This chick is still missing from the shooting

And aslo 2 other girls. I don’t why it’s so hard to find someone they’re either dead or not. No activity from her Twitter so she might be dead.


She will be found in due time.

Rip qt

Why do they have to shoot qts? With a semi automatic rifleyou should be able to pick out the uggos

holy shit. back story?

thot status: patrolled

This has to be fake. Please explain, user. Any user.

fake weights getting thrown at an instagram slut for likes and attention for the sole purpose of it going viral.

The amount of force to make a 45 pound weight go that fast would kill her.

god I hope that's real

That'll teach her to fucking text in the gym in front of the dumbbells getting in everyone's way. That flying plate only served to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt her lack of mindfulness.

Nah, it's fake man. Original webm (with sound so cant upload here) has badly edited sounds. Fake weight, because insta-thots have plenty of those lying around.


>hits her shoulder
>she holds her head

They dead or nah?

>his chick is still missing from the shooting
12 dead in school not identified yet.
Still a crime scene.
Whatever that means.

Guys, I think this was just a cover-up for something BIG

>Sup Forumslack


>that second plate

Gonna fap to her 56% face to grieve her death

What is the school shooting was a plot for politicians to traffick supple teenage bodies for sex? I mean, this is Debbie Wasserman Schultz's district and you know those Dems with connections to Pizzgate...


it's either real of high quality CGI

after hitting her the plate falls like it's 45lb not some bullshit

im not even upset. she is clearly a roastie and probably a mean bitch.
>nothing of value was lost.

no it doesnt. you need to go back to your containment board little brainlet.
let me help you

time to fap

Jamie confirmed dead, Alyssa still missing, Meadow confirmed in hospital


Who the FUCK kills white people?


anagram anons - guttenberg alhadeff meadow pollack

Tell that to Meadow's Dad

>Girl plays hooky from school on valentines day
>While getting Chadded phone starts going crazy
>People asking if shes dead
>doesn't want to admit skipped
>doesn't respond

Seems pretty reasonable

seriously on second viewing i can just stare at that ass though

asian cab driver drove her to safety amidst the chaos

>look at this graph

>You will never Gone Girl yourself
I just want my life to be kino



Fine. As. Fuck.

why are there hundreds of interviews already when we usually get nothing? something fishy

Sup ForumsLack

Someone in another thread said the school was jewish so basically a brothel.
Likely the rabbis planned this to harvest some shiskas

God I wish that were me

THOT status: Begoned


they told him to hit her with the barbell and he actually did it

the Sup Forumslack makes a full recovery

>still missing
Reminds me of the girls that went missing following the Manchester bomb at that concert. I wouldn't be surprised if (((they))) set up something like this as a way to kidnap a western girls without it being too suspicious. Surely (((they))) get bored of the same girls from Syria they can take and no one cares about. Those girls are already being pummeled in someones basement


but she looks so old for her age


psa: don't do duckface

I look at her and all I can see is le 56% meme.

>2 jews and an Arab

Her cousin is a 'Spic. Florida is really bad off, man...


They at tyrones house

hahahahahahaha amerimutt is reality

Aren't cubans not that bad? Ted Cruz whether you like him or not is part cuban and extremely smart. Also in florida latitudes it's a fact that darker skin works better.

Almost like she was in on it.

When will you amerifats wake up and get rid of antifa

you shit on streets

She is dead, idiot. LE will not move the bodies until the FBI is done with whatever they are doing.

you are not white

Many (not most) Cubans in America are of European descent. This is because unlike other Hispanics, the white professional/landowning class emigrated after Castro took power. However, more negro Cubans are coming over

t. Cuban parent

Canadas a better shitposter.

>the second plate

Even if it's fake still funny

I was under that impression, cuba being one of the most european of the american hispanic countries.

A lot of my perception unfortunately comes from Scarface, great movie btw.


That's Argentina, faggo. Cuba is full of niggers.

The older generations are conservative and pretty redpilled on negroids. The 2nd/3rd generations though are Westernizied neoliberals.
Pretty much every LA country has a white ruling class. The Cuban one emigrated early, and the nogs later

hola los creaturos

shut up retard.
You ''Thot xDDD'' 12 yr olds deserve a rope

Cry about it, you fucking thot shill.

>The 2nd/3rd generations though are Westernizied neoliberals.
That is kinda sad. A lot of mexicans here in california have done this too, joined with hipsters, plus Reconquista ideas, and there is very little resistance cause most everyone in power is a cuck. The people actually from mexico, a lot may have no right to be here but they don't buy into the liberal shit.

2nd generation can do absolutely fine here if they put the US first, but the universities are actively recruiting them to be commies and they end up worse than the white anti-white hipsters.

My sources in the FBI say they are likely donezo. Legit but a false flag also. Not sure what effect it will have tho

El goblino de americano? Que asco!

>le 56% face
>thot that most likely fucked niggers already even before going to college
Nothing of value was lost

Nerve gas

Feels staged

why does she look like a jew with a significant amount of facial work?

The nice muslim taxi drivers gave them free rides home.


Look at the impact of the plates they're obviously just the 1/2 lb prop plates used in movies.

I'm undecided on the booty of the other thot though, definitely some optical illusions going on here.

You are awesome

She looks like a jewess.

Fresh pussy , Dead Body.

Ive always thought some of these people get kidnapped and used as experiments by gubment.... Just a thought.

why are there so many "hurr durr false flag" shills that misrepresent what is a false flag? means someone sent in the shooter and it's being used as a motivator to enable new polices. which the 16yo faggot with a gay flag under her name bloviates to 45 about banning guns in her pinned tweet. what the fuck does a stupid 16 year old know about the world

True,can confirm.