Q predicted this
can I get even one single example of a person on Sup Forums threatening to kill any of the kinds of people you listed? it's sort of a big deal here that no one ever makes any threats, and we are all very, very open about our disdain, disgust, and hatred for all of the groups you listed, but in all the time I've been here I've never seen any threats
In fact, the only threats I ever see are faggot commie larpers making what seems like empty threats while rocking a nazi meme flag or confederate meme flag and then actually going out and killing people, because subhumans and communists deserve to be hanged
and if you think stating someone deserves death is a threat you're even more of a fucking retard than I thought
Nobody is saying the deaths are fake, just the motives and MO.
neon green, nice choice, glows great in the dark
A reminder to all normalfags on this board, fuck off. Your tears can and will be used to exploit you and further an agenda if it can. They love using people like you to do exactly what you are doing right now -- shilling for a narrative.
Very real
Did anyone make this connection here yet?
Boward County Reps.
District 20
Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D)
District 21
Congressman Ted Deutch (D)
District 23
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
District 24
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D)
Sorry, but that statue is going to have to come down.
Begone, concern troll.