The entire US intelligence apparatus unanimously agrees that Russians are interfering with the social lives of Americans (and other western states) in an attempt to sow discord.
What do we do about the slavnigger problem?
The entire US intelligence apparatus unanimously agrees that Russians are interfering with the social lives of Americans (and other western states) in an attempt to sow discord.
What do we do about the slavnigger problem?
I say they're giving us a taste of our own medicine. The US does similar things like this all around the world.
skype is better than discord
Let's start fucking with them, they way they like it.
Fake Russian facebooks or whatever those commies use. Make fake news articles.
Spread a little bit of their own medicine
Spread pro American propaganda just like they are doing to us With their garbage.
You could also say the same thing about our media and democrats
>elaborate, pervasive, coordinated psychological and cultural warfare campaigns waged 24/7 against the American public by Western institutions
This is progress we are on the right side of history *claps*
>A scattering of Russian fake news articles that reach 0.1% of the population most of whom immediately dismiss it
Please impose further sanctions on our Kremlin schizophrenics and oligarchs
> social lives
If only, they organized IRL rallies with opposing groups in America to make Americans fight
And retards here still take the bait and go to those antifa shitshows.
What kind of brainlet believes anything from the "US intelligence apparatus"?
>Iraq has WMD guys!!!! They're going to nuke America with mobile super-anthrax missiles!!!
CIA pls go
Read this and KYS
Lets start by substantiating the claim first. Claiming the DNC was hacked by Russia is not "proof". 100k in jewbook ads isnt not "proof", and a drop in the bucket compared to the billions spent by Hillary and how many news outlets were bias towards Hillary and the democrats, and still here. Russian "bots" on Twitter isn't "proof". At most, they probed some electronic ballot systems, and even that seems sketchy. They certainly didn't alter any votes (even Obama admitted this).
It is of my belief that the entire Russian narrative serves as a couple of purposes. 1: Plausible deniability to spy on Trump and his campaign. 2: A good scapegoat for the Democrats to avoid their electoral failures. 3: A new boogeyman for the public (as Muslim terrorists are starting to get stale) to justify the intelligence community and industrial military complex's bloated budgets and unchecked power.
The election can't be hacked flumphf
No they do not, it's nonsense
You’re not American. Fuck off.
Hi, Russian troll!
> The trolls were also instructed to use VPN’s — virtual private networks — for their posts in order to disguise their Russian origin. “If they caught you using a Russian IP address, you’d get a dressing down,” he said.
>The entire US intelligence apparatus unanimously agrees that Russians are interfering with the social lives of Americans (and other western states) in an attempt to sow discord.
and the democratic media machine is their patsy
Nothing. They're trying to save us from ourselves
This is literally the stupidest thing one can believe.
Nothing is more pathetic than an America hooked on their propaganda.
>The entire US intelligence apparatus unanimously agrees that...
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Fuck every single member of the "Intelligence Community".
Oh, our trolls are here already.
>e entire US intelligence apparatus unanimously agrees that Russians are interfering with the social lives of Americans (and other western states) in an attempt to sow discord.
So with no evidence, the Russians have been doing it, and it's a problem.
With evidence of Kikes leading the sjw, leftism, feminism anti white agenda, no one says a thing
Kill Russians duh. But since we don't condone violence launch a counter operation to btfo Russia a legal way
Do you really think the US isn't already doing this?
The entire US intelligence apparatus is a pile of useless faggots who should be disregarded and ignored entirely
Reminder that this was released earlier in the day faggots
oh, look. it's a canadian again. certainly they have no agenda.
Fuck with them right back.
>interfering with the social lives of Americans (and other western states) in an attempt to sow discord
You mean like you're doing now?
The west has been doing this for literally decades
Why do they use this word?
I personally love the slavnigger and want it to violate our collective asshole.
They're dildos
why do you call Russians Slavniggers?
>social lives
I am bullet proof in this regard.
>"The entire intelligence apparatus"
Nope. The idea that multiple agencies agreed on this was a lie based on a few Obama appointees, not the agencies. There has never been apparatus-wide agreement. William Binney designed the NSA's panopticon and said right away that this was nonsense.
>what should we do about X?
We should identify spam templates like yours and sage them. A legitimate OP does not prompt a response. A shill almost always does because he's there for the responses.
The US has been doing this in Russia and elsewhere. Pussyriot, english language newspapers in moscow agitating for trouble, off the top of my head.
The question isn't "How do we punish them for misbehaving?", on account of our own hypocrisy, but "How do we prevent them from doing any damage with their propaganda?"
>He doesn't understand that US supported the Soviet during WW2 and that the Cold War is a sham to control the world.
Capitalism and Communism are two poles, the perfect divide and conquer. It is designed so that there will always be something to fight over, not just globally, but also domestic. Do you think that politics just happens by coincidence? Nukes? Psycological warfare at it's finest this.
>The entire US intelligence apparatus
lol false you know what remained of the 17 intel agency narratives? 4 agencies that had a couple of people... not even looking at the servers.
This is what you base all your muh Russia crap on dude the media lied to you loudly and corrected it quietly as they usually do and fools like you fall for it every time.