The world will never no peace until Israel is wiped off the map


Other urls found in this thread: drinks camel urine

too many muslims on pol nowadays


>The world will never no peace
>never no peace
>no peace

Even though you're a possible shitskin who doesn't know English, You still have a point.

Kek hates Israel.

FUUUUCK. I didn't even realize I typed no instead of know.

What a (((coincidence ))) that (((they))) play a part in most major world problems.

Someone tell me why it would be wrong to return to homogeneous nations if it meant states of civility and community. With diversity whites do all the lifting, get most of the hate and are now the ones being slowly outbred. With Jews, you lose, remove these people from the planet.

Stop making this about the color of your fucking skin you piece of shit. This is about zionism and its evil.

no, that's been done before
Peace will only happen when the inhabitants are wiped off the face of the Earth and all of their history and texts purged.

Double Double confirms.

>Even though you're a possible shitskin who doesn't know English
Nah, I wouldn't doubt him being a typical burger, they have the worst English. He does have a point though.

If every non-muslim nation joins together and conquers the muslims than we will know peace.

we need to remove israel.

no, we need to let Israel stand because the bible says so.

This. The Saracen no longer fears God's children. New Crusade when?

Go fucking kill yourself you worthless sack of shit.

you are in deep need of watching this vid,

I book marked it for later.

what about Jesus and Revelations?

Do you realize that Jews wrote and distorted the bible so you couldn't understand its true meaning?

israel was never meant to be a GEOGRAPHIC COUNTRY. it's a state of mind. Unity.

nupol is such neocon garbage

Nah, it's just filled with JIDF.


I’d rather have Muslim pol than the pol that legitimately thinks Israel is a good country.

I watched this before:

Leviticus 26:33
Deuteronomy 4:25
Deuteronomy 11:16
Deuteronomy 28:36
Deuteronomy 28:63

Isaiah 11:1-12
Ezekiel 37:21-24

Tractate Kesubos 111a
Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:7
Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 8:14
Tractate Shabbos 63a

[historical precedents]
The Tribe of Ephraim - The Midrash Rabbah on Exodus (20:11)
The Invaders - The Book of Numbers (14:44)

[Jewish authorities]
Rashi (1040-1105)
Maimonides (1135-1204)
Rabbi Yishaya ben Eliyahu Di Trani (c. 1300)
Rabbi Bachya ben Asher (d. 1340)
Rabbi Yitzchak ben Sheishes (1326-1408)
Rabbi Shlomo ben Shimon Duran (1400-1467)
Rabbi Isaac Abarbanel (1437-1508)
The Maharal of Prague (1520-1609)
Rabbi Chaim Ben Attar (1696-1743)
Rabbi Yonasan Eybeschutz (1690-1764)
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888)

[Jews against Israel]

All thanks to /soyriageneral/. I mean look at this, an unironic post using Latuff


That would not cause peace. That would cause war. All the Muslims in the world are not located in Mecca.

That's because, and I don't use this term lightly, LITERALLY 70%+ of threads are made by JIDF.

>That would cause war.
not if the kikes were framed for it...

war against Jews(kikes)

suffice it to say... and the only proof one needs is being here with any regularity over the past 24 months -- to know how Judaeofied the place has become

>anything that money infects, the jew envelops

The first video is flagged as offensive.

You are correct.

There was no peace before Israel was made retard

What is the point of Israel?
Why do they want it to exist?
what is it's purpose?

I would like to know.

Hitler said it best.

So the Jews what to scam wealth off of everyone and have their own country(Isarael) to live in so the laws of Israel prevent them from getting convicted of crimes of scamming?

And eventually expand israel so that the whole world is greater israel.


From the river to the sea..........

What is wrong with a New World Order plan?
It seems like a good plan to me.
They are just fulfilling the Prophesy's of Jesus and John

No they aren't. They're faking it like the slimey Jews they are.

No, they are fulfilling prophecy.

it is the word of God. quit hating them for it.

No they aren't. Trump is.

You will never complete your goals. Peace and Prosperity is on the horizon.


>hating muslim subhumans = neocon

Which is why there will never be peace

>Stop making this about the color of your fucking skin you piece of shit
I suppose I'd have the same concern if i was a shitskin. thank god im not

Jesus brings peace

INRI is YHWH is Moloch.

Jesus is not God. Jesus is a false idol.

you are lying.
God has given me numerous signs that he is real so i know that he is.

i have to agree


holy fucking shit. kys Murat and your muslim dick sucking shills itt. go fuck a goat you barbar.


I like the Zionist plan better than I like the Muslim plan.


This triggers the mudslime OP.

Why did mohammad say that you should drink and bathe in camel piss and that it is healthy?

He also said that it is not a sin to have sex with a goat.

I have read all of this.





How did this become an anti-muslim thread? What does it have to do with OP? Nice try JIDF.

jews always project their disgusting characteristics on others.

lmao "Muhammad sex simulator 2015"


Fuck you leaf. This is and always has been an anti-muslim website. Call me what you will. I stand with Israel and proudly.


>Weimar flag
Of course you do kike. Rebbit is where you belong.


>thinking jews are just a muslim problem

jews have an even deeper hatred for christians than they do for muslims

"muh based israel, they kill mudslimes"

>leaf flag
Kiddo you don't even register as a human in my book.


are you retarded. you understand that israel is a hebrew name that has nothing to do with this shit

Spotted the nigger

I unironically support Bibi.

>Kiddo you don't even register as a human in my book.
Which book is that? The Jewish Talmud? I know that already.


I am not joking. Its the truth.









Mein negers. Wipe out Palestine, scatter them to the win, and see if they take in refugees anywhere in the Middle East as much as Israel does.

This. Though, they mostly stick to Sup Forums, /sg/ has made many an Islamic convert. That's not even counting how many actual muslims sit behind European flags due to the rapeugee programs.

Contrary to you I actually know my ancestors to be culturally and ethnically pure. No jews. My great-grandfather bombed commies in Spain with the Condor Legion. I know it's hard for you anglos to understand but people from Europe actually have a real history other than larping.

... drinks camel urine


There will be no peace in the Middle East till the Kingdom of Jerusalem returns and we recolonize the world.



This is what happens when the kikes get desperate and don't know what else to do. I can feel them squirming because they know their illegitimate state is coming to an end soon.

That was the most NEET neckbeard comment I've read in a while.