What is the reason there are more children going postal and shooting up schools?
Could it be the anti-bullying, and zero tolerance policies?
What is the reason there are more children going postal and shooting up schools?
Could it be the anti-bullying, and zero tolerance policies?
big pharma
Can someone make him a mutt please. For research...
the jews
nihilism has taken over america, that's why
most people aren't aware they are nihilists
Disturbed youths watch the news and see that killing a couple people is enough to get your fifteen minutes of fame and spark national outrage.
Hasta la victoria siempre faggot
il goblino...
Because human nature is shit by default and normie scum probably rubbed the faggot the wrong way
el ogro...
russians are driving americans crazy
Narcissistic parents are arming their children with ever more wicked ammunition to spend on each other at school. For example, you didn't have mass divorces even 50 years ago and people were not exposed to pornography and so much double think (niggers and spics are good for us! The holocaust is the most evil thing to ever happen!) and religion has lost any moral influence. These kids witness the fucked up emotions their mothers especially exhibit in divorce and custody court and then they come to class with a bunch of stranger kids with whom they want be this way and mimic their home life in their new relationships. We need to deport every last non white including kikes and start going to church and take away women's right to vote on certain subjects.
You're fucking idiot.
careful with that edge kiddo
social media makes it easier for stacy to find chad. All stacies flock to chad. loser who used to get the homely gf in the 70's now is a perma virgin and cant get laid
sexual frustation builds up
faggots shoot schools
Sounds like the entire school body bullied the guy. Being a manlet spic is a hard life.
Maybe schools should teach kids how to handle being bullied and dealing with it instead of the bs no tolerance and safe space crap
>"Most kids ignored him at school. They pushed him off to the side as if he was garbage."
Oh gee, I wonder. Maybe it has something to do with kids being ostracized that makes them want to shoot the kids that are ostracizing them. Just a thought.
its just some faggot being an hero and wanting to be a cunt and fucking take others with him
> 19 years old
> children
Pick one
All honesty I think it's people in general just stop be polite to one another
It's almost if...
>one side does the bulltying
>other side retaliates
>first side retaliates to the retaliation
>this continues ad infinitum until someone dies
Zero tolerance means the bullied person gets punished for being bullied. You must be 40+ and clueless if you think bullying no longer exists.
Wrong, he didn't attempt to an hero himself.
nice digitals
also i totally agree, gen z faggots are just edgy and like being cunts
compulsory education institutions are indoctrinating them with bullshit for 12 years and socializing them in a toxic environment.
shooting up the place is warranted
Guys look just because this board is overflowing with wannabe tough guy Trump cultists threatening to murder blacks and Hispanics and gays and liberals and roasties and normies is no reason to stereotype this murderer as a proto typical murderous Trump cultist.
Trump worship is a religion of peace. The God Emperor says that even though he would kill a guy on Fifth Ave and get away with it, that we shouldn't kill.
That's how you can tell it wasn't really him on his Instagram and how come it's a false flag.
Please be more tolerant, and please watch out for white spacing when you type words. It's indicative of Reddit spacing and triggers the community here in what is supposed to be a safe space .
This. No bullying just means you can’t retalitate when somebody laughs at you and talks shit about you behind your back.
Nobody will be retaliating against him now.
>Nobody will be retaliating against him now.
Well that depends on whether you consider being sent to ADX Florence to be retaliation.
Same eyebrows as the Dodge guy