can someone please provide me with the most succinct and to-the-point argument against "gun-control"? muh ITS 2018 AND THIS HAS TO CHANGE normies are out again
Can someone please provide me with the most succinct and to-the-point argument against "gun-control"...
Other urls found in this thread:
shall not be infringed
shall not be infringed
Your mother is about to be raped. Do you want her carrying a pistol or not?
The united states military has huge potential for destruction
its easier today to make a gun than it is to buy a gun. you take the guns away and you open up a huge can of worms. currently you have to register and have a permit. your in a database. its easier today to make a gun than it is to buy a gun.
Prevent government from going tyrannical, any other regime that fucked its or other populations disarmed them.
shall not be infringed
>can someone please provide me with the most succinct and to-the-point argument against "gun-control"?
there really isn't
Stop Being a fucking mongoloid. The gun cat is out of the bag. They're already 3D printable retard. Janitorial staff must carry side arms and be trained in small arms combat.
1) 2nd amendment. Not like a regular law.
2) Millions of people own them. Very few go on killing sprees.
ask them what they will do when DRUMPF takes over
this. It's not up for discussion
>a gun behind every blade of grass
National Defense
Shall not be infringed, the amendments in the Bill of Rights can't be taken by the government because the government doesn't provide them to you, but rather you have them "by God", cold dead hands, military industrial complex/police state, bankers who can crash the economy at any time through shady means with absolutely zero reprecussions and government being tied at the hip (2008 bailouts)
This argument was always poo-poo'd by leftists. With how psychotic the left has become, this is an argument that they should understand.
>muh imgeech blumpf
>muh treason
>muh owned by putin
>muh tyrant
>muh hitler
>muh stolen election
>muh literally shaking
>muh nazis
>muh such dark times
>muh memo
>muh treason
>muh constitutional crisis
>muh russian collusion
>muh this is deeply troubling
It's simple: we're surrounded by niggers with guns.
For genuine discussion, to be opposed to something, that with is being opposed must be fully established.
Bingo, its called a level playing field.
Based Jap, what I've been telling people all the time. Hur durr drone. Would a drone strike you right now? You reading this. No but if you had a gripe with the way you were being controlled by your government have access to your guns, and others felt this way, and were discrete could ban together and do some serious damage. If a significant portion of the population was involved, it would be no contest, just the fact of being faced down by their won people I think the government would just step down. You kill what you can't see.
There is no reason black people need guns. They should be given 90 days to turn them in, and they will get a fried chicken and grape soda voucher.
Because I'm willing to tolerate a microscopic percentage of the population getting unjustly killed by random gun violence so that the government will always have to weigh the cost of their control over of my freedom and liberty.
Society and government must be organized such that anyone may be trusted with deadly implements. Otherwise, there must exist a growing disharmony between the people and their governance.
It is a failure of said governance to instill distrust or to suggest that the citizenry must be held below the state for their safety. Citizens must provide their own safety, as it is not possible to assign an officer for every person or family, or even street corner.
Mods need to enact a new rule:
>"If there is over 5 threads about something in an hour, delete everything about it"
Regular Sup Forums swarms into a thread, maybe the particularly spergy people create 1 or 2 more. Shills just spam out as many threads of it as possible like it's going to accomplish anything. Fucking shill invasions I swear. Sage every one of them.
Gun control didn't work to reduce homicide rates in the UK or Australia. Concealed carry has decreased crime rates. According to the CDC, an anti-gun organization, the number of times guns were used in self defense situation far exceeded the number of homicides and this was a conservative estimate.
Mass murder attacks are common in Asian countries with no access to guns. Mass murder is not unique to the US or caused by the guns.
Analogy for the normies: Banning guns for a rare shooting is like exterminating tigers for a rare escape and attack.
All you are doing is taking guns out of the hands of those willing to follow said controls. If you want to do a school shooting then you probably dont care about said controls. Therefore gun control is useless.
It doesn't work.
if gun control worked how was he able to get those guns into a gun-free zone?
The only argument is if you are in the 1% and love power, but are afraid if you push too hard, you might get hunted down and murdered.
Basically, the only legitimate argument is one in favor of selfish control and a desire to bring forth the end times.
Of course that's evil, but it's the only argument that makes sense because it's honest. Anyone who thinks it'll save the children is a fucking idiot and I hope they end up a victim at the next one.
What's with the obsession with guns?
