Hunter x Hunter

How long until he BTFO clown for good?

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It'd just be putting him down at this point.

>Sees Hisoka
>Goes berserk wrecking havoc killing civilians
>Hisoka runs away
>Stuck fighting zodiacs
It's gonna happen

The Spider has legs of ten,
A jester comes for those men
If the Spider wishes to steal,
First it must accept a deal
For he is a fickle clown,
All will end with a blood stained frown

I knew i wasn't wrong about this. knov felt pitous en not poufs.

I wish people would stop calling Hisoka a clown.
He always refers to himself as a magician. He doesn't blow balloons or honk horns, he performs magic tricks and acts like he's on a stage.

I want to impregnate Pitou and take responsibility

Hisoka has the properties of both magician and clown

It was Poufs En, Pitou was busy reattaching Mereum's arm at the time.

You moronic speedreader Pitou had to stop using En in order to focus on Dr Blythe to heal Komugi thus leading to Pouf taking her place thus why the aura was not the same color as Pito's and was only up to the stairs, fuck even Nov and Morel thought that it was a lucky shot that Pito's En didn't disappear, that's also how Killua deduced that there was a third party going on and also the quick change of aura before Palm got caught.

Will they ever explain why a veteran Hunter was scared shitless by a faggy butterfly man with the lamest power among the Royal Guard?

Who's the speedreader again?

for a second i thought the mods deleted your stupid posts but you were just a forgetful autist

Up until that point, he thought he was straight.

>lamest power

dude could manipulate his body on a cellular level.

Post homos, onegai

The pic you posted doesn't say that Knov felt Pitou's en.

>Legs of 10
You can't just count the fangs as legs.

If you think he's killing the clown man you are sorely mistaken. Hisoka has plot armor on his side, he can't die until Gon fights him one last time.

I was typing too fast because of how pissed I was at your stupidity but you know what I meant dumbass. I also said "Pito's En didn't disappear" whereas it did disappear obviously

>Hisoka has plot armor on his side
I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up to team with Kurapika against the spiders.




You're still wrong. The hunters had no reference to know what they were talking about. It is explicitly mentioned by the guards that Pitou could not use En while using Dr. Blythe, and later it tells us how Pitou's En switched on after Knov was gone and Palm walked onto the scene.


Hisoka is a magician, and Chrollo will destroy him soon.

no, that's hetero incest. I said homos

Killua is a boy, dumbass.

can hisocuck really be said to have lost if he isn't dead?

Why does Chrollo look like someone shoved a rod up his ass?

Alluka is a female (male). It's homo.

>lamest power
Pouf is the most dangerous guard. Not only is he able to split himself at cellular level allowing him to enter inside your body and fuck you up, he's also able to fly at least as fast as Godspeed Killua and can send powder at the same time to hypnotise and read your thoughts. He's unstoppable in 1v1.

Even Togashi said he lost

>implying Gon gives a shit about him
>implying Gon will be relevant

Well played user, well played. But seriously where's my killugon?

>he's also able to fly at least as fast as Godspeed Killua
That was a "clone" too, which he explicitely said to be much less capable than him.

prove it
with art

Just drop the parenthesis and you're right

probably because he'd never encountered someone with such a huge, scary, powerful en before.

In my quest for trap alluka porn I had once foolishly spent money on a CG pack by a not particularly good artist. Ironically the best looking picture in the zip was one of Pitou itching the ditch. Would you like a link?

Because you touch yourself at night.



Well if it's you asking then I'm gonna remove the Pitou and just leave the trap porn.

Jokes on you user, that wasn't even me that made that post.

it is just him asking, yes
don't be mean though

Togashi is wrong

Classic hisocuck.

>Not only is he able to split himself at cellular level allowing him to enter inside your body and fuck you up,

I'm pretty sure you pulled that one out of your ass. Yeah he can turn himself to dust but he still needs to congeal his clones to a tangible form to actually do anything with them besides mobility and observation.

>powder at the same time to hypnotise and read your thoughts.

Can't he only hypnotize non-Nen commoners? And he can only read emotional states, which has limited utility.

>Togashi is wrong


I'm not the pitou poster, I just thought the pic was fitting, but alright.

look at this

He lost to appease the chrollocucks before hisoka kills all the spiders.


then enjoy the bad porn a.k.a. unarguable proof that alluka has a phallus. my. mixtape. moe/pplwmc. zip





Alluka wouldn't be buff, she never went through training

12 normally
motherfucking lobster


c'mon son, it's shounen, everyone gets a nice firm toned bod

The fangs and the palps aren't legs and never have been legs.

what would you do sitting in a cage room for years though. Once the leg or to go numb, it's instinctive. You'd begin to work out.

Or you could be like me and just let your legs flop on the ground

I bet you'd laugh if you saw a silly tattoo like that. Bully.


I want Pitou to eat me and nibble on my bones

Reading shonenshit about self improvement while rotting as a useless mantrash can't be healthy for your soul anonkun

Like Milluki, right?

Who said I was useless mantrash? I don't sit all day, I go to college


All of Beyond's team are specialists in a field, what's hers?

being strong as fuck


I want Gon to fist me with his jajanken.

>art looks like shit
why would anyone want to read this lmao

Is there any art of Alluka with tits?


I would too but my butt is too tight

Chrollo is going to die, all the other spiders have already been murdered by Hisoka and he is all alone now.

>ywn choke on Pitou's big, fat futa cock
>ywn feel her heavy balls smashing into your chin over and over and over and over
>ywn have hot girljism pumped directly down your esophagus until you can't help but vomit all back up

what chapter do i read if i finished watching 2011?



here broseph,

don't tell no one

You can find some, but if they're there, they're barely noticeable.


lol Hisoka's bout that life.

i hope the other spiders didn't die yet because i want to see the battles first before they get killed.

>feels good to be a hisokachad rn

Or not of the best quality.

Pretty sure there was one with her in a tank top with tiny tits, but thanks

Where are their noses?

Is he going really to dellete all the gang? I think even this inmortal mother fucker would have a lot of problems trying that alone, Kurapika has better chances with his op asspulled powers

fuck you
My Man


Kurapika is a Gary Stu deal with it.

lol yeah. Good point of the asspulls of Kurapika but i have faith in Hisoka. It will be quite a journey and some people won't be super easy compared to others but i have faith lol

Someone get these kids out of here

No, you guys gotta stop throwing the word asspull around