Don't feed me any bullshit here.
What would actually stop school shootings?
Don't feed me any bullshit here.
What would actually stop school shootings?
Americans getting a proper education.
The school shooter can't shoot up the school if the last one shot him
they're such a tiny tiny tiny tiny issue. really doesn't matter
allowing bullies to beat the weirdness out of creepy kids like the used to
gun control.
it's a problem mostly in the us.
Complete banning of firearms for civilians. Half steps wouldn't do it.
Is it worth the cost is the question? We'd be trading security now for tyranny 50-200 years from now.
cops that did their job. remember, the rent-a-cops the school paid to protect the students fled at the first sign of actually having to do work. this, and the fact that the swat teams and cops did fuck all while kids got shot.
>What would actually stop school shootings?
You think you can convince young people around the world to stop treating eachother like garbage? Not likely. So long as there are alienated young people there will be school shootings. If you take away the guns they'll just become school stabbings.
I hate to break this to everybody, but if fear of being killed by pariahs is what it takes for it to end then that's what's going to happen.
getting rid of jews
armed based teachers
I was one of the creepy kids in high school and had it beaten out of me.
Getting rid of public education and deporting illegals.
Aborting all children.
Better parenting. Same since colombine
Armed remote control turrets installed in the roof of all classes and halls
neural implants constantly measuring and broadcasting the host's brain chemistry. Preferably external and removable. Mandatory for all adolescents.
Mandatory marksmanship training for all children
Also, the other alternative would be a strong return to Christian fundamentalism.
These shootings are nihilistic acts that wouldn't be committed by someone who believes in an eternal afterlife of punishment.
>We'd be trading security now for tyranny 50-200 years from now.
You'd be trading security for tyranny in five hours because taking guns from the public would result in incredible violence all across the country and the police would flat out quit. I don't think you understand what you're proposing. Day 1 dead people and Day 2 the country implodes in reactionary violence.
Ending the prison-industrial complex known as mandatory k-12 public education and going back to home/private schooling is the only correct answer.
prison sentences for the parents.
Make shooting people illegal.
getting rid off outdated public schools and education,
abolishing welfare and payments to single mothers
getting rid of gender quotas in employment and discrimination laws
tightening immigration
Society has grown distant and cold. This is the result
Unironically this. Nihilism is killing the west. Literally and metaphorically.
posted it before I did, correct, unfortunately this is pol so answers like this dont fly here
stop faking them
Stop, nothing. Reduce? Stop paying attention. Hard but most of these are blaze of glory suicides. Remove the glory.
Shitty future parents sterilized before they can become parents. Smaller community organized schools. That's just for starters.
>votes for a president that reduces reduces mental health care coverage
Homeschool your children, and not because there are shooters about.
The psychoses that come from public schooling permeate society top to bottom, and are a corrupting influence.
Bringing community support back by not being a stratified land of diverse spics and niggers.
> armed based teachers
what are based teachers? just showing how autistic and weird natsocs really are
How would we change public education and replace it?
It really is shit. Seriously it's so fucking bad. And I went to a "good" school. Some of these inner city schools look like actual prisons run by the inmates.
Thank a bully today
banning fucking guns in america, easy as shit
Intrusive and more dire methods of helping those who seem to be loners or being bullied.
weird answer considering that the shootings are happening in schools
not even sure what that means
he was adopted and his adopted parents were dead
Yeahhhh I mean, really though? Aren't they already trying to do that?
Okay, but how do you get around the constitutional arguments?
But wouldn't school stabbings cause less bloodshed overall?
Come on I said no bullshit.
Society couldn't survive without public ed, the lack of an educated workforce would cripple the economy.
Uhhhh but religious extremists commit violence all the time.
Ending Jewish occult control of society
killing ALL of the jews
Didn’t used to happen when America was 90% white. Really makes ya think.
School accountability, this means actually dealing with outside students, drifting away from the group. Parent education, parent well being and adjustment check. More community involvement, mental health for those in need. Some idiot kids stated they knew he'd be the one, so this shows someone may have saved him. This also means teachers must have known as well, someone needs to step up and make the change to stop the people from becoming this.
Stop spurging out like little bitches everytime some product of modern society goes ballistic.
buncha faggots
have the school's therapist person be straight forward with anyone who seems to be troubled by having them ask the kid "do you wish to kill people?" if answered yes, call the military and have the kid be part of a program designed to not only turn boys into men, but use the child as soldiers to carry out missions that most adult men wouldn't logically take part of (kids who legitimately have the desire to kill don't care about being killed).
