Throughout the entire interview it's as though Tucker knows he's being fed bullshit by a trauma actor. The girl who was supposedly in a room where classmates were shot is completely calm, rational, and keeps talking about all the "drills" they've done. What the fuck is going on here!!
Did anyone cap tonights episode of Tucker. Weird shit
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I agree. Was very odd.
That's weird as fuck. I don't believe every single happening is a false flag, but no way in fucking hell would someone be able to be so calm about a traumatic not even hours after it happened, especially being a literal nobody thrust onto cable television. Are CIAniggers even trying anymore?
Keep up-to-date with the latest (((real))) "news", goys...
>entire town is immigrants and jews
Why would anyone believe anything coming out of that shit hole? Those people vote for Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Think about that for a minute. They are garbage. They hate this country. The entire town should be sent to gitmo
jesus christ you are all a bunch of complete faggots. The only trauma actors are you fucks that think our lizard overlords give two shits about controlling what your dumbasses do. Go get a job and step outside for once.
Here it is. 3:00. Keep watching the whole episode. The teacher who hangs up when tucker asks him what he was doing when the shooting started. 12 dead bodies still unaccounted for, parents have not been notified.
This is the most blatant false flag of all time.
The same bitch on Tucker made statements for the Miami Herald too.
hmm q predicted this
Now there's some guy on who claims to know the shooter. He said that he was always a trouble maker and a class clown. Didn't everyone else say he was quiet and didn't talk to anybody? Tucker said what did he do to get in trouble give me an example. The kid pauses and he goes ummmmmmm oneeee timeee he hoooked a laptop up to a projector and ummm put inappropriate stuff on his laptop... yeah...
wow what is going on
What the fuck is holocaust class?
Major fuckery occuring
Are you faggots seriously gonna pull the Sandy Hook shit yet again?
The girl being interviewed seems like she's trying not to laugh. I saw a similar thing during an interview right after Sandy Hook.
Line me up some sauce plz there freindo
I used to hate missing holocaust class because of penis inspection day
Her story is incoherent and she's saying nothing of consequence. Right at the beginning she stutters and stops to think about what she's going to say because she has a script to follow. Tucker is asking questions she has no answers too and she gets caught up in her own bullshit.
>in holocaust class when bullets started flying.
>in holocaust class
This can't be legit.
you are mentally ill, that is what is going on
The girl being interviewed was asked by Tucker if she had her phone and texted her parents during the event. She responds by saying that she didn't have her phone on her at the time BUT THAT HER PARENTS KNEW.
keep watching fox goys
Wisdom from New Zealand. Smh
Q predicted it happening and not happening and everything in between because its a gigantic LARP you retard. There is no sourceu
Oh, I'm sorry were we all talking about Obama having a penis arm and jizz on his face?
Good thing this totally random act has made us focus on something else.
you sound like a liberal
Not saying this shit didn't happen, but yeah, interviews were weird. Think it just shows how socially autistic we are now. People don't act normal. This is a society that breeds kids that are so fucked in the head they decide to kill people for the hell of it.
Chick seemed like an actor, couldn't keep get her story straight.
If you're talking about the pink hair girl, there's a major chance she has severe mental problems like all gen Xers. She's ugly and she's got pink hair for fuck sakes.
I'd have to see it but that sounds like a victim in shock
>holocaust class
No you fucking faggot. This was a false flag.
>interview for school shooting
>wew the interviewee is too composed and is a paid actor
>mentions 'like sandy hook'
every fucking time
>40% Jewish school
>jewish lizard people get interviewed
>they're unfeeling psychopaths
why is /pol surprised?
Holy shit, I thought it was just me being high as a kite.
Ya, that girl wasn't even answering the questions really, she would just ramble on and on.
you talk like a fag
>Did anyone cap tonights episode of Tucker
>watching TV
oy vey this is nothing compared to muh 6 million
Sorry I wasn't more specific, but I was reffering to the brunette girl which starts around 3:05
>It's an ISIS sympathizer!
