this thread is for the best minds of Sup Forums
topic: how do we stop people from dying
this thread is for the best minds of Sup Forums
topic: how do we stop people from dying
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gas everyone then no one will die after that
Medical system should administer steroids rather than soy. With that alone, I probably would have wound up reproducing.
bullet proof skin
Nuclear power.
Looser background checks on guns so the good guy with guns can stop shootings
There are no background checks on a private sale. If you can't figure that out then you probably shouldn't be trusted with a gun. The usual way with the NICS check is so quick and easy anyway that if you've ever done it you know the drooling morons have no idea what they're complaining about.
kill the jews?
kill them before they die?
SAGE slide thread
>op is a canadian, nice try fgit
>the best minds of Sup Forums
What is the point of living if you are not allowed to die?
People die because it's a side effect of being alive. There's nothing wrong with death. It's natural.
Blast them with piss
>Implying high IQ individuals want people
it might be possible only if scientist succeed to invent fully functional vital organs not just that but they will have to invent something that stops flesh from ageing.
In most states. It should be in all states and also gun stores shouldn't be required to do back ground checks. Libcucks like you are the reason mass shootings happen
t. 125 iq
Take that up with the feds. They're the reason why pretty much all stores have to be FFLs.
>pennies for hungry
And that's too much, it doesn't matter if you're hungry, if you're obese you should be eating less.
If people stop dying, Hell would become empty. Ergo let's ask another question: How do we make sure our enemies die quickly without violating any "moral' or legal constraints? I know, tricky but this is the high IQ thread, r-r-right...
Grug like IQ
>claims high IQ
>thinks you can stop people from dying
The only way to achieve immortality, if that’s what you mean by your question, would be to develop AI technology to the point where it could be conscious. But who knows if that’s possible.
If you mean prolonged life... we’re already working on that
All Jews are demons. Hell won't be empty any time soon.
What a stupid question. This thread was obviously not made by someone with an IQ over 95.
>High I.Q. General
>best minds of Sup Forums
lol fuck poor people.
Unfortunately, judging by OP's pussy goal, he believes Jews are people. Hence my question and its implicit premises stand.
Best mind of Sup Forums reporting in
Your response pattern is typical of low-IQs. Otherwise you would have simply indicated that the kikes ought to be gassed.
Also, if his premise carried your (our) implicit assumptions he would have asked: "How do we make sure whites don't die?"
Put queers back in the closet. This proclivity shares a bell curve line with intelligence. If you're clever?
See just above and check the digits, muh nigga.
As a high-IQ, I don't go for these "alsos."
I'm not yo "nigga," pal.
>how do we stop people from dying
Why would you want to? Death is natural. You know whats not natural though? Letting your dog be MAN OF THE HOUSE
Risk factor index
When the FBI/CIA/PD?DHS get enough compiled
it raises general risk index
He loses his gun rights
Too high of an index he is interviewed
then tracked
then RFID chip monitored
There is one universal truth that humans as a whole have yet to realize. What's true on earth is true for the entire universe.
One thing we know as a fact is that life fights to survive, and competes with other life. Therefore, following nature's example, we must become a species with the capability to out compete- and destroy other life, or we will ourselves be destroyed... one day... some place.
It may take us a hundred years, a thousand, a million, a billion... but one day we are going to come across a form of life that we are, in our current form, incapable of overcoming.
Going out into the stars unprepared and ignorant is a surefire way for us to get stomped the first time we meet another form of life out there. History has taught us that civilizations that think they have reached "peak culture or technology" are simply incorrect. There is always more, and always somebody out there with better numbers, technology and intelligence than you.
If we don't prepare for that day and focus on space-based survivability, in technology, weapons, and population, one day we will be wiped out, just like countless other civilizations before us in first contact.
We need to get out of the context of our planetary playpen and set our goals on the stars. We need a civilization that can unite as one and fight any enemy we come across, and not suffer from infighting or greed between factions.