Why can someone own a gun without few months of professional training, and obtain a license that needs to be renewed once every few years?
Why do you think American police need to gear up like soldiers while police in other country can just go out with truncheon only most of the time?
Why do you think a confrontation between police and civilians has a high chance of having a lethal outcome?
Why do you think the police had to shoot s suspect when his hand is near his pocket?
This is the reality of having uncontrolled guns. More people dead, more hostility between cops and civilians.
>a rare shooting
You have mental health issues and should see a doctor
and kiss my ass communist faggot.
Yeah because all countries that have sensible gun control are already fallen to communism and dictatorship.
uh. actually...
so why is it just because my mom might maybe get raped one day mean that we shouldn't try and regulate the whole thing so rapists can't also get guns
Gun owners commit less than 20% of all gun crime (not only murder).
i love how fantastically retarded this weeb is, yet you people keep posting it
As, so cute. Nice try though.
wow you sure debunked his completely real-world based argument
Lol keep getting cucked over by the state, Muhammad.
Genie is out of the bottle. There's 400 million guns in the US, simply no way to confiscate them because #1 Constitution, #2 logistics, #3 civil war.
Anything less than confiscation is simply window dressing and won't do shit except piss off gun owners (an make people go on gun buying sprees).
>Weak borders with Mexico
>Gun control
Pick only 1
>Knowledge of basic fabrication and shop classes
>Gun control
Pick only 1
>The Constitution
>Gun control
Pick only 1
>Prohibition never works 420
>Gun control
Pick only 1
>Having more guns than people already
>Gun control
Pick only 1
>Women not being at the mercy of criminals
>Gun control
Pick only 1
>somebody willing to commit rape
>not willing to own a gun when they're illegal
Are you trying to be this retarded?
Heh heh I'd actually debate you if I didn't think you were another proxy.
So because they'd be willing to try it even if it were illegal means we should just make it as easy as possible for them to get away with it, genius idea here mac
>All you are doing by putting locks on safes is taking money out of the hands of those willing to follow said controls. If you want to do a robbery then you probably dont care about said controls. Therefore money should be left on the ground.
Murder is already against the law. What the fuck is some new gun laws going to do? People committing crimes, like murders, don't give two fucks about the laws. This is how retarded the left is though. If they were to ban Ar15s, then why not just get an Ak47, or an SRS. Are they going to ban all high capacity magazines? That's a joke, and the blackmarket will just make a killing off selling high capacity mags and anything else that gets b&. Are they going to ban all guns from civilians? There is an estimated 330 million guns in the hands of private citizens in the USA alone, and that's just the ones they know about, that are registered. I'd like to see them go door to door and collect them all. Good luck with that. It's too late now.
I'd suggest metal detectors in all schools, and all government buildings, more stringent mental health evaluations for potential crazy fucks, including kids. More armed security personnel, that are actually on guard and alert. Better yet, armed security robots, with lazers n sheit. Really, any deterrent to make a nutjob think twice would help, there should be no soft targets or free easy killing spree places.
That is the problem. We need to ban guns universally so that it won't happen.
>What the fuck is some new gun laws going to do?
To decrease death toll.
sing it, user
If you try to take them, the causalities on your side will be biblical.
I'd like to see an idea of gun control, no one ever has an actual form of gun control that makes sense.
>Harsher background checks?
The only way to actually stop any gun violence is to completely ban guns.
But that isn't an option, and even if we did decide to do that, who is going to take away the guns that people already own? What about the people that own guns illegally? We aren't a tyrannical country we can't go and raid everyone's house.
Besides this all implies that majority of people deserve to get there guns taken away.
legal doesn't mean sold on the corner to any one dipshit. If some one would move to injure me or those around me I'd rather be able to at least defend my self. More and more that some how seems illegal, it shouldn't but that how the law seems to work. That's retarded and not at all in keeping with how this country was won. When the law still can't get to you in time to aid you gotta deal the damage too or risk life changing injury or death.
No not at all, if someone is crazy enough or at least ready to fucking slaughter a bunch of kids in a school, I'm sure they are willing to buy a gun illegally. Fucking retard.
It's a meaningless word that can mean a million things, no different than "law against this sort of thing".
And I don't agree to vague shit that's doesn't have a concrete meaning.
If a rule like a check doesn't work then how does a ban do any different? Circumventing either is the exact same action.
you have my attention