School and mass shootings

I am convinced the system can do nothing to stop this.

Police won't stop it
Mental health screenings won't stop it
Good guys with a gun don't stop it

What will stop it?
You can sneak shit in past cops.
Pass health screenings then snap later with weapon readily available.
Steal a gun.
Good guys can't be everywhere.

Do we really have to ban firearm sales or hold gun and ammo sellers accountable? I don't want it to come to that but it's looking like it needs to.

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Nonsense, we have a 2nd amendment.

Instead we should install cameras everywhere and have a supercomputer AI constantly evaluating the psychological health of individuals, and if necessary said system could authorize forced solitary confinement for rehabilitation of the individual until they can be re-integrated into society.

As a plus, we'll know what the perfect job for everyone is as well, and no one will ever feel out of place or unloved again.

It's scientifically proven that facebook makes OP even more retarded

we cant stop the ones who slip through the cracks. but we can limit the number of casualties by a well regulated militia. Teachers have a responsibility to protect their students. Its time they take that responsibility on a uniform scale.

Hiring school cops is ok but all teachers should be packing heat.

The girl teachers should lock down rooms and point the gun at the door while the men comb the halls

PR firms are out in force today.

Are you paid by the post or by the hour?

What happens if i dont have a facebook?

You'll be given a pot of gold by bill gates for your intelligence.

Well fear-mongering shills won't stop shit either. 2nd amendment and trained-to-shoot civilians will at least deter it and reduce possible damage

Nope. Just pooping and thinking. Nice triperoos btw

I like this one, but it insinuates everyone will be down and not a pussy.

>implying you need a facebook to be on facebook
Other people are taking your picture too, user. You're just in the background. Also you walk by 100+ cameras a day, so there's that.

Doesn't that sound insane though? Progressively arming more and more people? What happens if the teachers fail? Arm all the students?

Dismantle Israel and Mossad will stop attacking children whenever Israel doesn't get its way.

That should do it.

This time, its concern-themed.

Just because the media made a big deal about a few kids dying in school, doesn't mean millions more aren't regularly dying from hunger and disease. Tragic as these events are, they are bird droppings compared to landfills.

Mandatory mental health screenings, probably need to go full single payer for this
Mandatory background checks on every gun purchase, private party included
10 day waiting period on first firearm purchase

If American did nothing after Sandy Hook when little children were gunned down, then they certainly aren't going to do anything now

>good guys with guns don't stop it

Only because they don't actually have good guys with guns in place. Honestly how much more could it cost for schools to have a person/couple of people on staff with firearms and the proficency to use them? It's a fucked up state of affairs but it is what it is

>Doesn't that sound insane though? Progressively arming more and more people?
No, it doesn't. Are you saying that a teacher with a gun would have had less of a chance of stopping the shooter? Because that sounds insane.

>Schools arm teachers
>Kid chimps out, and grabs gun
>Teacher now dead and classmates in danger
Fuckin' Brilliant..

It's the notion of
>Just arm more people, that'll surely stop it
>If that doesn't work, arm more people

It's this inexorable escalation. Why is this shit happening in the first place?

Banks use guns to protect our money.

Schools post "Gun Free Zone" signs

>What will stop it?
fight fire with fire, faggot


>be american
>go to school
>get shot
>go to movies
>get shot
>go to work
>get shot
>go to concert
>get shot

>state arms police
>criminal chimps out and grabs gun
>cop now dead and citizens in danger

The argument seems to follow. Do you also advocate the position that police should be disarmed?

Armed teachers and staff

Cops jobs is to protect.
Teachers jobs are to teach children not be vigilant pseudo body guards every single day

Take the redpill all these shootings are false flags

Wonder why these shootings keep happening at gun free zones.

Good fucking luck finding quality teachers to hire if that becomes the norm. They already get paid absolute shit sans college professors, now you want them to get trained in firearms, and gun down crazy niggers? You will have to let go of the elderly teachers too, since their reflexes are going to be absolute trash, and then the pacifistic ones are another no go. You better be offering like 80k a year salaries for this sort of burden.


Solution is simple: if media stops immortalizing shooters then people will stop shooting

we need to bring back fights. this kid got low-key bullied his entire existence because he was a gamma male. When you get disrespected in front of others they also lose respect for you. So passive aggressive shit needs to be answered with either wit or violence and something tells me he wasn't very witty. 0 confidence, 0 girls.

However if he punched just one of his "bullies" in the face people would stop fucking with him immediately.

