How bad is this that no one is talking about it?
How bad is this that no one is talking about it?
OP, you just answered your own question
It tends to be the opposite
I want to date Yui
Fuck you, I like it
I'm halfway through the first episode. Why were all the girls introduced within like 2 minutes? The fuck? Why does the loli have big boobs? The fuck?
The problem is that you're using your brain
No I'm definitely using my head.
She deserves to be in a better anime.
The loli needs to be removed.
very much agreed, not looking forward to fakeloli's arc
Not the worst this season
The manga had them introduced one at a time like they didn't exist at all until their arc rolled around. The anime handled it better.
The manga also had Hashiba be a retard a lot longer about whether he likes Yame-san or if she's just playing him. The anime is doing alright in my book.
Still more threads than Princess Principal.
why does that one suck?
>Why were all the girls introduced within like 2 minutes?
Would you prefer if they weren't introduced, so then you could post:
>Why did x not even exist until her episode? Wtf???
Y e s.
It's generic haremshit.
it tries too fucking hard
Yukana's breasts are perfect!
Meh. I don't see anything special about her.
If they stuck to the manga more I feel like it would have been better.
It's mediocre garbage that's somehow worse than the manga. They should've funded Gal Gohan instead.
This times 8 gorillion. Gal Gohan is cute as fuck.
it shitty
>this fucking censor
i swear they manage to fuck so many scenes up with censors
It's pretty normal for there to only be threads on the day the show airs. Only a few shows get threads outside of the air date and even fewer get continuous 24/7 threads (which is usually a bad sign since discussion stagnates faster; it's better to have no conversation than fill dead air with irrelevant shit).
She's a shortstack.
Is that a bad thing how? The fat loli only met him again after he got a GF, in the anime the's a stable childhood friend that wants to date MC but never confesses until he's taken, fuck that shit.
>The manga also had Hashiba be a retard a lot longer
The one character that should be changed is the MC and he wasn't changed, he's exactly the same retarded faggot.
A doujin drawn by the author herself for the BD, but you're not fooling me with the contents.
Are you retarded?
Also Yame is so nice to all these bitches that it's crazy.
what do you want from me user?
>A specially drawn "Hajimete no" doujin drawn by the original author, Ueno Meguru.
I didn't write it.
>literally no pixiv art
>Manga Yukana
Smart and Witty. Has a thick hard shell but a sweet caring center. Helps Junichi contain his spaghetti.
>Anime Yukana
Dumb Airhead Gyaru that creates awkward love triangles for Junichi
>Nurse Oppai Loli
My dick is done for
>How bad is this that no one is talking about it?
but user, Isekai Smartphone is the shittiest in the seaon. Literally dropped it on episode 1.
MC is pretty unbearable, but the girls are great
I'd like this more if junichi didn't do the
Lesbo pinned him for like 10 minutes and barely halfway through he thinks "This isn't right, I'm not OK with this" yet he still manages to fuck it up by being a stammering bitch. You can half MISUNDERSTANDINGS and stupid love triangles, sure. You can have the MC genuinely love his GF and tell other bitches to back off, excellent. You can't try and play both sides. It's retarded. Which is a shame too, because a regular guy dating a popular girl that everyone else wants to destroy the relationship of is actually a really fresh premise; at least for these sorts of shows.
>regular guy
He's bottom at the barrel, every other guys but the 3 losers are getting their dick wet.
what? that show has constant generals
I kinda like the story so far.
You might be gay.
I've kept up with more boring shit but this is too unbearable
Its not so bad that it's a trainwreck, but its not good enough that people want to talk about it. So fairly bad.
This. Gal gohan doesnt have enough content to adapt at the moment though
>lying on the internet
I don't have to watch a single episode to know it's awful. It caters to the most simple minded fools.
>1 permanent general that last for days vs multiple threads per episode after the air day
Geez user, I can't counterargument against that.
it had like 4 threads today
>How bad is this that no one is talking about it?
Another harem series.
Like all anime.
I can tolerate a lot of things but not the three idiot friends that can bring a whole episode down by their mere presence. All they do is to create artificial conflict by egging on the MC to create misunderstandings. They all serve a single a purpose other than the fatso who only spouts lolicon shit all the damn time.
The imagination sequences with the MC's consciences and the hentai kamen ripoff is godawful as all fuck.
It's JK Bitch ni Shiboraretai but without the good bits.
Ranko getting destroyed is always fun.
what is everyones favorite Gyaru doujins?
LilLiM's by Miyamoto Issa, although I think it can be classified as "light" gyaru since she barely acts like one.
honestly i was SUPER hyped for it, being a teenage boy and all.
but the animation is just fucking terrible, the voice acting is meh as well.
Is anything wrong with your brain? I don't see why else anyone would assume that if people aren't talking about a show all the fucking time, then they must despise its existence.
Come back next Wednesday and you'll see a well-populated thread for the show. You may have one guess as to the reason why that is so.
The thing is that "shortstack" doesn't exist in Japan's vocabulary, and she's been stated to look like a child despite those tits. Calling her an oppai loli or loli kyonyuu is perfectly fine.
It's almost like a new episode aired today or something
dont reply to him famicom
>that childhood friend pig disgusting oppai
Would've been cute if there's only one girl.
>3 rotten sluts and 1 perfect pure and hardworking girl
>coincidentally she has long black hair and will likely win the mcbowl
Are nips trying to tell us something?
>pure and hardworking girl
>coincidentally she has long black hair and will likely win the mcbowl
You must be either completely retarded or doesn't follow this shit all.
user, Yame is the perfect girl there. It's the story of sluts trying to steal her man.
This is one of the worst shows I've seen so far but I reallllly like yame-san so I'm compelled to power through it.
>author is a girl
>manga is full of gyarus and fanservice shots
>worst harem lead in a long time
What the fuck?
>uncensored version is still censored
He just coincidentally had a disco ball there.