I'm bored, any topic you want, any position, lets debate this shit
Anyone want to engage in some debate?
Other urls found in this thread:
there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish
no one actually disagrees with this because if they were Jewish they would give into their religion
I mean, i agree there
There is judaism, practiced by the jews, and there is Zionism, practiced by the zionists who do all sorts of messed up things, but are basically fulilling prophesy and creating one world government that will then be controlled by the beast/antichrist (whatever you call it)
Can Containment Doctrine work on Feminism?
Gator did nothing wrong
Are thoughts real?
Are dreams less real than thoughts?
stale copypasta
No, feminism isn't even a thing, it is a symptom of a thing, and that thing is that the people of the western world have chosen to give up their individual freedom as they turned from christian traditions.
What is best in life?
The best thing you can actually do against feminism is to have tons of children and raise them well via home school (with your philosophy in mind) because feminists as people tend to die out.
To love and to be loved
Nothing is real unless it is percieved, and perception requires consciousness, which is something that requires some form of memory, so unless you're able to lucid dream, dreams are less real than thoughts
Unfortunately it is a thing. I'm taking it right now :/
>consciousness requires memory
So an amnesiac lacks consciousness?
show benis
This I agree with. If we just wait them out they will destroy themselves with time.
Racial Profiling is perfectly acceptable.
i wrote "some form of memory" but pretty much yeah, someone who is an amnesiac isnt as conscious as someone who has full memory function
The optimal ideology is heroism.
you guys are weird. I'm going back to Sup Forums
Sweater-vests shouldn't be a thing. Convince me otherwise.
Well user, think of it as this
If you were real, flesh and blood and all that, but no one could see or hear you, or had any memory of you, and you couldnt interact with the world in any meaningful way, do '''you''' still exist
Its essentially 'if a tree falls in the forest', and the answer is inevitably no you do not, because you have nothing to prove as evidence of your existence after you die
I disagree with your assertions but thank you answering, most people don't even try. Have a nice rest of your evening.
I think that in the realm of social progress, feminism is a really hideous creature when it is given the power and pedestal of the US government, a position that it is not likely to lose any time soon. The one thing that CAN actually stop feminism is basically what Trump is doing. You must create a different ideology that promotes conservative values, and bundle it with some patriotism/nationalism, this will actually get some real progress against the feminist movement.
Any ideology must also incorporate in itself a system that takes into account idiots, so if heroism is an ideology, you'll have really shallow people doing really stupid things to impress people.
Death is just a dream.
So is life.
Living is much more pain-filled, though.
Here's the thing, sometimes when you enter a busy place and want to find who else, like you, is a rich upper class fellow quickly, look no further. The ones with the sweater vests are your people, very quick, very effective form of communication. I actually don't even see a viable alternative, do you?
Interesting, The problem I see with this is the problem that Feminism has with itself which is that that creates a divide and that divide can cause problems and a revival of Feminists values on a later date since it was 'oppressed' out of existence. If we let it chill and fight against it when it tries stripping away our rights it can die a natural death like most ancient religions.
>Its essentially 'if a tree falls in the forest', and the answer is inevitably no you do not
>trees just magically grow uprooted
holy fuck how can people be this retarded
There is only 1 rational answer to the question "if a tree falls in a forest does it make a sound" and that answer is NO, it does not make a sound. The simple reason is that "sound" is a mental construct that you and I have. So the question is "does anyone, percieve a 'sound' when a tree falls in the middle of nowhere? No they do not, what happened was a tree fell, and the air vibrated, there was no sound.
to put it simply, the sound is all in your head
Hmmm, human beings are very oriented towards using clothing as a sort of uniform. From 80's punk rockers to cops and judges to soyboys in their pjs. A sweater-vest definitely a rich air about them. I'm convinced they have that niche role, and thus potentially useful sir, (you) win.
well when you rephrase it like a faggot, maybe, but wavelengths are physical moron
>Any ideology must also incorporate in itself a system that takes into account idiots
Preclude the breeding of "idiots," assuming all idiots are ignoble and non-heroic, though I would expand your definition; an intelligent individual can be a villain or a hero, idiots are rarely either.
