What race is Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
lol commie "Intellectuals"
>white (Mediterranean)
>thread just made
>already amerimutt votes
I'm assuming Mediterranean is brown hair/green eyes?
If your family background is from a Mediterranean country but you look 100% white then your white. otherwise Mediterranean is its own and their NOT white.
Sup Forums is the ONLY bastion of true multi-cultural meritocracy on the entire planet (online or off), where no one gives a fuck about race or sex (unless YOU bring it up) and where the only thing that matters is the quality of your posted content.
Globalists BTFO!
>Sup Forums is the ONLY bastion of true multi-cultural meritocracy on the entire planet (online or off), where no one gives a fuck about race or sex (unless YOU bring it up) and where the only thing that matters is the quality of your posted content.
>Globalists BTFO!
you're not white
The minoritiest minority checking in here. Spare some gibs, lads.
Reminder to the four mestizos that pick hispanic
Your tribenigger people don't own the fucking word
>No anglo
I demand aryan blood
You're an abbo/jew mix?
la creatura...
Whiter than you, mohammed.
>the 56% meme is real
>2nd highest after white
I'm a 63% mutt
You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
>Sup Forums is 56%
Fucking mongrel fags, get the fuck off my board. Reeeeee.
>pol is literally 50% white according to this
Keep in mind that most Euros have been long asleep, so this is mostly us Americans chiming in.
55 Western Europe
40 Northern Europe
3 Sub Saharan African
2 Other (not asian can't remember the little ones)
We thought we had some bush people in us but turns out they were Bantu. Who knew.
yeah well thats probably the reason, NA is much more diverse then europe. Im black btw
Implying that race can be reduced to is skin color. Communists are trash, their genome is trash. Commies are subhuman
>Im black btw
You better not reproduce then.
Sage doesn't work if you post an image, dumbass.
Holy shit, the mutts.
>kek meme flag
>m-my s-skin does not define my race!
Kill yourself.
Race is a human construct.
not my fault white ppl are naturally selecting themselves out of existence, and yes i plan on reproducing and raising some well educating black children
If that's the case, then why can we track genetic groups of people through DNA?
Why are there obvious physical characteristic that mark races apart?
Different IQs, temperaments, disease frequencies and such?
Fuck off, nigger.
Slav master race
I'm white Irish. As in, an Irishman living abroad in Canada. What do I click?!?
>yeah well thats probably the reason, NA is much more diverse then europe. Im black btw
1. Doesn't contract "that is" properly.
2. Doesn't know how to spell North America.
3. Doesn't capitalize Europe.
4. Doesn't contract "I am" correctly.
5. Didn't start the sentence with a Capital letter and didn't end it with a period.
6. Uses a comma instead of a period.
7. Can't spell "By the way".
8. Doesn't know the difference between then and than.
It all checks out.
100% Nigger.
>triggered white boy on Sup Forums mad cause he spends all day complaining about white birthrates but cant even reproduce himself cause women are disgusted at him
heres a (you) for spending all that time typing that out
True, there's no white Celtic.
Just click white Aryan, who the fuck cares. You Irish look more like Northern Europeans than Southern or Slavs.
What if you’re black but you learned you’re great grand parent turned out to be pure white. You still black or a mutt
Is pale skin, brown eyes/hair white?
>Implying I don't plan to reproduce
>Implying I'm not in a steady relationship
However, you shouldn't. Because, you know... you're a nigger. Literally the worst genetic line in the world.
56% English
34% German
What is your family background?
You should know whether you're white or not, and if you have to ask I'm sure the answer would be no.
10% American education system T_T
>genetic line
holy fuck a 30 minute browse on Sup Forums never fails to entertain me
I wouldn't expect your ape brain to understand, anyway. So I'll let a wiki page:
im like 1 to 2 tones lighter.
make a guess
Yo you niggers better bow down to my white privilege!
>where no one gives a fuck about race or sex
Sup Forums plays identity politics more than anywhere else on the web. There are daily threads arguing about who is white. If you have a certain flag, that alone can guarantee responses to it regardless of the content
Yes sorry my ape brain is having a lot of difficulty understanding the big words you're using.
this is an interseting link i think you should check out
Nigger, every single one of those threads is started by kike shills.
