His wife is now the main hero fighting shit, while hes watching the kids? Im tired of this SJW/Fem shit.
Why the Fuck is Mr. Incredible a stay at home Mom?
The matriarchy is taking over, prepare your anus for the Strap-on.
The Enuch generation
Because the mum is good promotional fap material. Which hero would you rather jerk off to? A woman who get stretch any part of her body or a big muscular guy?
Just suprised they didn't make him a total cuck.
Made by the same people who shame women for wanting to be stay at home mothers. Because that's all Dad does is fuck off at work all day. The Marxist refuge spewage is simply unending, racemix here, 3rd wave feminist there, shame white people, shame European American culture, yadda yadda we need to balkanize, collect ourselves, and have a race war.
He wasn't even the main hero in the first movie. Why the fuck would he be the main hero in the second?
>father spends time with kids
What happened to the Mole guy? Why isn't this about a family working together to thwart evil like the first? oh yeah. sjw feminists
160531008 Wrong. The entire first movie was about him and his struggle to remain hidden and not be a super hero. Watch the movie next time, faggot.
q user predicted this
That wasnt solely about him faggot
Maybe the SJW kikes just might bankrupt Disney before 2020.
>Mole man is no longer a family fight (message of the first movie) and it appears dad's going fail at it.
>Mom abandons maternal responsibilities to have a "fulfilling career"
>"I've got to succeed so she can succeed"
>Bumbling Dad trope
If you don't see it, you are blind.
Just accept that (((Disney))) is under kike control now. Don't expect anything good from them until after we Rope Day ZOG.
>Teaser clip = the entire movie
They're obviously setting things up for Elastigirl to get conned like Mr Incredible did in the first movie.
The entire movie was about how he was a washed-up has-been that wanted to relive his glory years after transitioning into an overall mundane life. He was the "main" hero only until he got cheated by Syndrome, who on that note didn't really do anything wrong. It isn't even halfway through the movie that the rest of the family joins him in the limelight.
>Sexual cannibalism, also known as vore, is when a female cannibalizes her mate prior to, during, or after copulation. ... In many species that exhibit sexual cannibalism, the female consumes the male upon detection.
I for one, can't wait for a grill to eat me alive.
take me jesus
Yeah i see it but its not a big fucking deal.
As long as we get some fresh Helen Parr/Elastigirl rule 34 out of this, I don't fucking care.
but the original was sooo good.
Why does Sup Forums like everything reddit likes?
This probably will never happen but I hope she is out for the count and calls for his help, he then regains the spotlight as the superhero, and she says home as a stay at home mom, because its been proven in the other movie she is the one good with kids not him.
And whats wrong with this?
Star Wars, you loved the original and then Karl Marx came and destroyed the sequel and by proxy the original too.
he was fired from his last job, why would anyone hire a guy who threw his boss through several walls
cuz he get shit done?
This is not even remotely comparable to what happened with star wars and i will always love the originals
>Mary Poppins Returns
Wasn't that The Last Jedi?
>Toy Story 4
But, that was all wrapped up in #3..
literally nothing sjw in this, autist. First movie was about mr incredible
Second is about his wife who fucking cares
>inb4 she gets BLACKED and he learns to live with it lmao
>is wife is now the main hero fighting shit, while hes watching the kids?
His superpowers are too destructive for the city. It was why the plot of the first movie even happened.
>Toy story 4
why ruin such a good send off
>lion king, Mulan, and Dumbo
trash 3D remakes will ruin the originals
good job, disney
they have to ruin everything
I cant live in this world. i cant live in this shit world. it is all so corrupt and disgusting. if ever the fourth reich rises, we need to actually build gas chambers this time.
q predicted this
>He wasn't even the main hero in the first movie.
The first movie was mainly from his perspective.
The plot of the first movie was Jews forced super hero's into hiding by fucking with them in the courts and media.
Then the main character halfway kills a jew for being such a fucking jew. Later he's tricked into going to evil Island by an assburger kid. His family comes together to save him and conservative family values save the day
And when it was time to actually suit up, everyone in the family got equal roles, if not overshadowing his own.
Main character =/= main hero
Mr. Incredible shits on Common Core in the trailer. Based.
Events in the first movie led to this too.
>mr incredible heavily damages the city with his strength, leading to stigma against superheroes
>punches his boss through 7 walls out of anger
>still wanted to superhero and get money, so he hooked up with some secret people
>nearly betrayed his wife with the boss woman
>was manipulated into giving a supervillain technology that almost doomed the city
>got locked up, his family had to go to the supervillain base and save him
I can see why he became the stay at home parent.
Yes it does
Maybe the movie's message turns out that the wife is happier with her kids/ the family get together agin at the end and the woman never leaves her family again
The whole thing is Mr. Incredible and Frozone cause too much collateral damage and aren't welcome in the new Super Hero organization.
