What do you think?
What does/ pol/ think of john oliver
i don't think
>watching John Oliver in 2018
very skilled at reading a teleprompter, and I mean that as a compliment.
Harry Potter's really let himself go.
He's got to go back.
hes probably cia/mi6
you run them over with your car
the worst kind of anglo
Massive cuck
I'm positive he will get outed as a sex offender.
Just fuckin looks like one.
The quintessential soy boy.
I'd like to murder him
I wouldn't even know who he was if I didn't come on Sup Forums
While I agree with a decent amount of what he says, I find his stage persona unbearable. He basically just recycles the same few jokes with an annoying amount of smugness. I can't watch his show anymore without cringing.
If it came down to it.
A literal "who" here.
self defense situation
Swapped spit
can't hide that hook
>even Brits hate him
he is a cuck but he has very few videos or episodes that are acutally good like the one where he talking about mlm's
twit that learned to draft on pop culture
His team does half assed research and then distorts the truth to fit their agenda. Hell notice he stopped even mentioning the fact that the shows being sued after laughing about it constantly. Yeah turns out being a blaggard has it's drawbacks
He's genuinely a funny and smart dude who is so fucking left that it's obnoxious though. I like it when I hear him go on about something pretty neutral of a subject, but anything overtly partisan gets old really, really fast with biased research and really selective material usage.
I only watched 1 or 2 seasons and it was really, really clear that his writers use a pretty strict formula with the setups. That too was annoying. Probably one of the dumbest, left-leaning comedy writers in the business.
He's what people are talking about when they say "liberal media." Liberals get special laugh-o-thons on every other channel. Bill Maher, Oliver, Trevor Noah, etc.
It's okay. their false doctrine will burn soon.
*groups of writers
cuck asshole should be deported as a traitor.
3rd unfunniest guy on tv behind Trevor Noah and Samantha Bee
How can he not be Jewish?
I mean look at him. He's practically a merchant.
He seems like an intelligent guy. I actually like a lot of the stuff he says; not everything but a lot. But he definitely looks and kind of comes off like a faggot.
he glows in the dark
No we don't even know who he is. Why America keeps doing this for our cast offs that are hated here I don't know?
Americans need help, they need shooting more.
He's the king and final boss of the soy boys.
>what does / pol/ think
>meme flag
>1 post by this ID
>literally nothing