>be me
>pamiri tajik
what would i fall under
Libertarishits and civic nationalists are so obnoxious and delusional.
A large rock, ideally.
Asian, I imagine.
Aryan master race reporting in.
Do you hate Jews?
And what am I projecting?
I'm merely saying that niggers are trash and thus so are you.
Nice job dodging your fucking idiocy, though.
Mediterranean is OLIVE - 5min in full sunlight and you can actually see their skin going darker.
>american is 56% white
>Europeans are 0%
>0% white
Fail meme holy shit
Just as much as taxonomies are human constructs
its probably referring to east asian
there is constant antisemitism on this board so I guess. i'm not religious though
>Not Having White (Celt)
Kys. I'm not participating in a poll designed by someone with the intellect of a five year old.
My skin is whiter than OP shades, what do?
perfect pic for post
>I'm merely saying that niggers are trash and thus so are you.
>And what am I projecting?
>18% mutt
the meme is real
I am practically albino, but have mixed heritage. So, did I purge my Native and black genes from my bloodline through genetic luck?
>Not Aryan
mediterranean masterrace here, you owe civilization to us
we need to get rid of all the mutts in here, >>>/leftypol/ niggers
>the memeflag calling sl*vs aryan
What a (((surprise)))
You're at odds with reality, my friend.
You know that statistically your race is the bottom of the barrel. You must know as well, when you look in the mirror and try to grow the carpet you call hair out exactly how fucking ugly you are.
Just accept the truth, that's all you have to do. No pussyfooting around, trying to pull psychological twists to make yourself feel better about being a nigger.
It doesn't say "East Asian" so just click Asian, you dip.
I'll have to bang your mom to test out your genetics.
Best of luck, she is over 50 and has bipolar and the IQ of a 7 year old child, due to abusing meth via injections for 20+ years.
Still kinda blows my mind, how I came from my family. I kinda pray I was adopted, or the milkman's kid... but life is a cruel mistress.
retarded pol, so many merri-mutts would pick aryan not knowing they are mutts
Race in the biological sense exists. Certain populations do have unique genetics belonging only to their group.
However, race as it's propagated today, is extremely flawed, due to mixing politics with biology. Everyone has a different idea of who belongs to the white race due to his own subjective criteria which aren't strictly biological. That's why it seems like a social construct but it's not.
tl;dr. Race exists. Our classification of it, is flawed.
Da, mestizlet
you could always be a Jew!
>No Ashkenazi Jew
Gas yourself.
Proud Italian sausage reporting in.
I'm a white amerimutt but I think the Irish genes shine through I got black hair, blue eyes, bushy eyebrows, and I cant sun for shit
Yes I too look at broad statistics of my supposed "race" as a source of self esteem.
>And what am I projecting?
Glow in the dark.
>the jew samefagging again
Well, my IQ is 135, and Im sure the average IQ of my immediate family is only 85. I tried tracing my ancestry, and all I know is that my heritage originated from Jew York. slowly migrating across the USA to Washington. I grew up in poverty, so my family mixed with other impoverish races such as blacks and native Americans (black foot specifically). The mixing was on my father's side, but my mom's side was almost pure Scottish/Irish. My dad was Polish, German, etc. My last name, is super Irish.
Did you all go to see The Jew Panther featuring greater Wakandia. (Greater Israel)
>Straw man fallacy over something that was not stated, but assumed
>Anything I don't like is projecting
>Smiling reaction image with each post to stress that you're amused, thus comforting yourself
Wow, so this is the power of the nigger...
You're still a trash race that shouldn't reproduce.
hispanic is not a race so i had no choice
I'm 100% nigger.
I'm assuming Anglos go in the White(Aryan) category.
quick question, do you believe in the biological reality of race?
>a leaf
>pic name
>do you belive in a biological fact
neck yourself, fag
If you deny race realism, you reject science for the sake of empathy, and deny evolution.
>disgusted at him
Continuing to confirm your niggerdom.
I love 100% nigger now!
Race is a biological fact, although, since humans obviously have the freedom to choose any partner, the lines can often be blurred.