Fuck it. Make it a law that every teacher must have firearm training and repeat training for how to handle an active shooter situation. It's the only way to protect our children, start off by paying them what they deserve and then some. If we do nothing schools will continue to be shot up and more children will die. We have to do something right the fuck now.
Fuck it...
Bump for strapped up teachers.
How about instead of making stupid laws that govern school policy, we get rid of pubic schools and let parents determine what policies they support by the school they send their children to?
Great! Now I can live out my fantasy of having a gunfight with my business teacher!
No just have a pay grade increase for any of the faculty who also happens to be firearms trained licensed. Some will say why not, take another course to get higher pay like CPR. Then you can keep it on you or, place your gun in a hidden place in your class room that is one of those finger print unlocked, one of those good ones, not the one's at Walmart that don't register half the time. Also raise your children to be adult not sheltered arrested development Americans, so the pooping of some gunpowder in cartridge donsn't phase them and area ready to pounce as pack.
Why is Satan always right?
>Anything but banning guns
Never change America...
>sane and responsible
they're fucking overgrown children, they've been around kids their entire lives
Satanic integers confirm. That would be ideal but not very likely. Arming teachers is our only option. Or schools have to implement a lockdown procedure in the morning where everyone is checked and no one comes in late
teachers should carry if they want, but administrators should be required to take firearm training on a regular basis and keep a gun at least in their office if not on their person. the argument i heard at the very end of kike levin today made sense to me. teachers shouldn't leave their students in a crisis. administrators and ancillary staff are the ones who should be armed.
based satan
We're not fucking banning guns. We don't even know the motive behind Las Vegas. Are you fucking kidding me. They tried to derail a GOP train 2 weeks ago, now this? How in the fuck am I supposed to believe that anything is real anymore. For fuck's sake, the kid had no friends. He had 10 posts on instagram without his face in them. HOW DO WE EVEN KNOW HE'S A REAL PERSON? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.
Why do you want ten million dead? Does it give you a hardon?
Fuck yeah that sounds like a great idea d00udo!11! That won't cost the tax payers any money at all and I'm sure the Jews won't start up theyre own firearm training facilities and write laws so that the teachers are only allowed to train there! Fuck yeh man that's a good idea man wow!!!
I'm a seventh grade English teacher.
An active shooter putting me out of my misery would be a welcomed end to my suffering.
yeah great idea jew teachers killing white kids
Have you ever worked at a school? Teachers are fucking retarded and can barely operate a VCR much less a firearm. Good luck trying to get hyperliberal harpies, dumb cow slags or tinydicked gym teachers to carry. Even if you succeeded kids would die to negligent discharge or the gun would straight up get swiped.
K-12 teachers are all scum. Nail them to poles. School shootings are too good for them.
Tax payers money? Who gives a fuck about the price, we are talking about our children getting murdered in their schools.
>seventh grade
Hahaha you poor fuck
You must have been a serial killer or something in a past life
You should look into a more pleasant job like trash sanitation
You know what's funny? You love your guns so much, you hate tyranny and you hate invasion. Yet the country is already invaded, the government is already fucking you in the ass and the only time you use your guns are when you're shooting fucking deer. Why don't you stop being selfish retards and save your children, maybe when your children go through something like this you'll understand
K-12 is slavery. These "teachers" use operant conditioning to dumb down children into kike slaves. Fuck them We need more "school" shootings.
>paying them what they deserve and then some
high school teachers are literally scam on earth low life low IQ unemployable individuals who refuse to do hard labor, the only thing they deserve is wage cuts and longer working hours
Probably the most pro-gun guy on this board (I unironically support repealing the machine gun ban) but forcing people who are not state or federal workers to own guns is as unconstitutional as taking them away. I understand your frustration though. I attend a college where one of my profs carries. He's a really great guy.
Requiring fire arms standards will BTFO so many useless teachers and force principled liberals out. Literally perfect.
>teacher spends 30 years teaching subtraction
>she still sucks at it
>she'll be a fucking gun wizard though
>make gun ownership mandatory for teachers
>female teachers start pointing guns at male students and demand sex or they'll shoot
I don't think this is such a good idea
>rednecks dont know math
>rednecks cant shoot
lmao look i turned your logic against u lmao
Great, now you gave insane Billy a place to find a gun; literally in every classroom's drawer he can just break open.
Exactly. That's why no one discusses the best option. It also would cost fucking nothing, since teachers could be required to purchase their own gun.
It should actually be a requirement to acquire and maintain your teaching license.
>raise your children to be adult not sheltered arrested development Americans, so the pooping of some gunpowder in cartridge donsn't phase them and area ready to pounce as pack
in spite of your meme flag i know that you are from based poland
It's called a holster. Also, there is such a thing as a gun safe, retard.
If every teacher is armed, how likely do you think it'd be that some cowardly suicidal cunt is gong to go on a rampage? He'd be done in less than 30 seconds.
You think a 65 year old lady can fight off two teens determined to rip that gun off her holster, you fucking moron?
What are you proposing, you fire perfectly good teachers because they can't use a gun?
The world's greatest mathematicians have been rednecks. Pythagoras wore a sleeveless toga and it usually had mustard on it.
horrible idea. way too many idiot and brainless leftists are teachers. better to just let the redpilled teachers who already do carry outside of school to continue to legally do so on school property
also OP is using the same knee jerk idiotic logic as the leftists. just because low IQ dumb teachers are carrying doesnt mean they will be able to stop shit. even experienced soldiers get fucked when being ambushed. the element of surprise is ridiculous
see, the one guy with a gun lived. are leftist cartoonists so retarded they make the opposition argument on accident when memeing?
Natural selection. Also, why do we need teachers now that we have the internet, smartass?
That's what I thought, bitch.
Just start asking why Tyrone and Laqueesha get more security than your kids
>natural selection
Alright, I thought we were discussing how to stop gun violence in schools, not waiting until everyone dies.
>hurr we dont need teachers
That's another debate entirely. Home school your children if you don't want them near people. Although I'm sure your inbred kids would be jerking off on the internet instead of learning anything, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all.
You know the irony of absolutely preventing something? Because it was prevented you can't show the doubters how bad it would be if "it" hadn't been prevented.
The U.S. has been a special nation since it's birth, and it has been among the most powerful for well over a century.
As bad as the government has gotten, it would be much worse if armed revolution wasn't a possibility.
With how rich our nation is, we are a prime target and could very well face armies if it weren't for the fact that we have more guns than people, and more ammo than animals.
I'd barely trust most teachers with a text book, let alone being armed. But maybe the extra responsibility might de-commiefy them.
And what about those who support public schools? Because right now, you can pick and choose schools anyway.
> be american
> So lawless that teachers need to be armed at all times
> Call other countries 'shitholes'
I swear America sinks lower and lower each day
You're not a developed country if even your elementary school teachers need guns at all times
Prove me wrong
>guns are not the problem it's your society that's the problem.
I guess you could do that but that doesn't change the fundamental problem that is modern american public education, you minus well send your child to an actually prison hell they might learn more there anyway. Children should be put in reputable private schools, home and cyber schooled, or sent overseas to a country that doesn't regularly turn it's youth into mass murders fueled by anti depressants and social media.