>As the school is at least 40% Jewish, Chabad rabbis associated with the school have coordinated an evening of prayer, consolation and memorial.
First Jewish Victim Identified In Florida School Massacre
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Shills are pushing the narrative that the shooter was a Palestinian sympathizer who went there to kill jews.
>First Jewish Victim Identified In Florida School Massacre
>YWN mourns the death of all the victims
"40% Jewish school"
now i really don't care.
He was one of you faggots. Quit trying to spread false flag rumors about him being antifa. It was a self hating incel spic who blamed the jews for his problems. He had a MAGA hat and racist Sup Forums memes on social media for fucks sake. He was one of you. Those antifa and karl marx pictures were fake. That's not him. Own it. This guy was one of you.
Also, remember the Quebec mosque shooting? Or that guy who shot his parents over a video game? They were Sup Forumstards too.
WTF How is there an entire class about the holocaust at the high school level? Was this a Jewish school?
>40% Jewish
Holy fuck
Reports showed the school was only ~40% non-Hispanic white
So that school was almost entirely spics, kikes, and niggers
Imagine the hell
Yes. This was a Jewish school and the Jews are gonna push the narrative that the shooter did this because he wanted Palestine to be free and he wanted to kill jews.
>one of you faggots
Aren't you supposed to be pretending not to be a paid visitor?
White peons killing Jews again.
Nazi scum
Wouldn't be surprised if Syrian and Assad get dragged into this. Iran and Russia perhaps too.
Too bad Trump has worked for the past year to align everyone against israel secretly.
The Jews deserved it
wtf i love school shooters now
For the first time in a long time, I agree with a lefty. You got it dead on.
the hispanic boy is innocent now.
hohoho so true
Nothing of value was lost
He dindu nuthin
First Jewish victim, there's obviously going to be six gorillion more.
So this is the posting of one of the victims, in which she had a brother that died? Parents lost two then?
>He was one of you faggots
I dont really give a shit
You're blowing your cover here lil marxie marx!
Its a false flag. She's doing her media rounds.
No, nobody remembers these events because they have no bearing on anyone but those trying to manufacture consent.
Stop pretending you lay awake at night because some nigger got shot in the head or whatever the fuck. You don't care at all, which is why you literally wield the tragedies of others to fight your ideological battles.
Good lad! All is forgiven.
>pretending you arent a marxist shithead too
This doesn't work yknow shill but gotta earn dem shekels right
>He wuz JROTC
So now they can shit on the military too.
This whole thing reeks of setup.
Nice try, David.
Crisis actors!
oh so he wasnt a bad guy after all
>40 percent Jewish
>Broward county only 42.5% non Hispanic white.
Rejoice boys, I bet there was not a single white that died in that building.
>Champagne socialist cunt harasses child victims for cheap clix
>Can't be assed to get their names right
that's what I figured
I kinda just wanted to see her say holocaust class out loud
Liberals actually made a dragnet meme to confuse boomers into feeling pressured socially.
Liberals also thinks the right still says "Lefty" as though they are seen as rambunctious rascals rather than delusional and destructive parasites with no moral code of any kind.
>first week black history, second week the Holocaust, week after that tests
how many jews did he get
What the fuck do you think this is, David, Twatter? Report to your TL for uptraining, you brainless faggot.
>inb4 17 turns into 17m
>Jews in Florida
There’s a good chance that the majority of the shooting victims were Jewish. There would be an equal chance of them being black or Cuban but blacks and Cubans don’t go to school.
Not a single person died in that building because it was a false flag.
wtf I love Nick Cruz now
It's month not week. But live on Nick
It's pretty sick and telling that they are only mourning the jewish victims. . .
>Also, remember the Quebec mosque shooting? Or that guy who shot his parents over a video game? They were Sup Forumstards too.
You're overestimating Sup Forums's memory. These retards always start blaming every happening on antifa and spread a pic of some random lefty as the culprit. And they're wrong every time
Another holohoax
Shalom Sup Forums Chabad Jewish Rabbi here.
You are all terribly misinformed and I am here to debunk some popular misconceptions.
To clarify
>we donate 90% of our salary/earnings to goyim charities
>we do not depend on government support (0% government funds)
>our schools, yeshivas, synagogues are all privately funded by members of Hasidic/Chabad communities
>we all work hard in manual labor and are productive members of society
>we do not employ illegals or immigrants
>we are 100% patriotic and serve in the US Army
>All our males served in Vietnam, WW2, Iraq, Afganistan to protect the lives of our fellow countrymen
>we do not commit crimes, money launder, peddle jewelery
>we do not traffick drugs/organs
>we do not traffick eastern european girls
>we do not diddle lil boys
>our females are required to work and are not welfare queens popping out inbred bastards
>we do not go on welfare
>there is no white genocide and we actually love goyim
No one cares, Shmuley
Damn... he was a qt. :(
Only thing that can make this right is bombing Iranian nuclear facilities.
>stop winning Sup Forums. we cant keep losing like this! please stop spreading facts !!!!! you are making us look bad and people hate us!!
I like how brazenly the media is outing themselves as being controlled by jews in the way that they care more about jews then anyone else.
thats all the better, some DACA faggot le56% ameromutt shot a bunch of kikes
hows that multikulti migration pushign shit working out for ya schlomo
I remember that guy. He deserves to be remembered here as a hero. We should post his pics more often.
Uh, its an article in "Yeshiva World"
Exactly. This false flag wont work. No one has ever liked the jews and now people want them dead.
Was he really /our guy?
Just saying a school less than 5 miles away
this is fake as fuck
They're fucking kids you animal.
that explains why they have holocaust class
This would be absolute prime trolling opportunities
Not saying anybody should do anything
I’m just saying
confirmed /ourguy/
Killing children is kosher.
>Jews kill kids
He was Hispanic
>set up kike school to have holocaust classes
>school ends up being full of shitskins
I'm beginning to doubt the genius of the scheming jews. They fall for their own shit more than we do.
Israel truly wants to force other Jews to move to Israel.