Would that not logically mean that he's still the main hero in this movie, then? It's still being told primarily from his perspective if the trailer is anything to work off of.
He didn't damage the city, he broke a window and a monorail that was about to explode anyway.
His boss deserved it and more
Wanted to be allowed to properly perform
Didn't betray his wife when tempted
Was trusting
Got betrayed
or his best friend ice tyrone cucks his wife and leaves for dat wyte pussi
>Ralph brakes the internet
>Not "wrecks"
One fucking job.
I see it, but it's justified and supported by the first movie. Living the non superhero life is mr. incredible's achilles heel.
Underrated post
Are you saying that there should never be a movie where the father is a stay at home dad or that this movie shouldn't have one
>Why would anyone hire a literal strength demi-god?
Gee how would that ever be usefull
Stop making excuses for propaganda (sees commies flag) - nevermind
I honestly thought this trailer looked pretty funny.
Jesus Christ you faggots are like tumblr social justice warriors always looking for ((())) or shit to be offended by.
Just enjoy the fucking movie and don't think about it too much.
It's a white family with a strong male figurehead, that's good enough for me
Why would you want stay at home dads in media?
What is the plot of the movie going to be though?
It's the same movie but the women is the "hero" now. It will make a billion dollars.
So the first one? Just confirm that for me: you're saying there should never be any media where the father is a stay at home dad.
>Gee how would that ever be usefull
If the criminals aren't trying to destroy the city, super strength causes more damage than the criminals.
Imagine having an imagination so poor you can't see how super-strength makes you eminently employable.
Save a starfish analogy. It matters, Jews are literal cancer.
>implying you wouldn't want to sit at home all day playing vidya with your kids
good goy, let the patriarchy force you to be the wagecuck
Yeah I don't see why there should be.
Could you give me a reason?
I'm not sure it is. I hate the SFJ/fem shit as much as anyone else, but all they're really doing is developing Bob's character by reversing the roles from the last movie.
Besides which, in the last one he went running around and wasn't supportive, and she went after him and even ended up being the strong one holding everything together in the end. He's gonna be a weak, broken character in both.
>Toy Story 4
Nobody asked for this. There are very few endings as good as Toy Story 3, I don't know why they would risk shitting on it.
If there was a scene where she pegged him, I'd watch just to laugh.
1) They exist, and
2) placing restrictions on art is as retarded as it is futile
They shouldn't exist though
Restrictions on art already exist
I'm surprised they don't have them power a giant generator or go into construction with his strength. It can't be due to endangering coworkers and property because they allow him to live in the city.
I think you know the answer to that question
Why wouldn't they
And they're futile and retarded, as I said
Actual character in the movie
Jack Jack would kill the mom
That's fucking gay.
Men are not needed because they are too macho. You can't be a strong dude or a cold dude you need to be flexible.
Its actually fucking retarded. Its like footing the bill to godzilla when he runs a gank on king ghidorra
I said shouldn't and for the obvious reason that they are better suited for work.
It's obviously not futile, Hollywood is proof of that
Looks boring.
Don't like it? Then don't watch it, simple as that.
If enough people start boycotting these stupid fucking movies then they'll stop making them.
Because he tried the corporate life but was to manly to take shit from his boss all day so assaulted the fuck out of him and decided since corporate office work is for submissive people he'd let his wife deal with it.
>The entire first movie was about him and his struggle to remain hidden and not be a super hero.
That was the first 20 minutes, dumb ass.
>Defending CommonCore
>hehe if you just ignore it they'll stop
Fuck off newfag
The mutt hasn't seen the movie mr.incredible is the protaganist and this "main hero" Bullshit is just stupid.
What kind of work?
Hollywood has actually proved time and time again just how futile it is.
You're right, I should hire someone that is prone to destructive out burts. Glad there is a business owner on here to offer his insight.
Holy shit you're right!
Show me the right wing Hollywood films then.
Any work
I betcha Frozone cucks Mr. Incredible
>Dad insults common core
Based Mr. Incredible.
Shouldn't and don't are different, numb nuts.
I don't see your point
Just because they exist doesn't mean they should be celebrated
its very simple guys, mrs incredible wont be able to handle it and mr incredible will triumphantly return to save the day at the end of the movie
>macho men were villains already
was there pol outrage when this happened or is all this autistic screeching 2016 and onwards?
Yeah, his miserable demeanor surly shows celebration. Is your country just a prototype of a sentient Aussie shitpost, or were you born retarded?
Someone has to teach the son how to be a proper superhero
look how fucked up the boy and girl are from the mother raising them
Don't pretend to be retarded to try argue a point. It's not convincing me, you or anyone else.
If you're looking for blockbusters and summer tentpoles: Any Clint Eastwood directed movie, 13 hours, London has fallen and its prequel, there's no shortage.