>NSA gets invaded by 3 guys in an SUV

>security guard shot, hospitalized
>SUV rams into barricade
>all 3 get arrested, 0 details
>media says little to nothing
>3 hours later, school shooting
>media is instantly there
>covers all day
>shooter is a Cuban trump supporter


Other urls found in this thread:


Shooter wasn't a cuban Trump supporter you hook nosed kike.



Children are always more important, let's not be too dum about this.

Literally 3,800 people die every day from car crashes in the U.S. who the fuck cares?

> Google maps Fort Meade
> Gate that was rammed is above Visitor Center 1
> Take close look at orientation of barricades
> Now look a the attached pic
> SUV rammed barricade from inside the lot

They were probably trying to book it with stolen secrets.


This is literally nothing. Stop fear mongering. I live here. Did anyone see Trumps statement on the stock market?

Sort of like the Vegas happening a few months ago to push the incident with a man possessing red mercury entering a federal building in downtown Atlanta out of the spotlight.

Oy vey


> Johnson said the vehicle had New York license plates and he believed it was a rental car. He said he did not know why the people in the vehicle were at the facility.
> “I don’t have the answer to that that,” he said. “We are trying to put that as our question one as to what put these individuals on this compound earlier this morning.”


>muh sacred children
This was more important dumb ass, not a school shooting.

Oy vey

Mods just deleted a thread and my posts about the Sheriff Israel and Sandy Hook girl with same last name.

Also look into this company.

>They beat the rhythm with their bones

Who cares? Fuck the NSA. Too bad none of them died.

Because it's possible that the deep state pulled a false flag.

>yesterday the U.S. bombed a Syrian air base filled win assads soldiers, over 100 killer, 4 of them being Russian contractors

WW3 is about to break out & we're worried about some school


spic is a democrat look it up
pic related

>>shooter is a Cuban trump supporter
OP is a faggot


thats not the shooter dumdum. you are pulling images form an archived thread below.


Oh fuq!

that is not the shooter. op is stupid yes but your image is pulled form an archived thread. not shooter.

>jewery detected
>checks ID
so you think you're Slik?


So nobody in their right mind would expect to accomplish much in a big ass secure facility by ramming into a barricade and shooting at people out front with a team of 3 guys.

Either these three were a very special kind of crazy or this was about sending a message, from one faction to another.

Who knows, but we'll never be hearing a word from it again

Or they were rogue agents that thought they were undetected and could just walk out with shit. These don't have to be some random people that just wandered on campus today, they could have been part of a long running operation. Though with the recent Syria bombing it could very well be a message from a foreign agency or the deep state.



People don't want to find out the truth because they don't want to face it :/

God I wish that were me.


Was the SUV entering or leaving? Important distinction.

They were leaving not entering.

I'm feeling sleepy m8s

Center of community arts.
Reminds me the Mandarin, a lot of pageantry, theater on his CV.