Good for you Boogie. Tell your story with me on HowToLoseWeight.com
wingsofredemptions is by far the more entertaining morbidly obese gamer
good for him. Boogie redemption arc might convince no-hope fat white fucks to realize their potential.
all it took was some hard work and exersi- oh wait he has no self control and needed to strangle his stomach with surgery to lose weight.
How do we redpill Boogie1488?
good for him. he is a pathetic person, but this is a good first step.
His new stomach will swallow him inside out
Why? We bullied him into not dying of a heart attack
why not bully asshole WingsOfRedemption? He makes like 10k a month in donations from Twitch by crying and ebegging for weightloss surgery
"theres less of you to love now" get it ??
He looks like shit. His tits droop
Could a doctor take the section of his stomach that has been sealed off and use it to make a dozen artificial vaginas? Imagine what it woukd do for his views if he was the world's first dozen pussied trap.
does losing weight or being fat make it so you cant shave anymore? Shave that fucking neck beard. Whatever your size, there's no excuse for looking like a vagrant.
It's an acceptable price to pay in order hide the moonface. Trust me i know.
Nice try Wayne, you'll never get my 2 mil.
>a dozen artificial vaginas
yes Yes YES
that poor poor stomach has to be disfigured and useless for the rest of its life because fatso couldnt put the fork down
he is doing it wrong, and will forever have saggy skin, instead he should have went on starvation diet to only take vitamins and water for up to a year, that way body would eat itself and shrink all that saggy skin, with his money he could have easily do that with doctors watching his progress so it's not too dangerous, instead he went for a shitty stomach staple.