How many prayers before God answers and stops all the shootings?
Would you say... 10 million?
How many prayers before God answers and stops all the shootings?
Would you say... 10 million?
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Why is God going to save a society that's turned it's back on him?
stream it faggot.
God in punishing us for being faggots
I implore you to follow the rules and stream the movie.
Faggot OP is probably too new to know the rule, I just realized.
Also, not sure why I >> myself. Today has been wild.
rather than being "that guy", you need to first prove that you have risen adam and eve from the dead. upon which point is impossible and you'd be looked at very strangely because you hadn't claimed you arrived from above. and the antichrist comes before Christ and he might even do miracles. which is what this would be seen to be. but theyre dead. and youre crying. and you cant bring them back. want the shootings to stop? stay in eden and dont fuck up. maybe use your brains for once. but none of these things ever happened. so sit in your time out. and let God's plan arise. anybody who comes now and is obviously before Christ cant do any of this shit without being the literal devil. so you think youre so smart. the devil killed adam and eve. God didnt. in a way, adam and eve killed themselves. this is why the First Advent happened in the first place
>Lent starts
>people purposefully wait for this day to do "why God allow evil" threads
Read the book of Job. would i say 10 million? no. about 100 billion have lived and died since them. and all bodies turn to ash. the whole universe will one day. minus the saved souls. so you better be saved. but you dont sound like it. you dont care what happens you just go straight to the straight edge blame God lies and cockamamie
stream where
New or high quality b8.
Nice job faggot.
a possessed sack of turds murdered many people. what does that have to do with godliness? in ANY way?
imagine a world without christcucks.
>imagine a world without christcucks.
You mean right now?
The whole world is a "possessed sack of turds" you handicap. Its a shit place. Its always been a shit place, and chances are it'll remain a shit place for -many- more centuries after us.
well. satan rules the air. so. maybe this explains why God promised to never flood the earth ever again. and we are so garbage. that it is part of His plan that a flood of fire WILL happen. no wonder He said "no more floods OF WATER"
He won't.
Satan is god.
If there ever was a God, they abandoned us a long time ago because humanity abandoned them. Whatever happens to this shit-rock floating through space is deserved.
we are stationary and a flat plane. but yes.
your flag means "satan frog". dont play games
I'm not playing games.
Would you like to play a game with me? No homo ;)
we werent abandoned though. note i said souls are saved in Christ. and what happens to everything else. and of course God exists
Sold.... To the gentleman with the horns and tail in the back row for 15 million
Maybe....what kind of game?
the entire internet is a satanic device. electricity probably is too
God will destroy the earth again only this time with fire.
Your point?
Will it fit. Sound good?
that you play games
He wants to make us black?
How so?
How about "Who's in my mouth?" That's a favorite. No homo.
your souls either will have been SAVED. or burned with the rest
dont you have a g spot?
none taken, freud. how exterior genitals might ever be considered as boring, i'll never know
What you don't realize is that we're, all those on "Earth", are already in hell. This existence is hell. Every second, every day, every year.
You know the rules, user
You have to stream it
no. because lots of fire things coming up. lake of fire. God is a consuming fire. flood of fire. why do all this up here if there isnt already going to be a spiritual place where all the unsaved spiritual things burn? hrm?
You're THREE times more likely to die in a car accident than to be fatally shot. When do we get car control and limiters on cars to only go below 10mph for all our safety?
non, god doesn't give a shit about killings, its just a thing that happens
life and death are meaningless, there is only god
hear hear. to live is Christ and to die is to gain
Our souls, our spiritual "self", are trapped in these horrible meat-bags, forced to live out -- potentially -- a hundred horrible years of subtle torture. A lot of which is self inflicted.
thats fine
Can we stop this shit-quality back and forth, and get OP to stream this damn movie now?
go away, Mort
School shootings will never stop unless you change schools themselves. They are designed to be perfect murder grounds for psychos. Even if you got rid of guns, people would still go to schools to murder a bunch of weak unprotected targets as efficiently as possible. It's just logical that if you want to go for the high score you aim for a school.
The worst problem is the phsyicla building itself. If you can use modern tech to digitize classrooms and get people interacting in digital spaces instead, you make it so there's no place where there are a bunch of weak little people with only one unarmed old person to protect them.
6 gorrillion
If you don't like it, learn to love it
there are already entire monasteries of monks praying this very moment user. They have been praying for hundreds of years, and will continue praying for hundreds of years. They do nothing all day but pray.
Imagine how bad things would be if they stopped user. Imagine.
Where the fuck is the stream OP
>what happens if we sin?
when did we stop
>what if we stop believing?
that's why it also says God doesnt just let you fall out of His hand. no son? no father
We do have car control. In order to own a car, you must register it with the government. You must be licensed by the government to drive it. You must purchase insurance to pay for damages you might cause if you use it to damage anyone. If you demonstrate your inability to responsibly operate a car, we no-longer allow you to operate a car.
Your comment is spot on. We should have exactly the same controls on guns that we do on cars.
But what of people praying for *more* shootings? Why are you sweeping that factor under the rug?
he enables it
School shootings send kids to Jesus faster!
no. also bible doesnt say much about what God will say to us when we die and are received. but it does say that if you kill somebody you need to be sent to Him straight away. we dont use His civil code much anymore. we have shitty politicians so even when they carry out things they do it wrong. why are dead people being sent to Christ? you dont even know what youre talking about. God is judge. you dont get to decide this stuff anymore. divorced and scattered. nobody chose to be born. nobody gets to decide about killing anything or anyone or death in general. you sound like a fallen angel
Humans killing eachother is their decision. It's free will.