Why is National Socialism no longer considered a serious political movement? Why do National Socialists no longer garner fear and respect but rather scorn and mockery? What happened?
Why is National Socialism no longer considered a serious political movement...
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iT's ALL "dA (((j00z)))!!!!"
Because socialism is a bad concept and deserves mockery?
Dumping far-right cringe
because like all forms of socialism, it's an absolute failure
Most people cannot think out of the realm of acceptable cultural thought. The foundational myth of WW2 and the nazis has been slammed into their heads for close to 6 decades. I mean are you really that retarded to not be able to connect those dots?
gaas all gikes x---D race wars now x-DD
Reminder the left doesn't look like a bunch of beta losers.
>Why is National Socialism no longer considered a serious political movement? Why do National Socialists no longer garner fear and respect but rather scorn and mockery? What happened?
Empirical facts happened.
Is that those "Atomwaffen Division" fags? Haha.
Did you forget about ww2? That's pretty much where it got btfo
Because it was BTFO 70 years ago and not a single viable example of it has happened since.
>believing this
>being an alt-right nazi
Omg I love niggers now
>thinking everyone left of mao is an alt-right nazi
>still crying hillary didnt get elected
To the commies I only have one thing to say:
START clapping and NEVER stop.
I don't get it... is this suppose to be a satire thread because they're all ugly af like their fathers fucked their mothers.
>kekistan flag
oh god what a faggot
Fuck off retarded racist nazi
Since fat rednecks make up the bulk of it's followers. Just like the skinny junkies on the other side.
China is a National Socialist state right now
Are you talking to yourself?
It’s a dissociation thread. The point (in their minds) is that we’ll see these pics and be like “omg I can’t associate myself with people like these, guess I’m going to start voting democrat”
>the super secret dab double heil
Because tribalistic thinking like this is autistic there are superior cultures but that doesn’t mean that you should keep one from changing or evolving the most advanced cultures in the world are mixes of other cultures that is why Muslims still live in the dirt they keep shut in
Sayaka what have they done to you...
Moving on to Trumptard cringe.
You happened. Please fuck off with dead ideologies.
Which one is your go to commie babe user?
nazi germany had a tax of around 15% compare this to your shitty america and tell me what "socialism" is
>Gets BTFO
>Fuck off Nazi
LMAO retard. You just don't know when to quit
American plebeians attached themselves to it. Also lack of stringent filter system.
In case you haven't noticed, a lot of your fellow americans have a problem with the current tax rate.
wew lad, hard to argue against that one.
>Why is "american national socialism" no longer considered a serious political movement?
Fuck off retarded nazi
ill tell you what hapend user
people dont want to be associated with liberal purplehaired faggots and that is the only reason why they go natsoc. but after awhile you realise that they are the same people and so that meme group also goes to shit real fast.
same thing happend with everyone hopping on the anti fedora train. atheists were seen as fat fedora wearing virgins who jerk it to dawkins books... so everyone is now "christian" to not be associated with them.
all these meme internet groups fall apart as they have no traction whatsoever and are ultimately made up by losers who just want a different label for themselves.
it holds no ground its utter shit and not good for anything.
Because of decades of social conditioning towards the youth to make them despise their heritage and their future.
Was he trying to give himself tattoos in the mirror? That looks horrible
t. jew
This picture presumes it's bad to hate niggers inside your community
i just wanted to make clear that national socialism isnt socialism at all
the economic system is like that of a fascist state or modern day china
maybe would come closest to state capitalism but same time, not at all, its strange
These "memes" are reddit tier...
Stop dumping your faggot shit
You are wasting your time fuck off gay kike nigger
Because it is. Stupid racist...
Damn... the left really doesn’t know how to meme.
>from 0 to salty nigger in 1 post
>socialism isnt socialism
really sound argument you have there.