How bad will the left-wing backlash be in the future?

How bad is it going to be when leftists get back in power?

>label the alt-right as terrorists
>put restrictions on free speech
>strict gun laws
>get rid of internet anonymity

Probably many other worse things as well.

How bad is it going to be and what are we going to do?

Other urls found in this thread:

>get back in power

>pick one
that'll be the biggest mistake they ever make


They are way to incompetent and women and black infested to get back into power. The DNC is supposedly in massive debt.

They are still losing the culture war day by day.

>leftists back in power

They'll be back in power someday. I'm not looking forward to it. They are bending over backwards to enable all of this stupid online foolishness that gets posted here.

>being retarded enough to think your party will retain power indefinitely

how dumb is the alt reich, honestly? You're literally delusional

it’s just a race at this point.
the thing about the left and the youth is there is too much infighting. When things don’t go there way they done efficiently organize.
I for one have changed from a weed smoking art student to a sober house owner who polluted the land with red pills. Do the same anons

Left and Right are ZOGs divide and keep control tactic and you bought it hook line and sinker like a Jewtard...

Hitler and National Socialism are the only way to fix ZOG. ZOG is ZOG, it is all orchestrated and ran by ZOG. It's a freemasonic ZOG.

Teach the "left retards" and the "right retards" the truth. National Socialism, unity, is the only way. Otherwise, you're going to have a bad time.

They will be a completely different party by that time, probably unrecognizable from their current form.

This. Cultural Marxism is not a solid ideology because it rejects meritocracy. The best person is never selected for the job, instead the person selected is always some diversity candidate that fills the required niche of being "oppressed" in some way. This process compounds itself once you start having a sprawling bureaucracy.

In context if the US, prepare to become the next Europe.

Especially if this ethno nationalist shit gets wide mainstream exposure and blows up in its own face before people can actually warm up to the idea, or at least before Trumps term is up. Which I can see happening very soon.

If they do then it'll without a doubt be very bad. They've proven they don't care about laws and and are willing to do whatever it takes.

dam she fat and ayy lmao

They still are in power.

Until they lose the media, they are in control.

If what you say happens and no civil war happens than there will never be another civil war in the United States.

>attempting demoralize this hard

>having negative foresight means I’m a MOSSAD agent

The absolute state of brainlets


If they come back into office, they will want to prosecute every attendee of unite the right and their voter base will cheer for it

All it will take is some charismatic person with another Hope/Change slogan with promises of gibs, and the filthy mob will give them the reigns once again.

Also, the GOP are still cuckservatives with no spines, and the leftward drift continues even on their watch.

this is the only issue they have any chance of using to make gains in the midterms.

yeah it's going to be real bad. we're all going to prison if they do, because of retroactive hate speech laws.

The alt-right are neo-nazi white nationalist terrorists who should be rounded up and executed.

You're not going to take over America, sorry fashy toad boy we have your traitor kind outnumbered. Learn to think for yourself instead of adopting some old fags outdated values like your parents.

Places like Sup Forums will be on the hit list for sure.
They will scuttle it with hate speech legislation. Look at Brittan, Sweden, Canada, etc. This is where the west is being steered. Those places are just getting started.
I think once wypipo really are realized as a minority, left wing politics will be a thing of the past.
In the long game we will end up as a small but powerful group like the Jew and we will be persecuted the same way.
Meanwhile, chinks are going to inherit the Earth and turn the whole planet into a giant factory

>some old fags outdated values like your parents.
uh, i don't think you know much about boomers

I think it was Enoch who said if Trump wasn't in power he'd be (unlawfully) arrested by now.

Boomers made this mess you double nigger.

It won't be a problem, because if they do get in power all over the world, it means the last world war happened, which was a white race war, as in white liberals vs white republicans, and the liberals won. If they do actually win that war, there's not much more to restrict, after tens of millions of deaths.

>nogunz faggots
these are my favorite posts

they wouldn't dare to strike down Sup Forums


Trump is actually worse for internet anonymity because he gives more free reign to ISP's.

Just watch once they get their man or woman back in power.
The internet is up for review. It's the last frontier for people like us to share ideas and to think independent thoughts and to share them with others without the establishment intervening.
This is "problematic" to the agenda

We just gotta be ready, folks. I have no idea how they can unify in their current form but degeneracy finds a way. Just secure your beliefs and vote accordingly.

>what are we going to do
The purge.

