enoch is so fucking cringey. you guys only like him because he is semi-alpha. he's not even a good debater though. sad.
Enoch is so fucking cringey. you guys only like him because he is semi-alpha. he's not even a good debater though. sad
after being outed, I can't believe anyone takes this guys seriously anymore, goy.
He's alright. He has good rhetorical skills, he can articulate a point decently. He's a bit of a bully but that's ok considering every other e-celeb dance around the real issues.
Myself I prefer Ryan and Greg Johnson for the big brainned nibba content but Mike is ok and 99% of the fags criticizing him here are kikes.
my congregation is terrified of him....its all they talk about.
halsey was a joke dude, literally a caricature
if you're one of those idiots that think the person who wins a debate is the one who can dodge everything substantive and act the most appalled and the most arrogant and the most conceited, then you should seriously, actually kys, sargonite sodomite
He was awful in the debate against the fat jew. He himself admits that in the tweets after the debate.
He is a fat alcoholic slob who is having a midlife crisis. I don't understand why anyone on the far right takes him seriously.
I guess the only reason many on this board like him is because losers like losers.
You guys seem to be too impressed by rhetorics. No wonder our politics is fucking shit.
That boomer conceded all the facts
Honestly he did horrible in the "tree Of Logic" debate. He missed so many key arguemnts to make. He also became very docile and light-handed in the presence of a loud, alpha black bitch with a dominant personality. Of course he won the debate, but I can't figure out why Enoch was not nearly as energetic and passionate in that debate as he usually is.
Still better than Spencer in his debate with her though. He comes off as a total faggot and bowed to her black bitch alphaness. We need debators in the far right that aren't scared of loud black bitches, and are not scared to yel back and try to please our enemies. Cantwell would do much better against the black shabbos goy Tree.
6'3 alpha whore black bitch that has been in fights many times in her life vs fat beady eyed white boy that has never been in a fight.
Being the caricature of an angry white man ranting at a nigger isn’t going to win anything.
Did Greg have a debate with Titty of Logic? Him and Jared Taylor are much better at debating without sperging out.
I don't trust his eyes
he's really not that articulate. he has a habit of interrupting and forcing his frame, but he does it in a "nice" way, his style is pretty strange to be honest.
He tries to draw people in with quick niceties and supplication before his rebuttals. A lot of times it makes him look weak, but a lot of times he makes good points.
He's not a debater, I can't see him winning any normie over with his talking points but he's pretty good at ranting in a microphone and creating content for /ourguys/.
Fuck off fat kike boomer.
Him and Chris Cantwell sound like stereotypical old school New-York loud guys to me. They both claim O&A as an inspiration so there might be something to it.
True, and yet people say Enoch lost, because the "fat kike boomer", as I believe he wrote behind him, was able to reply to everything promptly and swiftly even if it was retarded, while Enoch wasn't.
People are merely analyzing how well they spoke not what they said, i.e. putting rhetorics and confidence on a pedestal.
it's more that you quickly realize how dumb the person talking to you is. same thing happened with duke. he quickly realized the iq gap is too great to get points across to a dumb nigger bitch.
halsey doesn't even have a good rhetorical style. he looks like a fat pig about to get slaughtered whenever he's making his points the way you can see his eyes open wide and quickly move around while he squeals his non sequiturs
Everything Halsey said about him is correct, but at least he has the balls to talk about this shit. The Jewish Problem is just as much a relevant thing to talk about as Enoch is somewhat of a shill.
>Greg Johnson
literal fag
i think a lot of JQ people still just have that self-editing thing where they don't want to look racist still.
they spend a lot of times reframing things as "race realist" so if the second they say anything racist, their whole argument falls apart.
basically I think it takes up a lot of cognitive abilities keeping that shit in check. they need to debate in that style more or just actually believe it like jared taylor.
>He's not a debater
You don't say. Yea he is an alcoholic who rants on the mic for hours about jews. It's interesting in the same way watching a car crash in interesting.
This guy cucks to centrist morality.
True but he's good at whet he does without sounding like a bonehead. He's the thinking man's racist and doesn't sound nearly as much a flowery poof as Spencer does.
>and doesn't sound nearly as much a flowery poof as Spencer does.
they sound almost identical. it's kind of hilarious how similar they sound
spencer sounds gayer than johnson t b h
Spencer should be blogging about men's fashion and pomade for art-of-manliness tbqh. That's his true calling.
This is the quality of arguments made by the alt-right. You pathetic retards will never succeed. It's as if you guys do not have the ability to think.
Maybe you guys should think about why ethnonationalist movements have failed consistently in the west since 1945. What new strategies are you bringing in except making oven memes?
end your life commie
we don't have to make better arguments, the noose is getting tighter around the white man's neck and the ones with any will to live with migrate to the alt right. remember sargon's secret plan? remember halsey raising his microphone? those are your alternatives if you're white
just oven memes t b h
seems to be working though, so i can't complain
Hahah failure. Says meme flag. Hilarious
he's entertaining. get over it.
Tick tock amerimutt
kill your self jew
Spencer isn't above criticism. He an edgelord that fucked up every chance he got.
He is still better than Enoch though. At least he presents himself well unlike fat slob beady eyed stuttering Enoch.
Jew Butthurt: THE THREAD
Go to bed Halsey, you're a fucking joooooo.
>Ethnonationalist movements have failed since 1945
What do you think happened in 1945?
Most of the e celebs aren't popular because of their skills in confronting theories and societal constructs. They are just people who saw a opportunity to increase their status and personal standard of living by matching on to he nascent alt right movement and become recognized around by sacrificing their anonymity.
hes lost weight. good for him.
A handful of morons and a handful of kike shills can make a lie keeps on living no matter what.
Yeah I was trying to listen to him and can't remember who talking about what they thought of someone and all he could put up was dumb shit that made him sound like a child.
ya that guy is just a fucking bitchy old jew that likes cheeseburgers and hates muslims and white people...he fucking had nothing to add and no ideas or solutions
who is he?
and i ain’t even a (((trs))) guy...
He needs to study up on the history of palestine and zionism. There are doubts about his lineage too it must be said.
i support Enoch (not obsessed fanboy of him but a fan) and I think this is a good assessment. Hasley just had more control
So is Ryan
Ryan Faulk is somehow less queer than Greg Johnson.