>you'll have really shallow people doing really stupid things to impress people.
If these "shallow people" are only pretending to be heroic, raise the standards such that only those who have a noble inner essence can match them.
What causes chemicals and simple molecular structures to merge, and create the most simplistic systems in order to function as "life"?
Society has become so demonic that even we are just demons talking to demons and it’s gotten so bad that choosing which demon is possessing you at a given moment is considered wisdom.
Well that sounds really edgy and purple-prosey for what it actually is.
Reality is more than a dream. Definitively speaking, people can still exist after they die, just through the memories of other people. Napoleon and Julius Caeser still exist through the memory of history. Furthermore, dreams are just fleeting imaginations of things with no actual reality to them. Reality is very much set-in-stone with extremely concrete data, more data than we can actually even perceive ourselves. But the problem is that its entirely meaningless data without anything to contextualize it with. You can't 'paint' with radio waves, because trying to conceptualize what a radio wave actually looks like is impossible, and will always be impossible, but radio waves still exist.
The only thing that loses its existence is the ideas we use to conceptualize reality with. When the entirety of humanity dies out, the whole becomes equal to the sum of its parts, and a table just reverts back to being a piece of wood.
Now, as to your own personal consciousness of life and death, yeah, its basically a dream, but if you ever end up going through a serious case of ego death and get famous you're essentially going to live forever senpai
Of course they are physical, that has nothing to do with the fact that a sound is all in your head, just like what you see is all in your head. what is ACTUALLY there is much different. For instance take the example of half the animal kingdom seeing the regular spectrum + ultraviolet light.
Metaphysically the vibrations exist because you presupposed their existence, epistemologically we cannot know of its existence, and hence it "doesn't exist" due to a lack of knowledge.
What i'm saying is that any ideology (utopian) if instituted in ALL of humanity, will very quickly crumble because 90% of humanity is of average intellect, they will simply take over/corrupt the system quickly
if an alone deaf man is faced backwards to a falling tree into a lake (no vibrations strong enough to feel physically), does the tree make a noise? the answer is YES
Beautiful question, i'd have to go with God, God is the answer there.
I disagree, perhaps it is a trance-like state, a trance for one occasion, another trance for another occasion, that's how we live our lives nowadays
>What i'm saying is that any ideology (utopian)
I am not a utopian, I do not wish to create a paradise
>if instituted in ALL of humanity, will very quickly crumble because 90% of humanity is of average intellect, they will simply take over/corrupt the system quickly
You realize that even our current system is ruled over by the top 0.001%, correct? All that's necessary is to change that group from the current one to one that's aligned with heroic values.
Try to understand the visual/ultraviolet image. What YOU see, and what you hear, is ALL in your head. Imagine a person born deaf, their temporal brain regions are undeveloped severely, do you think that they can consciously comprehend a sound?
It has always bothered me. Every since I learned about biology, and the origin of life. It all simplifies down to this question. What makes basic chemical components merge to form these most simplistic life structures? What stops humans from making it work? Something is missing. You can break down every living creature into a chemical reaction, but you cannot recreate it in a lab. Perhaps we don't know enough about primitive life, or perhaps we just are missing something that only god can create.
What you mean to say is 'Does it create a change in air pressure that sends sound waves through the air and in which normally our ear drums would be able to then turn into sound?' in which case it does.
But because he's deaf that means that all that does literally jack shit and what we consider 'noise' is just unusable data for him. So no, it doesn't make a sound, because sound doesn't exist for a deaf person
What do you think of the occult?
Demon comes from the word demos meaning peaple.
We are all flawed...
This prison... it used to be a hospital.