People always forget that while the right pushes for equal outcome the left is always more radical and tries to inhibit the right from attaining any position, by getting people they disagree with fired or by trying to completely remove their opposition thus the right wing leniency is one sided and they always have to fight against worse odds with every election.

i was hoping to use trump to push the left towards more libertarian ideals but my whole 'trump and his government need more power' schtick isn't scaring lefties.
i'm actually getting scared, these might be the last years of at least a bit of freedom we have left



You have to be alive to "get back in power".

This is pretty much what I think

The left is going to crush us and whipe their ass with the constitution the minute they get back in political power.

Redpill everyone you possibly can while you can.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

>all of these anons LARPing about helicopter rides

Never going to happen, society is WAY too apathetic for that.

We’ll sit here and take it as long as we have food and cuckball

what am i doing wrong i don't get it
aren't they afraid of trump? why isn't that fear translating to a fear of government?

I think this, too. Enoch has said the same.

>society is WAY too apathetic for that.
For now.

They aren’t ACTUALLY afraid of trump in my opinion, they’re just afraid of losing the culture war so they fear monger.

They know republicans are cucked and trump is basically an edgy Ronald Regan, but they don’t want him to do well because they don’t want to lose the culture war


We would have to be starving for anybody to give a shit

American normies are pretty retarded

I think it will happen this century. The current ponzi scheme that is central banking is a ever-growing bubble waiting to pop.

Truthfully, we want them to be as bad and as radical and as out of step with Americans as possible.

Accelerationism is a losing game

Look how degenerate it is now and people still don’t give a fuck

They just want beer, cuckball, and sex

i didn't think of that, maybe they are just saying they're scared of trump similar to how women say they want a nice boyfriend
the only way i see of protecting our liberty is to play the bad guy. if we got the news to show 'white supremacists calling for the disarmament of colored people' then liberals would flip.

Tbf those are three pretty good things

Sup Forums was liberal 10 years ago. We want the Left to continue their path to constant purity spirals.

Imagine if every white person quit their job and got on welfare. Just sayin.

Relatively soon the left will have a majority faction and civil war will start soon thereafter. Trump will probably be the last nationalist president of a unified U.S.A.

Whites simply need to get out of big cities/liberal states and get armed while they still can. Those who can't get out will be BTFO by Communists. That being said outside urban areas the rednecks are far more prepared for war and the big cities will become death traps for everyone in them. Everything is imported and a few dozen men could easily cut off all the water to S. California for example.

So it will be ugly but if it's a Rural/Urban war the libfags will get rekt. Believe it. Plus as bad as some of the police and military are most will side with the nationalists when the time comes.

>watching grown men play kids games

She looks a little older than 12.

It’s like how they were SO OUTRAGED about charolettesville even though it was like 500 autists gathering in a small southern city

They know charolettesville was a joke, they just wanted to weaponize it as a tool for white guilt. Same with trump, they are hoping they can guilt-trip weaklings into not voting for him or denouncing Trump.

The left is still in control of every institution, and I think they know this.


The leftists being back in power will most likely be a new generation of idiots being led by a bitter SJW millenial who grew resentful at the collapse of the perfect diverse utopia that xer thought was inevitable.

This will probably kick off a eugenics war and force humanity to begin space exploration once the global movements finally converge into one mass of energy.

>voting leftists
Yeah i dont think we will be voting for much longer

You will want the political discussion to move right.

Example from Denmark:
The right has been in power since 2001-2011.
The left momentarily gained power for 4 years but lost it again in 2015.
They realise the population doesn't support their politics, so now they agree to adopt nationalist viewpoints, and agree to keep restricting immigrants. Or so they claim...

That's the comfortable situation would would wish for.
Massive popularity of your movement, to the point the Democrats have no other choice but to adopt your point of view.

>label the alt-right as terrorists
you faggots are though

>Not on death trains
>By the millions

There won’t be a civil war, the elites won’t allow it.

People also won’t start shooting, because they really don’t give much of a fuck. Most people just want to pay their bills and have a little left over and they don’t really care about anything else happening.

The only reason Democrats are winning special elections today is because of international wealthy folks funding campaigns illegally. The party is bankrupt.

The left is already finished in this country. They are only 22-24% total population. They're quite politically and socially fragmented, and cannot field an army (Antifa and BLM are jokes - two guys with automatics and frag grenades can end them permanently). The media holds some influence; take them out and at least half would eventually become normalized.

