How come so many mass shooters are pol tard types?
How come so many mass shooters are pol tard types?
We're fucking out there bro.
it comes with the territory of being an alienated incel with no real opportunities in life
Wasn't he a communist? Was he false flagging as commie
>Nicolas De Jesus Cruz
We warned liberals about Hispanics but you wouldn't listen.
because once we reach critical mass the world ends and becomes a national socialist state.
that's him in a MAGA HAT lol
nigger that isn't the actual guy lmao
There is also a picture of him wearing a communist shirt
isn't every other school shooter a witeboi though? let's not forget who had the previous highest kill streak before da jesus
why is the leaf posting false flags?
That's not him, you idiot. Lurk more.
he's a far-right trumpfag
He's with her
>full russian hacker angle
aaaaand its a false flag
because u have to be a retarded lunatic to be a pol tard
not to mention a dindu
I’d lash out too if the prognosis was terminal
why are u dindu chimp right wingers so ashamed of your violent ideology and rhetoric?
He had two instagrams
who else would visit Sup Forums
2 accounts
this btw
>We're out there fucking bro
>registered Democrat
>far right
I've asked before and I'll ask again: WHEN did he start dressing like that?
I'm an elite spy who has worked with the NSA CIA FBI among other organizations I am not allowed to mention here. I graduated at the top of my class from facial recognition school. I have over 30 years of field training examining facial structures, eye geometry, and nose trigonometry. You could say I'm in a league of my own. One thing I can say without a doubt, if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
you're literally fake news and a dindu u filthy piece of scum
Think about it. All Nazis are basically school shooters.
"the Jews are richer then me, their intelligence and clout intimidates me and I feel culturally alienated from them...hmm, I guess I'll kill them all!"
Lol falling for the troll antifa account
Poor dog looks scared. Are most rural and suburban Sup Forumstards predisposed to violence against animals?
go to hell
yes they are sick freak degenerates
It really doesn't matter what his politics are. Florida has the death penalty, right?
>says this after its confirmed shooter is a trumpkin
you don't think he existed 3 days ago?
you fucking nigger
bad shop
fake and gay
cant possible verify if thats the shooter
Bet if this freak was black pigs would shoot him on sight. Funny how they can show restraint when the skin tone is light.
He's a patsy, of course they're going to frame him as a Trump supporter.
I don't care who this little bitch supporter. He's a non-person at this point.
He's a Russian! Trump voters dont' exist.
And you fags always say we don't have the balls to do anything
Yeah, you guys have the balls to shoot defenseless kids
Funny how trump supporters are always the violent ones.
Coming from the nigger flag guy, that sure means a lot Jamal.
He is a registered democrat voter.
But they're almost always radicalized. Anyway, he's a confirmed antifatard and nucommie, so you can cancel this op now, David.
You BLM types are as hideous as White Nationalists.
Dead frog = symbolizes pepe
Happy lizard = symbolizes the lizard/reptilian overlord
Almost like (((someone))) wanted to send us a message
why is it so fucking hard for liberal morons to understand that he would be wearing that hat ironically
I’m wondering why aren’t there more. All anyone does here is bitch and moan and bitch some more. At least fuckers like this are doing something about. Mass shooting is the greatest red pill.
The shooter has red hair.
why are trump supporters so angry and violent? All this fake antifa super soldiers outrage, when you people are the violent ones. What a fucking disgrace.
Male virginity past the age of 20 and mass murder are highly correlated
An autist Asian?
Democrats are not leftist, though.
>everything completely covered
>it's him! it's him!
Try again.
>killing frogs, communist shirts, and a hat every shill bought before violently disrupting Trump tallies while working for the Shilldawg campaign
>Look, this pic proves he voted for Trump even though his voting record contradicts that assumption xD
You deserve a choice seat in hell.
But he is under the age of 18. How is he a registered Democrat?
> de Jesus Cruz
> white
If that picture was truly him every article about him would be titled "Nikolas Cruz the Crazy Trump Supporter Who Murdered 15 Students"
We're being raided.
The shooter was a communist spic.
OP is a fag from shareblue along with the other fake threads. lurk moar newfags. The left is losing.
unfuckable hate nerds who are narcissists (why they like the fat orange turd POTUS) and refuse to admit they're failures because they're a mess.
So they need to blame Spics, Niggers, Jews, Women etc. etc. Meanwhile Russia-bots here fucking stoke their tiny cock anger and laugh at how gullible they are.
Sup Forums is a cesspool FILLED with some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the internet. Remember that guy who shot up a pizza place because he believed #PizzaGate? Or that fat little bitch who crashed the car mommy bought him into a bunch of normies walking around the Tiki Torch Circle Jerk.
tl;dr Trumpcucks are the DUMBEST fucks.
I'm not lmao. I just like trolling both right and left
He's not under 18, why are you so ignorant?
Same way deceased people vote Democrat
Yeah. It's "him" with his face covered.
Need a safe space faggot? Reality is fucking your ass. You should like it virgin.
"Raided" = Reality
"Shareblue" = WTF is that?
Hey there leaf, aren't you a special one.
best post in the entire thread.
You know the kid is Hispanic right?
He was probably an user from this board. He probably had created "I'm ending it all" thread. Sup Forums probably told him to take a bunch of degenerates out with him and cause a happening if he was going to kill himself. Now it finally happened. Good fucking job, guys..
You fell for the OP's trick hook, line, and sinker. You should reflect on your gullibility as it presents a serious weakness in your current state.
Bullshit. The guy was antifa
The types that shoot up schools (sociopaths/autists) are overwhelmingly attracted to the alt right/right because they lack empathy
Pure Coincidence
He's still a Sup Forumsfag Trumpcuck though.
It's about being a self-hating tiny dicked pussy. You should know that much.
>right-wing ideology told him to kill a bunch of white people at his school
But most school shooters have been left wing. And this kid is Hispanic.
Poor photoshop.
Here's the actual image, complete with dead pepe. He's a registered democrap and hates the alt right.
I fogot to say that is not an antifa shirt its a joke shirt communist party the commies are haveing a party on his shirt jackass
not him
la creatura...
Why are you doing so many mental gymnastics?
Yeah, no. He's a Trumpcuck Sup Forumsfag. You haven't been watching the interviews with the kids from the school?
I mean his opener was showing girls his gun collection.
Hispanics do have tiny dicks so you may be on to something.
Cuz it was a false flag
Swallow that shotgun and find relief