Florida shooting: At least 17 dead in high school attack
Other urls found in this thread:
>Kid appears to be compelte weirdo and posts with guns
>People proceed to make fun of him, bully, and berate him online
>It's already happened
>It's over
You seem a bit slow user, you alright?
this one might be real
>school shooting
nigga school shootings are an amerimutt sacred traditional as apple pie and guns.
maybe maybe not
third drill in one day?
Guy shows up RIGHT AFTER the second fire drill to "Stop, Drop, and Roll" 17 students?
We saw a total of one body so far, and without the face being seen, as well as a cop picking up a girl and carrying her out even though she was not hurt and was standing....
kinda like cartels cutting heads off in bean land
one body still more than sandy hoax
maybe he pulled the fire alarm himself for an excuse to get the weapon. idk kiddo just going to have to keep digging
/k/ here, please dump pics from today's shooting, or direct me to the sauce. Faggot /k/ mods keep deleting the school shooting threads and pics
Except we don't execute at schools, churches, theaters, wholesome concerts, work, or holidays you degenerate fuck.
Except for that one time in Iguala when the cartel and local police officers redirected a bus of 43 college students and brutally murdered them
Stop posting with an EU flag Muhammad.
literally who cares
>American school getting shot the fuck up
Sorry mate this doesn't qualify as a happening anymore, just another Wednesday in burger town.
Two suspicious things from different news footage clips from today:
1) footage of EMT crew providing triage to someone laying on the ground on a street corner near incident. Notice the lone person wearing safety vest, and shorts, who hides behind the street light pole when helicopter focuses on immediate area. Person appeared to have walkie talkie and was directing EMT crew on ground.
2) WalMart tractor trailer rig stopped at police line on street near location. Driver wearing what appears to be a DHS uniform button-up white shirt with DHS logos. Was stopped at the front of traffic, while police kept line.
Bonus...during Tucker's show today a teacher from the school, Mr. Gard(?) began to tell story about how he was in school when shooting began, as soon as he began telling timeline of events, including time of fire drill earlier in day, his phone was suddenly cut off. Tucker was left stunned.
Did anyone make this connection here yet?
Boward County Reps.
District 20
Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D)
District 21
Congressman Ted Deutch (D)
District 23
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
District 24
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D)
How many are dual citizens with Israel? I know Debbie is a dual citizen
LOL! show me bodies! otherwise it's another sandyhooks bullshit
No just whole fucking villages of people in general. That just about counts as all that right?
Happens all the time.
I watched a kid recently get the skin cut off his torso while he screamed, exposing his guts lungs all of it, and the guy ripped his heart out while he was still breathing and showed it to him.
That's your Aztec blood. Makes you wild and nuts. Don't even think about talking shit about America spic. Don't even.
Was that the one where they killed his dad first in front of him? That one was brutal.
Yes. That one.
Those posts are from after he shot up the school genius.
i'm in Florida. should i run or what?
>bottom right pic
Nice orange tip fag.
Probably the first time ever i see someone post about this on Sup Forums. I live in Iguala and I'm the son of mayor that was accused of giving orders to the local police to "get rid of them". That wasn't true, he unironically didn't do anything and still got thrown to prison.
No one knows what actually happened that night, it's all so shady
Fuck you pedo
lol whatever dude
and you're still traumatized by that? get over it.
t. guy who carried 6 chairs at once at school.
>I watched a kid recently get the skin cut off his torso while he screamed, exposing his guts lungs all of it, and the guy ripped his heart out while he was still breathing and showed it to him.
What the fuck ? Context ?
Context was (vaguely, if I remember correctly) that a rich kid of a rival gang was bragging about a new car in Mexico, or columbia, or Brazil (one of those shitholes). Got gutted for it.
It's an old video about a cop that got involved with a cartel group by doing who knows what the fuck, so they captured him and his son. First they kill the father by cutting its head with a tiny knife, then they slit the throat of the kid and start flaying his skin until you can see his rib cage, then they rip it apart and pull the heart out.
Video got reposted and then everyone on Sup Forums recently and everyone called all mexicans subhumans. Nothing new, mexiniggers being mexiniggers.
you should probably shut your mouth and stop identifying yourself online
How did you not see that video? It was posted here like 30 times a day for a month straight
heyy u guys have that video? academic pruposes i swear
He doesn't have a son he has two daughters, unless you are one of his brothers. Rafael, Javier
wow q predicted this
i want to shoot those fuckers too now
Nigga, how late are you?
Also, the shooter was a literal El Goblino.
blacks kill each other every single night, why are they incapable of these kind of body counts?
>implying he wasn't completely ignored all his life
Like all of the posts are after the shooting.
Nobody probably talked to this guy for years.
I watch liveleaks all the time but this one, fuck man this one was hard
>also some fucker took a snapchat while school was being shot up and posted it on his story with text
>what world are we living in?
Can someone post the graph showing whites killing less than expected when Arabs are removed from the white population
I'll need a quick run down on the whole shooting thing
Slow and steady wins the race.
Are there any other videos besides these two taken from inside the school during the shooting?
Don't let this shooting make you forget that Penis-Arm Obama has sperm on his face.
I'm glad im not living in a shit hole where its safer to be walking around the streets than in school!
Even if you survive getting shot you probably can't afford treatment!
So....what are the chances that the CIA is now openly mocking us....in plain sight lads?
CIA and FBI nigger goes on CNN and cries Crocodile tears to convince people it wasn't them.....
it's not the same classroom as the one with the "corpse"
What fucking kid recorded these, I cant believe I jsut watched these, fuck. my mental health sucks fuck this
False flag
gotta get them views bruh
Fake news of the year award goes to...
