Perfectly Normal Human Being

Why is he so unspectacular, being able to get exactly identical borderline passing grades on his tests?

Because Sociopaths excel at blending in.

>being able to get exactly identical borderline passing grades on his tests
Literally me and all my friends

Kushida a best. A BEST.

Kushida a shit. A SHIT.

Fuck off whorikitafag

Best at being the biggest bitch anyways.

finally an mc who is exactly like me!

You must be lobotomized

I wish she looked at me like that.

Because it is a teenager's narcissist fantasy: "Sure I am an utterly average person in looks and grades, but I have great hidden powers; it's just I don't want to show them"

its so easy to relate to this guy, he is so low energy. Up until the point we discover he is a genius mastermind supersoldier.


The anime makes him way more boring than the LN and manga.

I'm sorry you have shit taste.

in manga he goes full beta, LN?

Don't talk to me or the me watching me on a screen ever again.

>mfw I'm a super OP genius who's merely pretending to be normal, and my primary conflict in life is being scared of my godliness so I have to pretend to be retarded
Such good story!

That was only for his entrance exams though, in the midterm he scored respectably enough since it would just be being a dick to drag down the classes points.

>Hangs with both the class cold bitch and the class idol
Seems like he likes to stick out though.

Instead of straight 50's, wouldn't it be more inconspicuous if he varies the scores by a bit?

Everytime I see this fucker's face and listen to his voice and attitude I want to punch him.

Whats even more sad is that I catch myself liking this show for the mc, 50% man is just the best.
I practically enjoy all characters that just appear like they dont care at all about anything.
That dead eye look in some of these situations is just comedy gold to me.
I know its cringe, but I enjoy it so whatever

/our girl/?

He doesn't know that
He's like an alien pretending to be human, he tries so hard to be average it feels fake

So, is this guy the new Onii-sama?

I wonder if she used to be genuinely nice but realized that everyone just likes to take advantage of nice people without ever paying it back or if she was already a scheming, evil manipulator when she was a loli.

She's a cunt. Blackmailing and backstabbing cunt.

What if she was genuinely nice but learning everyone's secrets made her lose faith in humanity?

What the fuck is her problem?!

She would be even more like me than the "intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of tumor" MC then.

Are you okay? You may want to see a therapist.


He's so lucky

How can I get a girl to look at me like this?

This is now a Kushida thread!

Perfect human bean

More like KuSHITda am I right

Isn't that what actually happened?

Humanity is pretty shitty

Can we all just form an agreement that Honami is best girl?


The passing grade was 40% he scored 70 which is exactly halfway between just passing and acing the test.

Tell them you want to take them out on a date, that should do it.

He got 65 in Chemistry, 70 in English so he's not being crass and flatlining his scores if those were deliberate.

I like the MC but the girls suck I wish there was no romance shit

He's not afraid of his power though, his parents just forced him into a lot of shit that he doesn't want to do, he went to school so he could stop trying so hard and just be able to laze around and enjoy a normal life without being hassled.

i wan to fuck her so fucking bad.

>fingerprints on cloth
>lasting more than a day

Also there are fucking cameras everywhere in that school, is he retarded?

50%man is the best

There isn't

He problem realizes how stupid her plan was but didn't care
he got to grope some tities out of it

And also there is no harem, only Keikaku.

She was offering him free boob grabs, it's a bribe.

I think he was also purposely lowering his grades for Sudou. He's the guy who constantly saves Sudou's ass.

On all levels except physical, 50%man is literally me.

>So unspectacular
He just fought against a 5-dan aikido and 4-dan karate master with almost no effort on his part.

Horikita's brother

It was Hinokita who purposefully tanked her score in English because she knew Sudou was bound to flop it. Giving everyone the old tests actually jeopardized Sudou since the class average went up therefore the bar went up.

He's only 50% me


Everyone knows that boobs filled with evil are the superior option