>nigger wants to take on the american murder machine

Just shut the fuck up, buy a new tv, and pray you don't stumble into the next mass shooting you insufferable faggot. Update your facebook status and wait till the next one. We're gonna need you to fake sympathy before you go back to being whiny, lazy, lethargic piece of shit consumer


here is some pro TRUMP music...Thank you Sup Forumstards, Sup Forums and /x/ i have learned a lot from all my wasted years in this hellhole called Sup Forums...time to give back. 1488 make Amerimutts Gr8!

That's a polar opposite, LEO's sole purpose is to protect a community. A teachers purpose is to teach. I get people are tired of shootings but we have to approach the situation with logic. Adding more armed persons will only create more chaos. I think we have to root out the problem that is degeneracy, spread by the (((Media))). School shootings were uncommon 20-40 years ago, now they seem to be part of culture.

>Cops jobs is to protect.

No it's not. They're LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, not "protection pals" - you seem to have fallen for their propaganda - and if you're thinking that they respect your rights, then you haven't been paying attention to the epidemic of "plea bargain" admissions of guilt that are extorted from many.

Teachers jobs are to teach children not be vigilant pseudo body guards every single day

Two things always happens when new forms of communication are developed.

1. We spread porn
2. New ideas lead to horrific wars.

Guess which thing the internet has done so far, and which one it has yet to do.

This aint nothin buttercup. Pucker up because its going to get real. Social cohesion is gone.

Obama was a full on black supremacist homosexual muslim fifth column and redpilled everyone.

The world you knew is gone. We're in a new reality now and your old memes dont work. Nothing will until a new meme is summoned and then we will fight a horrific war.

I participated in "hook up culture" and it's tearing me apart on the inside

I don't care what anyone says, I always love Jar Jar Binks no matter what.

>I am believe something so it is fact.


>paying attention to the epidemic of "plea bargain" admissions of guilt that are extorted from many.

explain pls

>gun free

Suicide is one of the top 10 causes of death in the US, and suicide by forearm is the most common form of suicide
>but user, crazies will kill themselves regardless
Shooting yourself in the head is immediate, painless, and can easily be an impulsive (or even accidental) act. Most other methods require considerable forethought, cause great pain, and can possibly be survivable.

Encouraging kids to chimp out won't solve anything

He somehow places police officers for a lawyer (not a cop) telling you to take a plea bargain so that a judge (also not a cop) will give you a lighter sentence. He believes police/sheriffs are judges, bailiffs, lawyers, juries, and correctional officers.

>a baseball bat can be used to play baseball
>a knife can be used in the kitchen
>a handgun can be used to...?

It's the truth.

We're overpopulated, nobody can prevent a crazy person from carrying this out. We live in a world of 7 billion people in a world where social issues are neglected and mental health is handled poorly. It's no wonder this is happening.

These shootings have nothing to do with any specific policy that would help. The sad truth that few people are acknowledging is that these shootings show how far down the toilet our society has dropped down to and it's going to take a hell of a lot to reverse things.

You could stop being a nation of niggers, that would probably go a long way

Guns are just tools. They dont possess you with an urge to kill. If you flipped a switch and removed every firearm from the face of the earth people would start ramming cars into each other and making bombs.

Sure you can. Do away with schools, embrace innernets, homeschools, alternative education systems, do away with union fucktard teachers and bring in corporate ones that would allow arming them and have better security. Tear down any schools adhering to victorian standards of architecture plan and redesign for better control of ugly ass shit happenings.

Remove all the nonwhites and the US has a gun crime rate on par with western Europe. It's a demographic problem, not a legal one. Get them out!

What’s wrong with suicide? My body, my choice.

Mass shootings are relatively rare. The media overhypes them because they want to disarm whites.

And no right winger should ever put their kids in the publics schools in the first place. They are cesspools of degeneracy and Commie brainwashing.

this, and the LV massacre too. Let's face it burgers, our society is fucked.

Do you honestly expect some niglet NOT to steal the gun and kill his "opps" with it? Get real m8

but Sandy Hook didn't happen tho

All teachers should carry guns. If you trust teachers enough to watch them all day why cant you trust them to defend your kids?

how do we embrace the internet when we're about to lose our net neutrality and Comcast will charge us an extra $100 for the 'not slow as fuck on Youtube' plan

So you're essentially arguing for pic related? Not sure I'd want to live in a world you'd create.

>Do we really have to ban firearm sales or hold gun and ammo sellers accountable? I don't want it to come to that but it's looking like it needs to.

I wish you the absolute worst in life.

You're already buffaloed, OP. Who *are* the good guys? Before you reach for the Xanax, try thinking outside the box.

because 24/7 news covers it and got the idea into people's heads after Columbine. Now people do it for attention and to end their shitty lives.

