The Answer to the Jewish Domination of the Music Industry : K-POP

It is common knowledge that the international Jewry has complete control over the commercial music industry within the United States. The creation, production, and promotion of all popular music is so thoroughly and self-evidently directed and monopolized by the Jewish race, with the sole aim of corrupting and pervading the white citizenry of the country and inciting minorities to further barbarism and violence, that it does not even warrant explanation.

The question at hand is, what shall we do about it? It would be nigh impossible to completely abstain from listening to music, indeed, some melody is needed to endure the struggles of daily life. But, at the same time, to listen to any music associated with the several American labels influenced and controlled by Jews is tantamount to active participation in white genocide. It would seem that the task of overthrowing the chains imposed upon us by the Jewry would be impossible, if not for K-POP.

Yes, K-POP. The people of Korea are completely removed from corrupting influence the Jewry, and have producing content that rivals their most advanced productions in theatrical and musical quality and taste for years now. And what's more, Korean music reinforces the natural role of women as beautiful, mannered, and delicate creatures - rather than ass-shaking apes such as Nikki Minaj and Miley Cyrus. It's clear that to destroy the Jews' pervasive cultural influence in the realm of music, we must abstain from their productions and instead listen to the superior alternative of K-POP. If we assist in the propagation of this genre, we may even completely eradicate the Jewish music industry in America as it exists.

>tl;dr K-POP can save the white race, but only if we embrace it

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thinly veiled racemixing thread.
nice try schlomo

Kpop is truly red pilled.

Said Jamal, as he plugged in his headphones to listen to Lil' Yeezy's newly released single "Muh Dikk" so-benevolently funded by Mr. Shekelstein's studio.

>the people of korea are completely removed from the corrupting influence of Jewry

Lol k bro.
>Though very few South Koreans are interested in Judaism as a religion, philo-Semitism is prevalent among the South Korean population as they reportedly hope to emulate Jews' high academic standards by studying books derived from Jewish works such as the Torah and Talmud.[3]

No, gooks are at least 10x worse than Jews. Fuck Kpop.

Just got the new Twice CD.
Shit is banging.
No better soundtrack for the RAHOWA

so is my dick

Kpop is Jewry, you faggot.

>actually I listen to tyr and pantera. who is lil yeezy anyways?

East asians are white

>J.Y. Park
>Yang Hyun-suk
>Bang Si-hyuk
>Lee Soo-man

These are the founders and CEOs of the biggest companies in K-Pop, and not one of them is Jewish. The staffers, writers, choreographers, and most everyone else - Korean. The worst you have is some collaboration with Swedish producers for beats.

Now, compare this to the American music industry where every other guy is a literal kike and you can see what an improvement K-POP is.

Tell me this isn't fascistcore.

>modestly dressed
>retro clothing
>impeccably orderly and timed choreography
>pure (all virgins)
>advertising proper role for women

If something like this was released in the West there'd be Jewish shrieks of patriarchy and muh sexual liberation before it even hit the market. K-POP is literally a godsend and we must propagate it to save the white race.

The most capitalist country on Earth makes insane pop music as psychological warfare against its neighbor to the north, the most communist shithole on earth.
If you're not woke to the red pill of Kpop get woke kids
Also femtards all love the faggy boybands but are scared of the girl bands. They can't admit how jealous they are of real feminine beauty.
They frequently wear blackface and mock other races.
And they're Trad.
fuck western Jew pop

Also they IS KANGZ

>culture that promotes racial homogeneity, purity and modesty and women, and a conservative social outlook is worse than the literal people sworn to destroy your race

If you listen to any sort of Western music associated with Jewish labels (pretty much all of it), you are actively participating in white genocide. Period.

K-POP is the only way the Jewish music complex can be defunded while promoting fascist values to the population as a whole. And no, admiring K-POP does NOT make you a race traitor.

Korean women are to be cherished and protected, not to be lusted after.

Pop stars that are
>in shape
>proud of their home and race
>encourage modesty
>are polite and formal in public

It's like the 1950s white entertainment pre-jewery

the single sucked though

Your opinion.

based 2nd amendment kpops




enjoy your dogshit east asians



koreans are the white feminists of east asia

just because they’re not jewish does not in any way mean they cannot be degenerate, it’s an almost universal truth among immensely powerful people as we’ve seen over the last few years

don’t forget south korea had their fucking pm impeached because she admitted to being literally brainwashed and controlled by a shadow council of occult practicing witches


Yet the K-pop industry makes men look like twink faggots. It's basically Uniqulo-sponosred music.

truly sad



heartshaker sucked too. can twice even make a proper single anymore?

will you still love your korean wife if she gets fucked by hundreds of tyrones?

>posts pictures of random non-celebrity Asian bitches
>uses this as "proof" against K-POP

Actual K-POPs are held to the strictest standards of modesty and purity, moreso than literally any American artist. The Korean culture simply does not permit the chimp-like behavior so common in America, and undoubtedly this perplexes and frustrates the Jewry in their efforts to subjugate Asia. Race mixing is highly, highly, highly frowned upon and negroes in general are as well - there are thousands of videos on YouTube of foreigners bitching about 'muh Korean raycism' because they'll no-joke call them dirty monkeys.

