Knock this shit off right now Sup Forums you sick fucks!
Knock this shit off right now Sup Forums you sick fucks!
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Is that real though? link or gtfo
>not providing a link
Shhhhhhh the shills don't know who he is. Stop messing this up.
I can't link because 4chinz thinks it's spam. Look up conservative news today on kikebook it's on their page.
Al-Samir Hyeed can't keep getting away with this.
so bill oriley really retweeted Jhoinne, nice
Unironically being this new.
The guy on the left isn’t Sam Hyde that’s a man named Johnny. He’s a bully and a punk, but not a school shooter. He drives cool cars and gets too many chicks to do something like that.
how long until she reports on these story ?
Goddamn I would let that sexy little bitch spit in my mouth
Going over 80 in his Honda lel
Fucking american dogs get his name right Samir Al-Hayeed pbuh.
He is notorious for this sort of thing
I can't believe he keeps getting away with this! Why won't anybody think of the children!?!?!
30 mins or your school shooting is free.
I guess the Vegas and Texas shooting wasn't enough for Sam Hyde! How does he keep getting away with it!
You won't keep getting away with this Sam
I heard it was Antwon Al-Kumia