Did anybody, during his/her early life of lurking here, actually went to watch Boku No Pico from a user's recommendation ?
Did anybody, during his/her early life of lurking here...
I did, which is why I bai- I mean, recommend other anons to watch it, it truly is a masterpiece.
I watched it in my college multipurpose room in freshmen year on a $100 dare and almost got expelled.
Yeah finished the whole thing once I realized it was some real great shit. I can highly recommend it to any user that hasn't had the pleasure of seeing it yet.
I know someone who did.
I watched each episode multiple times and fapped many, many times to it. One of the best H-OVAs of all time to be honest
Are you some kind of faggot?
I got interested because people posted the .gif and they looked like lolis since the dicks were all blurred out and the resolution was pretty low. I knew it was shotas when I downloaded it, though. Made me feel really, really weird the first time I came to it.
I saw it without knowing it was a joke
I still haven't watched more than a few minutes of the first episode. I can't self-insert as the old guy and I don't want to self-insert as Pico getting raped by the old guy.
Futa aren't traps nigger.
yeah, it was meh
I never asked Sup Forums to spoonfeed me when I had and have like a billion other anime to watch.
I watched it with Sup Forums in a livestream marathon along with bible black.
And now I recommend it to newfags
I do my own research instead of relying on anonymous messageboards as to what to watch.
I downloaded it knowing what it was because I wanted a good fap
fucking Boku no pico is shit, Pico to Chico is the best and Pico x chico x coco is meh
this guy gets it
Patrician taste and same thing happened with me.
I did see it memed a lot, but I watched it for personal entertainment. I masturbated to it.
The doujin was better
I watched it and wondered why people freak out about it. Not Sup Forums but just others that are like WTF JAPAN OMG DON'T WATCH THIS ANIME. It was pretty tame.
don't try and justify your love for dicks user