Cut off the international money. The hardcore Democrat Resistance will be so easy to finish off.

>Nationalists losing to communists

There is no leftist party
There are only globalists catering to leftist ideology in order to grab full control.

Wow a commie meme that isn’t a wall of text

You faggots are improving, I’m proud

>what are we going to do?
I think you already know the answer to that question, and the answer rhymes with GAS THE BIKES, RACE CAR NOW!

>He still thinks politics are relevant while the same rulers make the decisions

nationalists lost to communists in russia 1917. Never underestimate your enemy.

What’s your point?

They can still win elections anyways with globalist money. They will still use policy to crush us

Putin wouldn't side with the liberals this time, it's not in his best interest.

Dont worry Nationalist wont.

Count the millions upon millions of capitalists we've killed. Then get back to me about who won.

It's going to be bad.

Every President basically paves the way for the next whether they realize it or not.

Had Bush not prevailed in 2000 we probably never would have had an Obama, Trump, wars in the Middle East, Arab Spring, European migration crisis, etc

Each President is pivotal to the world so long as the US remains a major player.

In my lifetime Carters weakness lead to Reagan's strength and character which gave us Bush Sr who was ousted by younger more charismatic and cooler Bill Clinton whose filandering in the Oval Office split the country evenly leading to Bush Jr by a hair who had 9/11 happen on his watch leading us into Middle East wars that featured soldier death numbers every night on the news and an obsession with security that ultimately lead to young, black, Obama with a big style and promising change whose weakness on the world stage and subtle disdain for the country and normal people lead to The Donald.

Just imagine what will follow Trump, it might not happen in four years but you better be ready in eight.

Tech companies and the gov will all know who we are too because of what we're doing today.

we still have the voting power though and i think they know that so we have to threaten them that we'll change the constitution for our benefit first
only then will you start seeing them respecting it
pic related is a good start


Leftists are still in power. They run the media, have many agents in government and courts, run California, New York, and most major metro areas. Shits ducked brehs


Becoming the next Europe would be an improvement, I think you mean to say the next Brazil.

There will always be a left, but leftists are fucked for the next decade atleast, they may go the way of polio and the measles.


>not this time
I'm sure that's what the russian aristocrats said in 1910, before events got out of hand. WWI did not go in their favor, and in the end they were slaughtered like sheep.
And that's what Chiang Kai Sheck said in 1940, before circumstances got out of hand. The japanese invasion did not go in their favor and in the end their bodies fertilized the earth.
Being good and right does not mean you will win. There are always circumstances.

here's how to protect free speech:

Russian Aristocrats were all foreigners.

But imagine what they will do when they gain full political power again

Now that they know there is a growing population of “white nationalists” or whatever you want to call us, they are going to be like rabid dogs

Lots of stupid bullshit on your post.
Reagan paid Iran to hold hostages
Reagan had an attempted murder by bush, who basically ran the WH for 12 years, then he let his buddy from the Mena ops win, continuing the CIA policies. Then came the second bush regime, who MADE 9/11 happen. And then when people were too tired of war they chose YET ANOTHER CIA cutout, this time in magical negro flavor. And then came trump, who I really would like to believe wants to end the CIA dominion over our country, although Hillary is still not locked up, and satanic pedo kikes are still running media. Hmmmmmm

Those weren't Germans ventilating your comrades in the snow.

Civil War is inevitable. The situation is just like before the last one. When the southern and mid-western states realize they can't elect a Republican president anymore they will ignore the Feds who will respond by chimping out. This will happen in 10-15 years or perhaps less. They may be able to suppress it with the army and security forces but there's no way violence can be avoided at this point. If the last few years have taught us anything it's that the police will do whatever the local politicians tell them to so the loyalty of the security forces will be split into Urban/Rural factions.

Exactly so the left would have the military on their side

No member of the US armed forces would fire at a US a citizen, the police on the other hand do so willingly.

if you want to forever be slaves to the global agenda of unvetted immigration and trade your soul with china for cheap labour and 0 capabilities of a strong self-independent country, i have one advice for you

give away your guns

you can't pay the bills when you get fired and blacklisted for having a dissenting opinion. that will happen en masse the next time democrats take over

No they won’t, the army leans conservative and more importantly would not fire a bullet at a US citizen

us army forcibly took away peaceful property owners' guns during hurricane katrina, leaving them helpless to looters