Close the schools, internet gives a better education. Not even joking.
A pure Christian morale soceity with clear punishments for degeneracy and extreme political views.
Both sides are wrong.
Repent user. God loves you.
the shooter killed 17 kids. swat team watched. security obviously did nothing. you can see it on the news footage
why? you only have a strong reaction to them because the media trained you to. there are way bigger issues than like 50 people killed a year
Fire the jew therapist and deport his family
Society is the problem, the person is irrelevant.
Make schools hard targets, all personnel badged and pass through several security screening perimeters staffed with armed guards. All doors security doors that can be manually locked from the inside.
Just have gated schools with guards as the norm.
>Uhhhh but religious extremists commit violence all the time
Christians aren't taught to kill others retard only Islam teaches that.
>But wouldn't school stabbings cause less bloodshed overall?
Nope. Stabbings have almost identical mortality rates to shootings. Difference is, when a shooter is popping off shots everyone in the building knows it. The only warning you get about a guy stabbing people is within shouting distance.
>Society couldn't survive without public ed, the lack of an educated workforce would cripple the economy.
Good thing public education isn't the only form of education, just the worst one by far.
You didn't see this shit in the 1940's and 50's
My dad and his friends used to take their guns to school so they could hunt on the way home.
>Traps ARE faggots
Back then they still had sharpshooting clubs in schools.
Well it's simple. Ban schools
You don't replace government programs with other government programs.
Watch this short video by Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman
You would have private schools, home schooling, community schools, charity funded charter schools.
In the era of Khan Academy where all you need is a computer and internet connection to access a plethora of learning resources the possibilities are endless.
> It really is shit. Seriously it's so fucking bad. And I went to a "good" school. Some of these inner city schools look like actual prisons run by the inmates.
Because public schools were not invented to educate, that's there secondary even their tertiary purpose. They are made for reshaping individuals according to the ideals of the elite.
Separating the robots from the normalfags. That way both groups are happy.
Being excellent to one another.
> billandted.jpg
>Society couldn't survive without public ed
You mean the economy. I get that there is no alternative. I am just saying that allowing youths to form social hierarchies causes a shit-ton of problems. Why specifically the problem is American probably has something to do with a lack of traditional cultural norms. Too many Frege's puzzles everywhere.
abolishing schools
Try school bombings instead.
You think a genuine misanthrope is going to settle for stabbing one or two guys?
I'm not proposing taking all guns. I'm just answering OP's question and contemplating the possibilities.
>What would actually stop school shootings?
2 things are strongly contributing to this trend, and we have to address these issues.
1) A surprising number of mass murderers, including a hugely disproportionate amount of school shooters, are on anti-depressant SSRIs. One of the possible side effects is extreme aggression and violence. It happens in a small percentage of SSRI users, but it happens dramatically in them. You can't have a public discussion about this or pass legislation regarding it, because the pharmaceutical companies make a shitton of money off SSRIs, and they pump a lot of that money into media advertising and political lobbying.
2) It would have been nearly impossible for there to have been a mass shooting in my highschool. Why? Did I have metal detectors, or security posted at key points? No. I went to school long before 9/11 and all of the post-9/11 hyper regulations, and I went to a school that serviced a large number of kids from nearby rural areas. This meant that most guys in my school knew how to shoot, and plenty of them had hunting rifles and shotguns in their trucks in the parking lot. If anything crazy had gone down in my school, there is no question that any crazy shooter would have been put down relatively quickly.
We need plenty of armed, well-trained folks within the sane population. We need to stop trying to fix the symptoms of a broken culture by messing with our neurochemistry.
Need a source on this.
Because unironically more guns IS the solution. Several security personnel and certain teachers either being armed or having access to arms on school grounds.
There are too many guns in circulation as it is, if you want to look at it from the other perspective. Ban the AR-15? ok. Who are you going to pay to take it from peoples cold dead hands? Oh, you'll just leave those in circulation ok. Well i'll either already have access to one because of that, or i'll just get another gun that is 1% less fucking efficient.