Ok your idea is vague enough to where it can't really be wrong. Explain exactly who would do what in a "heroic" society. Would the king/president/whatever be the one who is MOST heroic? Who would determine this etc?
>the people of the western world have chosen to give up their individual freedom as they turned from christian traditions.
>implying we weren't social engineered
this is not the argument, what you're implying is no matter what, even with a tree falling in front of your eyes and hearing the impact, its "ALL IN YOUR HEAD"
most deaf people arent 100% deaf and are likely to perceive sound the same way as us except at lower volumes. this does not impact the pitch
Here's a video specially for you, this is within a neuron, it is how a neurotransmitter is shuffled from the soma to the axon terminal, those little "feet" walk via atp.
Isn't it beautiful?
the occult (hidden) is a realm of reasoning that is like a nuclear bomb of knowledge, it is disastrous to 99.9999% of people who possess it
>Explain exactly who would do what in a "heroic" society.
pic related describes the tasks of the hero; it leaves out the telos of the hero, namely to transcend the kosmos
>Would the king/president/whatever be the one who is MOST heroic?
>Who would determine this etc?
It would be determined by the individual who best performs the Sofianic act
Shit like this makes me believe in some creator more than anything...Just a protein did this... wtf. It doesn't add up! Why do they do this!?
It is very beautiful.
Implication is in your head, i think we WERE socially engineered since ancient times, the smarter the engineers, the longer that system lasted (via natural selection of ideas)
i didnt imply that, i said the SOUND is in your head
just like the way a flower looks is in your head
>w-well ak-tu-ally let me just shift my goalposts here a bit
Fucking pathetic.
If youre going to make an argument, at least do so in a way where you don't scurry back like a fucking faggot with the minute intricacies of deafness when you were clearly arguing in reference to 'he can't hear' and now that you've been refuted you redefine it to 'can hear but at really low volumes'
If someone can 'hear the same way we can, but at lower volumes' then he is there to hear the tree fall, in which case the entire fucking premise of this argument has been rendered pointless because no one is fucking arguing about whether someone able to hear noise can hear something when a noise happens
Fuck that’s true. Been messing around with sigils lately
I understand what you're saying, what i'm saying is that what you're proposing is a philoosphical ideal that makes sense in your head, now imagine if THIS is what was taught at schools, this would be perverted/destroyed by 90% of humanity (who are average mentally), because human nature always wins. Heck even within a person, isn't it obvious that sometimes we act one way when we are mentally strong enough, but in another we act another way? History is fraught with people who were heroic at one point, then something changes, maybe some life event, and then they switch, might become weak and brittle with age, yet has figured out a way to maintain power, etc.
you're just making my point so i dont know what you're getting at
im arguing your point that their perception of noise isnt unusable dipshit. my goal post has been in place the entire time. if a sound is made, no matter what level of decibel, isnt always the same as someone elses'. if a sound is audible for one person and not another, the sound is still made
Reverse cowgirl anal?
What we call evil is actually a pathology which infect an individual and spreads like a disease. All humans can fall under the spell of the psychopath. Heroism is standing up against the psychopathy.
I have no idea what those are lol
why OP always sucks dick?
If a tree falls in a forest, BUT NO ONE IS AROUND TO HEAR IT, does it make a sound?
You put a hypothetical deaf man there to make the argument that it does. You got refuted on the idea that sound doesn't exist for this hypothetical deaf person because he doesnt have a concept for sound, and now you bring in the minutia of deafness facts for a hypothetical scenario and say he can still hear it, just really badly.
If a tree falls in a forest, but a person who can hear really badly is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
t. you
Kill yourself, you fucking brainlet
There is no such thing as 'sound', quit taking human concepts and applying them to reality. 'Sound' is a change in air pressure that requires a brain to process into what we believe a 'sound' be. If there is nothing there to conceptualize the air waves into sound, it didn't make a sound.
If science is necessarily unable to establish absolute truth, then it must operate on the framework of belief. What is the benefit of using science to direct policy over some other belief like religion?
