Florida Shooter Confirmed ANTIFA!!!


Florida Shooter Nikolas Cruz/ Nicolas Cruz / Nikalous Cruz CONFIRMED AS BEING ANTIFA!!

That's it guys. It's time for the Trump Train to crack down hard on these violent communist filth.

Other urls found in this thread:




Look at his fucking nose.




ISIS/Palestinian Terrorist-sympathizer!

fake news

Why did he do it, Sup Forums?

See his retarded fingers in this pic That's him holding a Qur'an

>He always had his hair short. He always wore like really patriotic shirts that seemed really extreme, like hating on the Islamic religion. For example, he would say things such as like, he would degrade Islamic people as terrorists and bombers. I've seen him wear a Trump hat. I don't know if he ever said anything about women. He didn't have any friends,” he said.

>"Most kids ignored him at school. They pushed him off to the side as if he was garbage. He screamed in class one time. He was upset and just started yelling at the teacher. The teacher was trying to help him and he just took it the wrong way,” Parodie continued.


He's wearing hats in most of his photos. WTF do you know what his hair looks like?

Also people let their hair grow out between haircuts, faggot.

obvious isarel false flag , what are the fucking odds of this shit?

Shills BTFO

>obvious isarel false flag
well yeah, was pretty clearly done to distract from all the fuckery theyve been doing in syria.


looks like a kike

this 2bh
has the same retarded eye that the yearbook pic shows

>workers of the world
>blank resume

hahahahaha, that looks nothing at all like him. That guy literally looks more like Ted Cruz than the shooter

>He always wore like really patriotic shirts that seemed really extreme

You mean like upside-down American flags? (Anti-American/Pro-Communist)

Fuck off shill.

Ted Cruz = Cuban American

Shooter = Cuban American

Not him

This is why they all need freedom chopper rides.

That's bullshit and you know it.
Kid was a racist and internet memer

Totally different guy, why do you retards keep posting these pictures, not the same person at all.


wtf? is he the one on the left or the right?????


>be Sup Forums
>fall for the same "IT WAS ANTIFA ALL ALONG" meme every fucking time
has it literally ever been Antifa guys? Seriously this shit is getting old and it's wrong every time. At least with Muslim you have a 50/50 chance of being correct.

I can 100% confirm he was a sephardic jew

t. spic

I tried to warn everyone.

I want to believe, but I don't think this is him.

>every source says he's a loser with no friends
>look at this pic of the guy with all his commie friends
...just no, user

No evidence provided that it's not him.

Probably the baseball shooting.
To be honest, I don't get why people keep wanting to make this a political thing when he shot up a school. If he was politically motivated he targets would be different.

kek I have a hirbawi keffiyeh too but the classic red/white pattern. good product and it funds BDS (fuck israel).




> Commie Flag
> Shilling for a commie

(((just a coincidence)))

Wat dis?

The guy on the left looks like a young John Goodman.

>> poses for picture with random anti-fa commie fagots at a rally/march

>> this is what Sup Forumstards consider "friends"

is that really him?

he looks like a kike.

Everyone is getting memed on so hard.

That's not the shooter. That's an Ancap turned Ancomm named Marcel Fontaine.

Go to book of faces /metallifanatica81.


>holocaust class

bullshit confirmed. you are an idiot op.

So this is the thread.

Sup Forums isn't known for reason or intelligence

I was in the other thread. You did call it. Lets see if its true before you bust out the caps lock though


Fire up the twitter boys

holy fugue

I see youre trying to filter us all into this archived thread in other threads.
Was cruz close to you? Did he fuck you?

That Ted Cruz face

disgusting libs want to kill you and politicize your death to take guns away from other future victims

listen up guys! i know the perfect way to stop all these mass shootings!!! we need a day dedicated to love where we promote loving others. surely this will melt the icy heart of any would be serial killer.

user, major Thanks for link to the phone vid, if it exist

it's the lib version of "have your cake and eat it too"

Lying shill faggot

I can't believe Ted Cruz shot up a school

>quoting someone named parodie

What even is this timeline

that's not him


Thats not him, moron. LOL Sup Forums is full damage control blaming the wrong people, trying hard to meme this Cruz guy as a leftist just like the Texas church shooter when they are hardcore far right

St. Nikolas and the Valentine's Day Massacre

>Kmfdm hat

Didn't some other school shooters use that hat?

> in custody
wow is he finally going to stop getting away with it

Btw you can immediately tell its not him by the fact that this guy is towering over the people in this pic and the Cruz guy is a manlet

They can't keep letting him get away with it.

No, not the same guy at all, for one thing the guy on the right has a huge curve in his nose, guy on the left has a straight nose.

Why do these "workers' not even try to pass themselves off as the proletariat anymore?
What a strange world we live in now. The Jew has flipped turned us upside down.

None of these images I see of communists kids ever look like they have done a days labour or could hold a trade. If they did they may not be such giant faggots

Turn on the news
He just escaped out from the back of a police van
He's on the run

The eyebrows mang


Noticed this too

Sup Forums is so fucking desperate to deflect this off of them.


Jesus man, at this point he might kill 6 million innocent Jews.

Yes. Look at his chin.

True if big

Why do soyboy's always have beards?

We know the left doesn't know what friends are. That's as close as they can get to camaraderie.

What else is made there? I kinda want to support, but I don't need a handkerchief.

looks like shia labeouf

Commies are not neccessarily Antifa.

And your proof he aint?

you are so desperate to pin it on anyone but your own kind.

>those fingernails

What level of shilling are you on, op? This guy clearly isn't the shooter.


confirmed jew




I dunno I just bought a keffiyeh from there awhile ago. I dont even have it anymore my mom uses it as a scarf lmao.

Zodiac strikes again!

you people are batshit insane and need help.

It's a substitute for masculinity.
I have a beard myself but I'm also a fucking welder and work in the logging industry.

>be shill
>live in your moms basement
>get paied $0.25 a post
>have no fucking work skills
>complete losers
>compliments and mocks people getting off their ass and doing research
>try to correct them using state runed media
>wont listen
>my paycheck is canceled
>communist nation never happens
>become prostitute sucking bbc
>die from too much nigger jizz

Welcome to Sup Forums now please go schlomo

Looks like Sam Hyde lost all his gains for the shooting to blend in with the high schoolers.

He has such fucking weird features? Is that abnormal looking guy in the states or nah? Psychos always have weird looking faces

ears in left and right photo look similar.