People shilling against K-POP ITT are most likely hooked on Jewpop themselves, that's why they're so desperately defending it.

This girl does it better.



keep telling yourself that

>short hair
I don't think so, lad. White women are so last century.

Ignore him. He’s probably a black guy using this opportunity to shill BMAF. Also I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a kpop fan himself.

white women trying to be cute is just cringe. Stick to twerking, piggy.

I’ve said this myself many times

K-pop will make women feminine again. God bless those fucking gooks

I fucking hate kpop, except bts

Degeneracy is highly correlated with Jewish influence, that aside Korean culture is very anti-degenerate in the first place, whatever political scandals may occur have little impact upon that. We must propagate this as a model for our own people and healthy alternative to the Jewish propaganda broadcast every day.

>except bts

Baby metal desu

Whats sad is, that there are quite a few korean girls in itaewon that hook up with blacks here, mostly from africa.

Where have you been, OP? K-pop Thursdays have always been a thing on Sup Forums. It's by far my favorite non-white activity of the week!

There's nothing wrong with a groomed, healthy physique and good fashion sense. The notion that masculinity is triple-cheeseburgers and not bathing for a week has made America the laughingstock of the world. It's not "twinkish" to have good hygiene and health, of course Jewish pharma would like to have you think otherwise.

Hol up, you trying to say this shit isn't jewish? Fuck you mean?

i cant make east asian threads anymore since i get warned. mods are faggots.


Do what I do. Only listen to Bach, Beethoven, Chopin.


Post pics. I love seein asian women get the beat down, i love giving them the beat down, they need need my big cock

Only good Kpop group is Crayon Pop. All the others are just degenerates competing who's video gets closest to State's censorship board with their borderline porn MVs.

I'm jelly

Of course it's not jewish. At least it tries to maintain an idenitty. It's called k-pop, not k-with-some-niggers-and-spics-pop.

Just stick to Sup Forums. Sup Forums is too jaded to appreciate good looking boys and girls singing and dancing with some flashy marketing gimmicks. It's a win win.


Third girl is quite attractive.

This desu. Look at this right wing gathering.

>music meant for 12 year old girls is gonna save the white race and defeat the jews

If Kpop is redpilled, explain this:

thats tame. go look up laysha or bambino fancams.

KPOP isn't the answer to anything, not even blue balls

As opposed to Japanese cartoons meant for 12 year old girls?

>backup dancer
That dude is from HyunA's Red MV

The Korean oligarchy cult members control k pop. They follow Lucifer just like the kikes.

>culture that promotes racial homogeneity, purity and modesty and women, and a conservative social outlook is worse than the literal people sworn to destroy your race

You are talking about the country that has the lowest fertility rate in the world, at 1.05.
South Korea is EXTREMELY materialistic and they want to be like the west too much. Traditionalism is pretty much dead there.
Not to mention immigration in South Korea is increasing at an alerming rate.
They are in the same way the west was during the 90's. Just a matter of time until they become multicultural.

never said anime is red pilled its as cancerous as kpop



I wish this bitch would stop ruining AOA for me

>watches kpop and anime
this is the peak of human trash

this is your brain on talmudic waves




This has to be the most fucking retarded post I'll be seeing here today. Just nexk yourself you filthy koreaboo.

Kpop is trash, and while I do fucking love watching it, it doesnt vhange the fact that its degenerate brainwashing filth.

>Thw people of korea are completely removed from corrupting influence the Jewry

Lmao literally what, they literally have a Jewish allied cult made up of like 8females that control majority of the corporations and have massive political power. Also, THEY LITERALLY ARE OBLIGATED BY THE GOVERNMENT TO READ THE TORAH AND OTHER JEWISH TRASH.

South korea is literally a testing ground for the jews and 8 goddesses before they start applying thwir bullshit social reforms and laws in western countries. The political authorities and media are corrupted and rotten as hell.

>korean music reinforces the natural role of women as beautiful mannered and delicate creatures

Oh yeah, oggling your asses while prancing around in half naked outfits that barely cover your asscheeks sure is beautiful and mannered.

Also, all your kpop crushes are nothing but literal corporate whorws are forced to sell their bodies to the political and influential elites in their country, similar to hollywood thots and people like Weinstein.


>modestly dressed
>impevvably orderly and timed chpregraphy
Agreed, its fucking great.
>pure (all virgins)
HAHAHAHAHAHA you naive delusional cunt.

This whole thread seems like nothing but a bait to get more replies desu. Sage.

Why does South Korea get the best fucking cereals?

bitch is fat as fuck
why are white women so terrible?

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

plz don't
black+east-asian mongrels are horrendous
spare them...
This is better.

No ass. You're a confirmed faggot.


lmao what is this incel shit?

its k-pop
Op blown the first out

keep the choaposting to kpop gen pls

Are you retarded? The leader of that cult got sentenced to 20 years in prison. If you’re going to meme at least keep up with the news.


>When the poo is right