I dont know if im made out for dealing with these issues, I'm too weak.
A cartel literally was using one of the transports the boys took to move drugs
The drug lord called a military leader to recover it
The absolute retard killed them
The drug lord in a deflection attempt called some periodistas to claim he didnt commands anyone to kill anyone, he just wanted the truck back (honestly i believe him)
Peña forced to cover up the fact that all army is in collusion with drug lords and is even more insane
Use the alcalde as coverup
try to bury everything
we need a civil war that kills a 1/3 odñf the country but that won't happen because the us forced pacifism
Venezuelan niggers have a Golden oportunity but they are pussies
Let war fix what peace corrupted
>mass shooting
this is not news
>weak men create hard times
>hard times create strong men
>strong men create good times
>good times create weak men
Patience, it will happen. It always does
>actually buying into this platitude
Dude your country is a literal cockblocker and has really ruined Golden oportunities my country had i am not even jocking nor exagerating
Your country will literally help our stablishment even if they know it's the fucking devil
when mexicans blame you for the mediocretic state of our country we have a lot more reason that you would accept
from causing a revolution to RUINING the results of the revolution to hacking the results of 2006 election
there is simply no end in sight
The solar minimum can't come soon enough
>hacking the results of 2006 election
We did this?
No, if you get cancer, you die waiting for a mri to find out where it is. Canada is just a us suburb culturally, just without the legal rights.
Of course not
It's imposible
the candidate was a threat to NAFTA
"Officers carry something out of the Florida High School that currently has a active shooter."
In the upcoming days, it's going to come out so I'm just going to post it now. Nikolas Cruz was part of the Alt-Right/Stormfront etc.
He's got footprints on Sup Forums and the_donald. He's part of an extreme right wing group in Florida that will come out in the news tomorrow. They are going to be heavily investigated in the coming week.
BUT... he has done a lot to implicate antifa because he is wanting the right to declare a war on them. His vision is to crush the left and he thought shooting up a school while pretending to be a left wing nut will cause a retribution from the extreme right. Hence the pictures of him in Antifa and communist stuff is found so easily. Whereas the pics of him in Trump apparel are being deleted. The florida group he is with is getting those pics taken down and pushing the pics of him being a communist. However, his plan is falling apart. He was supposed to die today but for some reason backed out or chickened out or got wounded or something. Now he'll most likely squeal. And no matter since he left too much of his digital footprint on Sup Forums and right wing websites.
The mods are deleting any thread that traces back to him having connection with Sup Forums to avoid lawsuits.
That second video has some familiar... Faces... Hope my friends there are okay lol used to attend there one of the best schools in the county one of the last places where a shooting will take place
>Immediately hosts community candle light vigil
I wonder how I would react, I remember this one time this kid fainted in my class and then being a boyscout faggot while the teacher and class was still shocked I sprinted out of the room to the nurse, and when I got back everyone thought I was a badass and thought it was cool.
>From weird autismo quiet guy
>to cool boyscout
Yes you do..the fuck?
t. commie shill
>start experimenting with weed
>get caught with like 2 grams and joint
>get McLovin'd into a cop-car at lunchtime and suspended for 10 days
>come back and everyone thinks I had like 5 pounds of weed
>get invited to high-school parties
>roll with it, start actually selling weed
>Mexicans ruin their country and continue to blame the US
No, we did not. The retard who posted this is implying we hacked the election due to the symmetry of the graph and due to how the candidates switched positions as the votes were counted. Look at my pic related graph and you will see the same symmetry (this is a natural function of counting votes, every vote you get puts your opponent down one, and vice versa). If you look at the last US presidential election, you will see it is very similar to the 2006 Mexican presidential election, with Hillary in the lead initially, but Trump winning by the end. Mexicans just can't into math or logic. Sad!
>Be in middle school
>Go on kkk.com because I was edgy faggot and firewall didnt stop me
>Make an account
>Allows me to watch videos
>First time I saw Happy Merchant meme
>Teacher catches me
>"I'm being post-ironic teach"
>Have to talk to guidance cousiler every day for like 3 weeks for wrong think
>I only wanted kids to think I was edgy
It was posted a lot when it happened. Thats the only reason i know about it. And why did your dad and mom flee after it happened then?
You just waking up m8?
Big if huge
No it wont. All the mexicans who are sici of mexico being corrupt just take the easy way out because they are pussy subhumans. Mexico will never change until we deport all the spics here and build the wall and force them to deal with their own problems
maybe it was my imagination, from hundred of thousands "annuled" votes to the misterious fires that destroyed paper ballots to the stole of others before they were counted
but i may have imagined all that
>destroy the economy
Before NAFTA we used to have 6% GDP growth, a years before salinas the country misteriously entered into crisis and salinas proposed the NAFTA thing
It almost follows the: problem -> solution this that you push here, but i probably also imagined that
Or that time when we built a refinery and misteriosly exploded
Thanks i guess, for breaking things and then complaining about them beeing broke
May i refer to the resurgance of radical Islam? Or the ill state of the african repúblics that you took away from the european powers? Even if the local populations we're ok with european rule
or the arab Spring?
China will turn you spics into a slave race. Even more than you are now
>mexicans who are sick of mexico being corrupt just take the easy way out
I hate them but can you blame them?
I mean, if you keep with the bullshit thats the least you should do
Between the moment you have problems and that hypotetical scenario there Will be several decades
There is the window of oportunity
Just open a window, Pablo
that's wall plaster you idiot
It's broward county. Literally the democratic stronghold of Florida
Seems to be a lot of duping delight in that clip.
one false flag too many?
>fucking orange tips