Release date when?
Nekopara OVA
What's the point if it's not porn?
Is it marketed toward ironic weebs who only played the all-ages version of nekopara on steam and don't even realize it's a porn game?
Don't you want to see the girls in motion, though? Even without porn, I think it's worth it just for that. I hope they keep the original VAs, at least.
Careful now. If it somehow becomes popular, it might just go mainstream instead of being porn.
>What's the point if it's not porn?
Maybe some people just want a SoL with cute catgirls doing cute catgirl things.
Sounds lame.
Is Ray still doing the OVA OP? Given that she retired and all.
Wait, it's really happening?
Lewd imouto scenes when
fat cat tats are the best girls.
Why do all the H scenes have that disgusting orange tint to it?
Couldn't it just be both? They could just stay the way the are now, and keep the 18+ patches separate from the normie versions of the games.
It's just gonna be haremshit, the worst kind of shit.
>Is it marketed toward ironic weebs who only played the all-ages version of nekopara on steam and don't even realize it's a porn game?
Yes, this is how it got funded so quickly and why this series sell so well despite being terribly mediocre.
If Cinnamon doesn't get fucked on screen, who even cares?
>If Coconut doesn't get fucked on screen
Which Nekopara do you fuck first?
You mean like if I was Cashew? I'm all about Coconut.
Coconuts makes my nuts go cuckoo
>If Shigure doesn't get fucked on screen
She's never going to get the dick. The volume 4 will be mixing up the pairs and an orgy with all the cats.
>mixing up the pairs
Wait, are there ALWAYS pairs? I'm on Vol 2 right now, and I wanted a solo scene with Coconut, but Chocola just HAD to butt in out of nowhere and cuck herself. Are there no solo scenes in the series at ALL?
December this year is estimated time.
Any update on when my pet cat will get her dumb pet maid cosplay costume? I was late for the Kickstarter crowdfunding Hing but I donated 5 bucks to get the digital wallpaper add-on in Backerkit instead of Kickstarter and I can't make any comments in the Kickstarter comment replies myself to ask when's my cat is gonna get her maid pet clothes.
Vol 4.
There are solo scenes.
Though that's not why Shigure isn't going to get the D. It's because she is the authors self insert and her husband doesn't want her insert getting fucked.
Will it have Coconut thighs? After that scene in Vol 3 it is all I really care about anymore.
Shit, is that what that is?
No wonder Shigeru keeps calling the cat girls her 'daughters'.
Wait, the author's a woman?
Huh, I wonder if it's true that women write better sex scenes than men
Women have surprisingly dirty minds. Not to mention that a good portion of them make up the doujin market (although most of them make vanilla porn)
What have you
The artist is, Chinese lady that goes by Sayori. I'm uncertain if she does both the art and writing or how that works.
I would think that Nekoworks as a whole writes the story and there could be a combination of men and women.
yes, which is like 70% of the fanbase
Is Coconut still your favorite BFCT?
That's a big cat
you're still getting OVA about cute cats doing cute things so I'm not complaining.
Suddenly I want cat milk
Just a reminder that Maple is best girl
Is is beastiality?
>Is it marketed toward ironic weebs who only played the all-ages version of nekopara on steam and don't even realize it's a porn game?
I don't understand why Steam doesn't sell porn games, they sell brutal murder games, why not love?
I once watched the H Scene between Coconut, Chocola, and (you don't need to remember), and this was after I discovered the whole fact that it was porn right after I've heard the comparison of Chocola and Vanilla to little sisters. For whatever reason, that fucked with me infinitely more than if they were actually blood related. And whilst I watched the H Scene, with only Glopping, Squelching, and Pleasure noises happening; I only felt truly dead inside. For the first time in my life, I had felt truly abandoned, soulless, and yearning for anything to fill in the void I had.
>Lewd imouto scenes when
Shigure is not for lewding, she is for doting on and protecting.
Shhh... no tears, only headpats now.
This is essentially Transformers at this point, with tits. I am patiently awaiting for aliens to invade us so that they can violently probe every idiot that bought this on steam.
>Shigure is not for lewding
She would literally be the first to call bullshit on this
Anyone kinda feel bad for Shigure went she went completely nuts at the end of Vol 3?
Haven't played it yet
Did she finally go full yandere?
>Lewd imouto scenes when
Almost on the brink. After she reveals to everyone that MC fucked Cinnamon and Maple, she goes at the edge of the harbor yelling that the West can go suck it and Japan numbuh wan because we fuck cats.
Then she cries that god didnt make her a catgirl and how unfair life is.
>After she reveals to everyone that MC fucked Cinnamon and Maple
How did she know?
She just does.
>implying she wasn't watching the whole time and recorded it for later
Think of who we're talking about man
she bribes the cat with fatty tuna to spill the beans
Cinnamon isn't my favorite (I liked Azuki) but her h-scenes were the best. That voice when she moans did things to me.
Anyone's guess really. I think she has the MC chipped and has been monitoring him via satellite.
I think it's pretty obvious from body language to know if two people fucked.
Considering how dirtyminded Shigure is, it didnt that much thought to guess that a three drunk people sharing the same room didnt have hardcore fucking
Why are japs obsessed with fucking cats
More like they are obsessed with fucking to the point where they are willing to fuck anything, including cats.
>recording and watching your big brother getting his asshole eaten out by one of your catgirls while the other deepthroats his dick
but Sayori did art for a game around last year where you fuck her self-insert till she aheagos
I mean, he's a pussy (literally) slayer and he just spent a night on a boat with two drunk and very grateful cats.
>watching your big brother getting his asshole eaten out by one of your catgirls while the other deepthroats his dick
wait what
Cinnamon is a fucking slut
Welcome to Nekopara
Non-H (deal with it) OVA of this one when?
>Then she cries that god didnt make her a catgirl and how unfair life is.
Shigure needs to set up a GoFundMe to pay for a Nekoplasty operation.
Kill yourself fucking EOP.
>but Sayori did art for a game around last year where you fuck her self-insert till she aheagos
wait what
Her self insert who is a shigure clone get a fucked in ponkotsu akuma
Which cat wants to be impregnated the most
>Then she cries that god didnt make her a catgirl and how unfair life is.
If Shigure is Sayori's self insert, then I suppose maybe that says something.
>Tough question. Catgirls and humans can't procreate so all of them are fucking the MC knowing they can't get preggers.
So no chance for loli catgirls?
MC should get some catdudes to impregnate the girls then
Loli cat girls exist.
>Not +18
Murrika and their morals.
he could just impregnate his cuck sister then put cat ears on the child