I hate white people now

i hate white people now
congratulations Sup Forums you've done it
i use to be cool with everyone regardless of their race
thanks for making me racist

good for you.

apologize for what you did to me

me too, now i laugh when i see white women with half black babbies instead of just feeling uncomfortable.

>Blaming us for you coming here
Look at this faggot

I think that's what we want. Show us your true coulours. Vindicate us and legitimize us. Go forth, you [insert prefix if applicable]nigger.


can't help yourself but to jump on a tragedy for personal gain

this place changes you
there's no warning
you just jump down the rabbit hole
i have to eliminate your race now

to bad, its you who came here and ended up like this stop blaming others for your problems.

you what?

why do white people commit so much cime in london?
it became a shithole when more whites came in

everyone shit. just some are more shit than others
regardless of race.

>hates White people
>uses a computer and the Internet invented by White people to let White people know
You should get rid of your refrigerator and cell phone too once you throw your vidya, computer, and ISP account in the trash.

Good, because we hate Pakis too, fuck off mate.


Polish are not white.
They are white mixed mongrels mixed with Caucasus subhumans, Middle easters and sometimes Mongol Siberian trash.

you fucking chav tosser
don't make me spin you jaw lad
you would never say paki to an actual paki
pussy manlet

we hate polish scum here
they get banged when we see them
one white person makes a computer
therefore the entire white race is responsible for one invention

cool. we hate you too. you'll find that out the hard way within the next decade or two.

chill paki

I don't hate nobody, not even niggers. I just want them all out of my country, and that includes you paki piece of shit, and also non med whites.

Kill yourself faggot

>one white person makes a computer
That "one White person" only had the education and opportunity to do so due to the civilization created collectively by the Whites that came before him, including the mathematics and engineering technology that served as a foundation for computer science.

>one White person hurts your feelings
>I hate the entire White race

>brown reggaeton shithole
no one wants to visit a shithole lad sorry
portuguese get jumped in england
they're faggots

>no one wants to visit a shithole lad sorry
God i hope haitians and congolombians would agree with you.

Good for you my man

P.S. Kill yourself

>gypsy telling me to kill myself

Get the fuck off of my island.

You need ti ge the population number, to get a criminals/10.000ppl, i.e. more meaningful data.
>As of 2016, the number of UK residents born in Poland was estimated at 911,000, making them the largest foreign-born group in the country
See? your stats are shit. Need more data.

born here lad
never gonna leave

I would leave Finland alone if I were you, OP.

>being this retarded
Yeah, you know, because whites definitely didn't make the discoveries and develop the theories that resulted in literally every aspect of modern electronic and digital technology. Not at all.

Just do it, it will be good for you and society as a whole

fuck u have bomb


>Sup Forums
Fuck off shill. Sup Forums is a peaceful multi-culti paradise.

Non-whites should stop culturally apropriating white inventions, starting with electricity and lighting

Fuck off wog


Wow, I love minorities now!


>never gonna leave
Because your ancestors came from a garbage place. I understand.

Not an argument my friend :^)

wtf I hate Lily now.

this but unironically

Plus, your filename says

Checkmate abdulah

my family moved from belgium actually
>romanian is angry that he's non white

So you live in a country built by whites, using a computer or phone built by joint efforts of asians (orientals, not some pakistani or whatever) and whites on an internet built by whites.



the eternal Semitic anglo is attempting its Jewish tricks

Then you are white. :3

black people can live in belgium you know
this country will be muslim owned soon
whites know it as well
black and asian muslims will own this country

Sucks to be a paki shitter doesn't it?

I'd say it to your face all day you goat fucker :D

If you try to wipe us out we will just pull an Obi Wan, but instead of the force we will disappear into the east Asian ethnogroups.

>this country will be muslim owned soon
>whites know it as well
Yeah, and it will turn into a shithole if that happens.

good, go back to pakistan

Then your ancestors never came from Belgium. They came from Africa.

My ancestors came from Belgium. They were Flemish.

i know
can't wait until euros get deported en masse

i hate Jews now
congratulations OP you've done it
i use to be cool with everyone regardless of their race
thanks for making me racist


True. Continentals annoy me. Can’t wait for the 29th.

you don't wanna play this game you mutt

I'm sorry I left you here.

>"I hate all white people."

"White people created the technology you're using."

>"Umm, we should treat people as individuals."

whites are naturally evil
after observing whites i've understood that they don't have empathy

come at me bro. New England is the true home of the anglos now. you are just bait for the rapefugees

fuck off shlomo

>White people are the only race that lets people flood their countries and change their culture and demographics.

>"White people don't have empathy."

Bitch, they have too much empathy.

>new england
a ripoff can never surpass the original
le joo meme xd

oh yeah like what?
killing raping enslaving genociding stealing

Hope you know that OP is taking the piss.

Like every other race has done?

Stop replying lol.

Why are niggers so dumb? 80 IQ is way too high for them. Even Koko the gorilla was smarter than this chimp

Stop replying lol.

The better version is always better.
we don't need butter knife loicences 'ere

You are a very gullible person.

>yfw mass shooters are all white people

can't say i blame you, OP

whites are presumably mass shooters IMO i wouldn't trust one with a gun

white people are the best at that
you know i've got a knife right?
getting a gun isn't even hard
i could easily obtain one if i wanted

Don't go on larping now, bud its ok.
if you are white enough you can come to ne asn live a better life

>>White people are the only race that lets people flood their countries and change their culture and demographics.

When will this meme end?