Normies beware.
Feb 14th will never be a safe day again.

part of their job description is literally to protect their students and report shit like child abuse to the police and break up fights. Why is the idea that teachers protect the children under their care so repulsive to you? Do you want children to be less safe?

I don't kniw every anime
Tf is it?

shoot paper targets?

Personally if all those kids and teachers each had an AR-15 then none of this would have happened.
Shooters shoot unarmed people, everyone should be packing serious heat.
Secondly as a back up we should develop spider man like web slingers for everyone to be able to safely disarm in a cool fashion shooters of their firearms.

Psycho Pass

And yet look at when in time mass shootings started becoming "a thing". Why were there so many less shootings before 1970? Guns were still prolific back then, and common sense gun safety was even less adhered to; Gramps always kept his thirty ought six just sitting on the mantle. So then what is it? Perhaps it's culture. Perhaps it's fathers not teaching their kids to respect life. Perhaps it's kids not even having a fucking father. Perhaps it's mental illness. Perhaps it's a society that demands and demands and takes and takes but never seems to ever give.

You know what I for sure know it is NOT? Gramp's hunk of wood and metal sitting up on the hearth, because that's where it stays until a human gets involved.

Why in the fuck would you trust these Marxist teachers with guns?

The user you were responding to had a Psycho Pass pic as well, so yes he is advocating for it

>Good guys with a gun don't stop it
They can and will. The problem is that gun control has removed the majority of guns from the populace so nobody actually has guns when they need it. If everybody had a gun crime would drop off a cliff because vast majority of people are law abiding and would quickly exterminate the small minority of criminals or crazies when they commit crimes.
We used to literally have a bring your gun to school days and shooting clubs in high schools and school shootings just weren't a problem back then. It's clear that it's an issue with the social construct we raise kids in and not with the guns themselves.

Oh shit nigger you're right I didn't even realize until now kek

Holy shit this board is gold

Sad to say it but its true. Gun lobbyists have totally brainwashed this country

Ya you gun owners are doing a great job so far. The problem with this country is every duckweed who buys a .22 suddenly thinks hes the fucking punisher. Humility is a critical part of gun safety

>kids are taking guns and shooting their m8
>jolly gee, got to do something about those guns
>or at least shoot the kids before they do too much damage
the absolute state of american 'society'

>Do we really have to ban firearm sales or hold gun and ammo sellers accountable? I don't want it to come to that but it's looking like it needs to.
no, that would punish the milions who killed no one thatday, blame people, not inanimate objects. Better guns than trucks or bombs

The only way to stop it is to build camaraderie between citizens. Americans are extremely distrustful of their neighbours. Mandatory military service or at least 3 weeks a year militia training can rectify this. Otherwise you're just a bunch of cowboys with guns.

>have a supercomputer AI constantly evaluating the psychological health of individuals
Who will program it and under what bias? Liberal?
Want cameras? Go live in London

Like if anything you need to put a gun into the arms of every man, woman and child.

Common sense gun regulation like the rest of the world has. Its not much to ask.

Repercussions for failing to do your job.
Jail time for gun sellers that don't do background checks.
Jail time for school employees and police that knew about impending situations and did nothing.
Jail time for politicians that embezzle tax dollars.

America already has common sense gun regulations. We don't have outright bans, which are completely different laws.

Why is the entertainment of some more valuable than the lives of his fellows?

Thats too much for Americans. Its a lobbyist state

Entertainment? This is an absolute right, niggers and criminals are armed, why shouldn't you? Only slaves have no weapons, it is your responsibility to defend yourself, not the cops'. I don't know how emergency services work in the USA but in many cases in Canada you better not call the cops because if you do, you can incriminate yourself and end up in jail and I doubt the criminal would call the cops if he gets shot and got away with it, he would incriminate himself. The best gun control there is is nigger-control

they wont confiscate your guns
they WILL confiscate your children
since no one seems to know how to raise them correctly
the state must have the answer........


>suicide by forearm
Well the forearm is usually used to clench the fingers of the hand which is the main mechanism of human action so I am not surprised that forearms are the most common cause of suicide really.

>shooting yourself in the head is immediate, painless
So you haven't seen those botched firearm suicide videos I take it?

>Take kids from mentally ill parents
>Education system is controlled by mentally ill liberals
Time to abolish public education and instate mandatory labor-based punishment for people who can't follow the laws.
Can't follow the laws? You get to clean toilets.

I know this is bait is the state going to do things better than me if the state is made up of people like me?


>Good guys with a gun don't stop it

There was no good guy with guns on campus yesterday.

>Police won't stop it

>you shot him?
>and 50 other people??
>whats the matter with you?!

Stop living with niggers

Gotta start training kids early

>nothing to stop this.
Said the only country where this happens regularly.