If you want some feel good legislation to whip out right now to sate the masses? Fuck if I know. Perhaps Commission some kind of *bipartisan* investigation into gun crime, laws, and culture with input from groups across the spectrum, and create some civil fucking discourse for public consumption. The current discourse is bullshit and so vitriolic and just does not help. I'm certain there ARE laws that could be created/tweaked that could help reduce crime. But nothing good is going to come from the current *type* of ''''discussion''''
>he thinks the workforce is educated
>he thinks his congressman isn't a moron
>he expects anything resembling competence from a meatbag
Public schooling doesn't teach anyone anything; either the kid was white/asian and already knew the subject matter because his parents are not degenerate, or the kid is a spic/nigger/mongrel that won't learn anything no matter how much you spend.
Public education is fucking stupid and if you think it works remember your senator and congressman actually fucking believe that "zero emissions vehicles" are possible and electric cars don't generate pollution, in violation of the fucking 2nd law of thermodynamics that you are supposed to learn in high school physics and something even a fucking kindergartener with 100+ IQ could reason.
Right on mate
We'd save a lot of money and could reduce taxes however public schools are welfare programs for incompetent dipshits, i.e. teachers, who get fat salaries and equally fat pensions
Oh look, the shariablue faggot is shilling for martial law again.
>Get rid of public schools
>Charter and private only.
>Problem kids immediately kicked out.
My sister was a teach of a school shooter. I remember her bitching about him for weeks beforehand. The day before the shooting he showed her a picture of him.
Private companies can choose to get rid of students that aren't desirable. All the teachers and students knew this guy was a problem. The pubic communist school system is the issue.
the right to bear arms is not unlimited.
Making it a law to build the police station outpost attached to a school which requires a few cops to be present 24/7.
arm the teachers
stopping schools
lmao. the only thing more retarded and worthless than the students is the teachers. Roastie leftist sluts and faggots.
Everything this ID speaks is true.
Arm teachers.
Ending the nihilistic culture and giving young men meaning. What I'm saying is, Jordan Peterson tier cultural life would stop it.
300 kids killed so far in the 21st century due to school shootings:
That is a drop in the bucket. Sorry, but this is a minor issue in the grand scheme of things. You'd save far more lives campaigning to end teenage suicide.
Depends on how good people get at it. All it takes is one person getting mass media attention proving its possible to kill/injure 10+ people with a knife or sword and people will copy that instead.
Alternately, they switch to bombs or trucks. Wait for Prom/The Big Game/Whatever, run a Uhaul over where you know the most people will be.
He’s not wrong you know
yes it is. put on the commie flag you faggot
I think the better question would be: why is this all of a sudden such an issue in the past 20 years? We’ve had guns capable of doing mass shootings around for over 100 years, and this bullshit really wasn’t an issue.
Stop forcing people to attend a place they don’t want to be, dug. Violence begets violence, duh.
How about online education instead of forcing kids into a classroom. Our education structure of rowed desks and strict rules is an attempt at producing good little worker bees for an industrial society.
Reform the education system and maybe you'll have less retards snap and shoot the place up.
Aren't public high schools supposed to have cops? We have an armed resource officer
a revolution in societal values and a return to traditionalism. Even aside from school shootings, violent crime has risen since the sexual revolution. Coincidence? I don't think so
Yup, these are the product of a society without a moral compass.
>What would actually stop school shootings?
Fear of being shot by any one of the randomly armed teachers and staff.
ours was some obese faggot lol he would have been an easy target
Jews+diversity + culture. The world for was made of homogeneous nations for a reason.
I understand how you reach your conclusion but you did it by making assumptions. Thats not proof.
>the media made me have a strong reaction to the mass killing of children
No, thats been a normal human reaction for a very long time. Thats why those kinds of stories have been used as propaganda throughout time.
I'm not buying that.
23 kids stabbed, 0 deaths.
Society and the economy are interdependent. But really if you look at the major advances in American economic development in the 20th century they correspond strongly to workforce productivity and mass public eduaction.
Are you aware of the fact that this shooter was actually kicked out of the school because he was a problem child?
And expose the kids to police abuse?
300 dead kids is still alot.
>All the teachers and students knew this guy was a problem.
More like they made him a problem. Are you really implying that public school teachers and public school students are somehow appropriate judges of character or qualified to make a judgement about a person's mental health?
In fact, let's just create an entire caste of barely educated mentally ill young people predisposed to violence that have no social skills and very low empathy for the privileged people that threw them out. That'll turn out great. They totally won't band together into groups of 3-6 and terrorize everyone.
>We psychopass now