One of the scariest things to me, in thinking about the future, is how naive humanity is at the threats that could be out there.
Obvious bait, but I'll take it
Why should I care about poor people, aka those who will never contribute anything to society?
Shave their heads, that way there's nothing left to dye.
Trick question. More people need to die. Faster turn over with an end to active disgenics programs like welfare and beginning active eugenics programs like the subsidising of high iq/successful families. The world is getting dumber. 1 iq point per generation for whites and 2 for blacks.
If by i.q. you mean dick and by high you mean big and hard I can join your club cause my dick is big and hard
Funny, now posts opposing certain people on this board are spam. Funny, funny, funny.
what we see throughout nature is that when the top predator of millions of years gets rekt by humans that the entire ecology of their region dies with them. the prey dont use their new power responsibly, they crowd out other species, they stop working together, the destroy the land they depend on.
we like to think of humans as apex predators but in reality we're the prey who lost our predators and now destroy everything.
Who cares what you go for looking-boy, not caring is not an argument. It is a retreat. Notice above how I am *2 your count.
>how do we stop people from dying
As Long as the Medical Industry PROFITS from selling drugs for illness, that just makes your more sick, requiring MORE Drugs, it wont happen
Also as long as we are in this kikonomic system requiring infinate growth and consumption to sustain the economy, people can live forever sustainably.
Until then any such tech will be suppressed or unfunded.
TL;DR - BTFO for profit Big Pharma, BTFO Kikonomics
Use crisper to extend teleomeres.
Create research lab that exchanges ?% of adult umbilical tube stem cells for storage other ?% for research. People can access and use their stem cells when needed.
Pharmaceuticals must be combined with diet and exersice req for gov assistnce.
Rigorous school exercise program.
Drinking/smoking age 25
You can definitely join big boy
>High IQ
>Elon picture
Yep, this thread is a fucking joke.
>people *can live forever sustainably.
Nobody dies if they aren't killed
>how do we stop people from dying
Redefine death.
idk??? lol
Take it from a real high IQ.
Take resveratrol to hopefully delay death until technology improves.
Kill everyone. It's the only way to be sure.
Alternatively, maybe don't put such a high value on human life. Humans are not all that valuable, and you out yourself as an idiot if you really believe that. People die all the time, every hour of every day. It's bound to happen to someone you personally value eventually. But that doesn't mean that the world will stop dead in its tracks. Pick yourself up and continue living. As far as people you don't even know, what do you really care? Stop trying to virtue signal about "muh human lives", it's disgusting. Humans are not all valuable, most are trash.
>complaining about jews having high IQ
hmm rly makes you think
A smart person would have known already that extending life is evil as it doesn't conform to nature.
the combined IQ of every Sup Forums poster is .0382983
Stop them from living.
I like the kill everyone part.
>how do we stop people from dying
Sign up for cryonics. Also look into radical life extension, SENS, Aubrey de Grey, the Moravec Transfer, etc.
Fuck off biocucks
As life extension and transhumanism get more advanced, what would theoretically happen is that the rate of lifespan extension would exceed the rate at which time passes, and the longevity escape velocity would be passed.
John 3:16
>eternal Life
do you want people to live forever? the only way to di it is to regenerate people's cells and it is impossible with our science
cells get damaged every time by their metabolism and the only to stop it would be stopping the metabolism but it would kill a person
>the only way to di it is to regenerate people's cells and it is impossible with our science
>cells get damaged every time by their metabolism and the only to stop it would be stopping the metabolism but it would kill a person
To add to this, Gene Therapy.
The chick that runs the BioViva biotech company injected herself before clinical trials with some of their gene modification treatments. I forget the exact ones. I believe one was to inhibit myostatin, or something of the sort and another to stop telomeres shortening.
why the fuck would we want to do that?
>how do we stop people from dying
start by banning AIDS
Allow abortion until child is 18 years old.
