Political compass thread?
Political compass thread.
Political compass thread?
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Finally a non-shooting related thread, compass dump incoming
Wanting to keep your own money is greed, but wanting to take other people's money is not.
Got it.
Why is economics there? The vast majority of economists are in the region where Law and Marketing is.
Envy is wanting somebody else's possessions for your self and for them not to posses them anymore, so it fits better in the upper left. Greed is just wanting as much as possible for yourself and not wanting to share it. I'd say it fits.
It's a near-perfect meme, he's just assblasted.
socially conservative but believe in larger government/public ownership in the economy
What does this mean for me?
you don't believe in anything.
>I believe in God
>Believe in a free market
>Believe some corporations are pretty bad
>Believe monopolies need to be controlled for the sake of competition
>Believe in personal liberties
>Believe abortion should be allowed, but not post 1st Trimester (survey doesn't give you many options on abortion)
This is you
Saving you, keep going brother.
No it's not. I'm a national socialist, I just think that's a decently balanced meme.
It's means you're a good person.
I'm reading Friedman right now, so I suspect I've got a bit more straight rightward movement to come.
Forgot to turn off my shit posting flag...
>everyones face at the first two
y tho?
always went minutemen
This is definitely unbiased kek
No, i'm not a newfag
>believing in something with literally no evidence
>believing in something that demonstrably doesn't exist outside of Somalia or other failed states
not a strong start friend
I'm just one square up from you. When I first came here I was further right and less libertarian. This place is such a shit hole it's pushed me into dude weed territory.
I posted plenty of "unbaised" ones, but that one is just the plain truth.
>Atheist leaf faggot detected
Your arguments are invalid. Please freeze in your tundra.
tfw philosophical truck driver
>i have absolutely no riposte whatsoever
>hur dur freeze or somethin
> "If I use big words, eh, then the burgers will feel stupid because I stumped them with simple words do defend against being a no-argument faggot, eh"
fucking choked on my cigarette user, well done
getting on the digits train
>leaf uses three syllable word
>stop using big words!
American education in a nutshell
top joj
I'm in music right now but studied economics as an undergraduate. Does that make me a radical centrist?
>7 letters
>big word
this is the new definition of autism
Yes that one is always controversial in these threads
>Real talk
How the fuck is the origin decided?