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How can we replace white people?

>be me
>stumble across inter dimensional portal
>portal takes me to a parallel universe except its 1898
>Head to Austria and find little Adolf
>bring him back to our timeline
>educate him on the bullshit the future holds
>he's doubtful
>show him this thread
>Take him back to portal with him now aware of what he must do
>he looks back one last time
>"A-user? What happened to me in this timeline?"
>look at him like a father giving condolences over a pet that just died
>*sigh* "You died a legend but you just didnt go far enough... but there is still time for your timeline. Godspeed you little jewhunting fucklet."
>push him through and shed a tear, hoping I've at least done enough to save another timeline from this shit


Fuck white people!!!

Wow, that is fucking fantastic!

End white people now!!!

She misspelled "I wish I was white"

>one single black (Malcolm X) realizes their entire race is being utilized by the Jew to further their agenda
>gets immediately murdered
Will there ever be any other truly woke black leaders or are they all destined to be peons for the Jew?

Jews can't have tattoos. She retarded.

They are a religion AND a race, so they don't have to jerk off to the talmud to be jewish, they just have to exist. Many jews are athiest. They still have that hyper-tribalism and lack of conscience though.

But what if we produce a generation of Elliot Rogers that are immune to the white self hate and also have unstoppable incel powers that can turn themselves into rouges against the (((system))) at a moments notice?