Begone foul knave. The high of IQ speak not of absolutes.
Calico is also doing anti-aging research
Live forever or die trying.
>top minds
>leaf flag
What does Sup Forums think of quantum immortality?
Every citizen donates their change jar at the end of the year in order to provide free, universal health care.
also all goods must be paid in cash, eliminating the possibility for artificial inflation of the currency & inceeasing change jar value
>t. tesla teir iq
Fuck off Socialism fag.
I dont go to the doctor why would I pay for fags from states that I hate to go to the doctor.
doesn't matter what you want, low iq folk such as yourself(leave thread btw) will have no say in high iq leadership choices. So hand over the change jar bitch
If you're serious about not dying:
discord gg/ftSbffu
discord gg/DDpUqJh
Maybe that's why we're in such an interesting timeline?
We should first focus on how to kill the elders and the trend to become older.
If you cease evolution then you will stifle and die off.
Besides no-one should want to live forever, at some point everything becomes incredibly boring.
Why would you want to?
fuck off leaf
t.brainlet soy!=estrogen it is just a meme
>If you cease evolution then you will stifle and die off.
Radical life extension and transhumanism aren't going to stop evolution. If anything they will accelerate evolution.
>Besides no-one should want to live forever, at some point everything becomes incredibly boring.
Boredom is just a chemical reaction in your brain. Boredom could be solved by figuring out how to modify your neurochemistry so that you are no longer physically capable of experiencing boredom.
a social media app where normie high schoolers can report potential school shooters and crowd fund hiring a prostitute and a psychiatrist using cryptocurrency.
How do you stop killing yourself when you understand how the world is and that you as an individual are very limited in actually changing it, or that any changes that do succeed will probably alter reality only past your lifetime?
Firstly, Zero point energy.
Secondly, replacing all drinking water with pure H2O instead of the chemical cocktail most people are fed daily.
Thirdly, just waiting until more of gen x, y and z get into positions of power. The fucking dirty slimy baby boomers in power at the moment are causing all the problems because they are fucked in the head.
Fourthly, establish an orbital elevator with mining station/dock in orbit, while perfecting the capturing and mining of asteroids for resources.
Finally, establish a colony on Mars for the worlds best to start a new civilization.
There, pretty simple right? Most of these problems are ready to be solved with the right funding and motivation. Its just that the sociopathic baby boomers with all the money are hording it for selfish reasons.
> 1 post by this id
remove shills
seriously though, i've thought about this one. currently each 1 year lifespan extension costs about $3 trillion in medical research. what can i say, biology is messy.
it's hard to control $3 trillion a year. that's 5x the USA defense budget. that's more or less equal to the sum total of all military spending. in short, that's a metric fuckton of money, and would require cultural changes to make it happen.
throwing money at research isn't sufficient. it would take social changes, that made high-IQ scientists that more high-IQ people will be born, and more people will push themselves through the brutal lifetime of training necessary required to do science at the highest level. (and of course most of the benefits are realized from the work of a few. what's important is pushing people who might be the best as far as they can possibly go.)
a science-lebensborn program could probably pull it off after a couple generations. ("couple", haha.) a victorious fascist state could probably pull it off too, provided they didn't go corrupt like every other totalitarian government in history has done.
since this is Sup Forums, well...jewish culture is central to good science. irreverent kvetching and politicking is what pushes human IQs ever-higher, and is what brings together the teams and political will necessary to solve large problems.
personally, i signed up for cryonics and work in tech and that's about all i can do. i used to have dreams of self-reproducing robotic manufactorums...but the math doesn't work out. i must leave hope to younger men.
but it's all a moot point when our fearless high-IQ leaders have decided to flood the only productive countries with antisocial low-IQ races, while ensuring that none of the smart or responsible women are able to breed.
good luck, gentlemen, in the coming cataclysm. it will get ugly. have faith when the time comes.