Nigga you're a russian bot trying to americans look retarded prove you're a real boy.
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retard logic: the filming exists so it is fake
it's real. i know a SWAT member who responded
>hopeless situation
>fuck better just put my thumb up my ass
Op sucks cock and is retarded
There is nothing wrong with filming, but why would someone bother recording it on fucking a social media like snapchat? No one is actually this retarded.
Me too. He said it was staged.
My bro was there.
i cant because neither you or i were there therefore it is impossible to make a distinction
Probably because people are dumb
The earth is also flat
Stop trying to derail my thread faggot.
Maybe it was a calculated move knowing that snapchat would be very quick to upload the video instead of using the camera, then navigating to the web browser, then going to a website, then selecting the video, and then uploading it.
Snapchat would allow very quick and easy upload in a stressful and chaotic situation
is it really surprising to you that teenagers who are obsessed with cell phones would react to a tragic situation by trying to film it
because that's what the zombies do all the time in any situation nowadays. it's actually more retarded to not expect retards to record it
but you and i both know that 1+1=2 therefore math is objectively true
im sure you know all about the social media habbits of young girls in high school
why could he jump out the window?
this is your typical jew zog false flag to take your guns you dumb fucking niggers
clearly a false flag by jews to pass some jew laws
No u don't lmao stop with it larpping.
Why is the video quality so shit?
Not a single modern smartphone capable of running snapchat takes such low quality video
shareblue fuck off.
False flag attack, nothing new here. The Jews will stop at nothing to push there agenda, makes me pissed desu.
I would film it just so it could be documented. I wouldn't worry about getting great footage but I would have my phone in my hand with the camera running.
Every time I fly on a plane I have the camera running on every takeoff and landing just in case something happens.
Prove to me it's fake
shots are clearly coming from the left later in the video, you can see gas plumes.
its the age of social media retards. the only thing that goes through their heads is
>im gonna get so many likes and views for this
found the russian bot
>Jesus christ, matt! Put the fucking phone down, my best friend is bleeding to death!
This is so fake. Clear false flag.
fuck if i care what you believe. it was my hometown. i also know a teacher there
If they had guns instead of snapchat, this could've been a shootout where the fucktard who tried shooting the school up had a closed casket funeral, instead of sapping hundreds of thousands over the years off the taxpayer's back.
What the fuck is "holocaust class"?
Stacey is like, sooo dead, but my Instagram is poppinnn
1.) high stress situation in which people fall into habits
2.) actually good decision because easy to quickly send something (that's why it's so snappppy)
3.) people can save the videos when they receive it, too
4.) person doesn't know if they're even getting out of this alive; might as well send out a final video of what's happening and maybe add in your final goodbyes
what the fuck would you have done?
Removed. Mirror?
>No one is actually this retarded.
You're proof that there are even more retarded people on the internet.
>1 like = pressure on the wound
>100 likes = bandage on the wound
>1 share = stitches for the wound
>please like and share if you agree
Found the JIDF shill
1 lyk = 1 prayr
>clearly a false flag by jews to pass some jew laws
>hur dur it da jooooos, real life is all make believe, I'm living in the Truman show
mentally ill faggot
Tinfoilians can't compute that
Knee-jerk reaction to your sort of "muscle" memory. For example, if I was still in school and somebody burst in popping off rounds, I'd post on Sup Forums - except I have the situational awareness (and actually think through how I'd respond to crisis situations) to instead be getting the fuck out.
Normies don't think about their action in a crisis. They react. And they want to react in a way that makes them feel safe, on a subconscious level. Falling back to their behavior pattern of using snapchat to document substantial events (normally non-lethal) is their defense mechanism.
It's unfortunate they don't have the awareness to not do that, but, you can't blame them for it. Only hope some learn from this.
>but why would someone bother recording it on fucking a social media like snapchat
For the very reason to de-bunk retards like you that will claim muh psyop conspiracy. Snapchat is the most popular app for teenagers. Also Americans have become desensitized to this kind of attack, so will film pretty much anything as it's happening to 'prove' that they were actually there and know what they were talking about later.
>why would they bother recording a life or death situation?
Teenagers are stupid
This just proves how mentally ill some of the posters on Sup Forums really are.
I hope the FBI is keeping close tabs on these depraved nutjobs. They just might stop the next school shooting.
I'm a nazi and I belive the jews are innocent in this one
>those screaming, hysterical roasties
years or therapy
>using snapchat in a life or death situation
they didnt get the stupid ones
Not necessarily all Jews just NWO globalists who happen to be mostly Jewish.
>what the fuck would you have done?
Obviously he would have whipped out his concealed carry like a true patriot and taken down the invader.
> retarded millenials will record shit even as their sister is dying after a car crash
> wow how can someone use their phone to record this
My plan for a school shooting was to throw a chair/desk through a window and just jump out the window (if I was on the ground floor). I don't understand why more people wouldn't do this. Fuck trying to use the hallways where the shooter expects you to be.
It's not hard to break a window and then knock the remaining glass away from the window frame and climb out.
>I believe everything the jewish media shoves down my throat!
the shooter was officially banned from campus
the school and probably the local police knew of him
if that didn't stop him then the FBI monitoring some posts online isn't
Why??? Because GEN Z like the MILLENNIAL are literally vapid retards
If you think this is a normal way of talking after a shooting, then I don't know what to say to you.
>holocaust class
oy vey, that's a good goyim
Vid's removed. Re-up?
someone is an actor and was at sandyhook and the boston bombing
i promise you.
its all they know. its like you posting on Sup Forums and someone asking why did they post to Sup Forums and not snapchat
Neck yourself
>why would they bother recording a life or death situation?
retarded generation
JIDF out in full force tonight attempting to steer the narrative as usual. Pathetic. Your lies don’t work anymore, kike. WE’RE BREAKING THE CONDITIONING!!!
You're so far out of touch with the youth society lmao. Recording this shit is a habit for a lot of people
How many Jews were killed in the Holocaust?
a. 6 million
b. 9 million
c. 15 million
d. 10 gorillion
e. all of the above
Correct answer all of the above
>a kid uses his smartphone
Well at least it's nice to see that your 85 IQ brain is trying to understand the world.
>it's fake because no one filmed it
>it's fake because why would anyone film it
>video exists so its obviously fake
pretty sure if a meteor was coming down to kill us all, even you would be filming it on your smartphone
This can't be real
Link died someone post a new one
Never heard that we all went into hiding....
In the attic right?
If this is a joke I can't see past the autism that surrounds this thread sorry
clearly that's someone hitting two books together
I wouldn't film it if I was going to die you retard. No one would.
I overheard a conversation at school where a girl said her friend was hiding in a closet at that school and that there was a school shooting going on.
retard alert
>No one is actually this retarded.
I take it you haven't spent much time around high school kids recently.
>it's real. i know a SWAT member who responded
>Posters don't exist
q predicted this.
Millennials have to record everything and are detached from reality.
that school is zog central
>Pretends not to know of teenager's obsession with social media
>why would they bother recording a life or death situation?
So I have something to fap to on liveleak.
No Proof:Conspiracy
Proof:False Flag
amazed that there were and are so few videos of the "chinese fire drill" on the first day of the Year of the Dog....
clearly doesn't get gen z mentality
so you're a hook nosed jew?
yes. Yes teenagers are dumbass.
Kikes and traitors will be first to go. NSA fucked up today.
jesus fuck you people are actually retarded