I think our disagreement comes from the concept of sound. I think that a sound is something that our mind creates based on what vibrations hit the ear drum.
To help explain this im going to backtrack and ask you to imagine a way in which you could prove that what i see as the color red is exactly what you see as the color red. Maybe you see green but when you were growing up you were told "this is red". Your whole sight may be inverted and it's completely normal life for you (just like it is for me).
In the realm of sound, imagine that someones eardrum is ruptured just a tiny bit at birth, a tiny little scar on their eardrum, and nobody ever notices because apart from everyone sounding like they're shrieking, everything is the same for the ears. Now from birth, the baby will learn that this is the norm, and shrieks are just what "normal" sounds like. So when a tree falls in the forest? that child will say "what a powerful sound" but they will hear what you and i would call "one very loud shriek".
Does that make sense? How what is in your head as to what a sound is, and what is in my head, are not necessarily the same, MUCH LESS SO, what we think that sound is compared to reality...
This is because the sounds we hear are completely in our heads.
non-reversed bullboy vaginal?
Not even the same level, dude. Unless you’re a sage you’re probably the same demon 24/7 just in a tranced body. Isn’t it strange how some people seem to share the same interest in everything yet no one else gets it, like they’re possessed by the same archetype.
>to reality. 'Sound' is
Also it might help to imagine that a dolphin (if you know how they perceive sounds via sonar), were able to breath, and would be there at that forest when this tree falls, it would simply "see" the vibrations that were caused by the falling of the tree, it would see its location, where it fell from, maybe see what color three is (who knows lol) where it fell to, all from the same vibrations that you and i call "sound"
In the realm of trances, thats exactly how it is for most people. Imagine a lack of trance, you're sitting in a chair, nothing is happening, time is slow at the pace of 1 second = 1 hour. Now i'd like you to imagine your first trance, the one where you go from your bed to walking out the door to get to work. 2nd trance, work starts, before you know it it's lunch, another trance, lunch is over, another one and you're walking out the door on your way home. You get in the car, trance, and you're home, etc. This is simply how the rain works.
where did i EVER say it doesnt exist? my argument to the other user is that it DOES exist EVEN IF THEY ARE DEAF holy shit how can you be this daft?
since you are at least cordial ill try to reply at least the best i can. i would not be able to differentiate two specific colors (namely, as the color itself, if that makes sense). i would be able to prove to a color deficient person that the two colors that THEY see are different from each other, but not the same in which i see them. you can show a color deficient person the hex code #FF0000 (red) and then show them #FFFF00 (yellow) and they would be able to tell that there is a difference.
>"How what is in your head as to what a sound is, and what is in my head, are not necessarily the same"
if i understand the previous quote correctly and that if this post is supposed to back it up, i would agree that not everyones perception of sound is the same, which i have previously said. but nonetheless it is still a sound. hope this makes sense
I understand what you're saying, I think you're failing to understand what I am saying, a sound is something that humans invented to call a thing that they experienced. "Sound" does not exist anywhere else in nature, what exists in nature is actual reality, and NOT our perception of it. That is as far as I will go on this topic.
Everything is case by case, it doesn't make sense to draw an ideological line and then contort everything towards it just for the sake of consistency, it hampers efficiency and efficacy, everything that requires legislation is too specific for large strokes drawn towards an absolute ideological point, it's putting the wagon infront of the horse, it doesn't make sense, consistency and absolution just sentimentally pleasing but it stands in the way of purpose built practical solutions that work.
Therefor all ideological rhetoric is garbage that has no purpose outside of rhetorical persuasiveness, it's dropped the second it has served its function after the election, then they start making actual policy.
The rule of democracy is ironically sold to whoever sells the divisiveness that is most in demand.
That being said it's been fun debating, I've got work tomorrow, peace out my dudes, it's been fun!
then i guess our distinction is that i believe sound exists in nature because its physically observable, in my opinion then, i guess. have a good day. :-)