>No wait, it's an illegal DACA beaner!
>No no we were mistaken, he was ANTIFA!
*sees pic related*
>AH HA! It was obviously a Deep State FALSE FLAG!
Is she a chinese spy guys?
yeah that must have been it
>israel dindu nuffin
the Rebecca chick said she didn't have her phone on her during the shooting.. can anyone confirm an absence in her social media? she seems fishy
If people look to carlson & fox in general for "news", they're screwed. It's corporate-globalist-controlled entertainment, nothing more. Watch just 10 minutes of One America News to see what real news reporting is. Lucky if fox spends a week opining on more than 4 topics ad nauseaum! At least Hannity will tell his viewers things they haven't already been hearing all week.
Sauce right fucking now (plz).
This has to be fake.
If it was the same girl who is a teacher on cnn with cooper pooper shooter she kept rambling on like she was rushing a prepared statement. It was eerie, and she said she was on the other side of the school, in fact everyone they interviewed was well away from all the action, take that for what you will
>false flag just to take attention away from jizz on Obama's portrait
Top jej, could be possible
just a class all about the holocaust. no one signs up for it either. i took it when i was in HS without signing up for it and i remember asking around and no one said that they signed up for it. a bit odd since its an elective not needed for anything. i didnt think too much of it at the time and it ended up being a really easy class where i watched a bunch of movies. pretty sus if you ask me
>brainlets keep posting it
>holocaust class
This just has to be bullshit.
>syed had anything to do with the shooting
We don't respect you.
> does not understand that /pol is not civicuck
fuck off back to plebbit faggot
"Fox News contributor Ralph Peters suggested Tucker was like a Nazi sympathizer for wondering whether Russia and the US should work together against ISIS."
That asian chick might not be a trauma actor. Deep inside, she is scared of getting shot, so refuse to fear. That's my take.
looks like her facebook profile
So two kids (which is weird for a highschool student refer to their own classmates as kids) got hit in her room, the teacher had locked the door, but she didn't know how bad their injuries were? I mean she was locked inside with two kids that had apparently been shot. Are they dead or alive? You would know this shit. Come fuck on man.
>acted as a false flag for muh guns
>also served as a distraction from the pedo stuff going on in Haiti and the UK
how fortunate
neck yourself you faggot shill
enormous if accurate
didn't Drudge just link to an article that said 1/3 of all ex-convicts in the US live in Florida?
It's almost like convicts know where to find (((employers))) or something.
you have to go back faggot
I'd like to see more pics of her friend.
I don't see anything odd about this. What's so surprising Sup Forums?
REMINDER. 24:45 is how people react after a tragedy like this. They don't go um.. There was some people bleeding but they looked okay.
That's a teacher being interviewed!? Wow, thank god I'm not going to school anymore.
the glitches are starting
Why did the girl says it’s a scary thought? She went through this ordeal right? It would be more than a scary thought.
Is this actually real life anymore, or are we just part of some sick Truman Show level experiment.
Should i be worried if my work has us doing drills?
Your implication that old Sup Forums doesn't want to see trap dick outs you as new
This needs to trend on Twitter NOW.
Pink hair sounds like gen Y
the fuck is holocaust class?
>it was real
>we all knew it was real
>except we didn't hear any gunshots
>two bullets
>one bullet
>obligatory "I knew his brother or whatever and he told me that shooter-man loved to play with guns" story
>*Tucker struggles to maintain composure long enough to make it off the air*
That whole episode was downright bizarre from start to finish. Tucker seemed vaguely suspicious AF the whole time, and understandably so.
>that smile when she says the name
She knows the truth
She must be a very good spy.
valid points user. wish more people were paying attention :/
You're terrible at this, faggot.
try again
try harder
Imagine being deep in the belly of the Beast like Tucker or Hannity, knowing what really happened but having to keep your lips sealed.
>always a second shooter
I know witness testimony is unreliable, but the pattern is a bit unnerving
because then the government has an excuse to be there before it happens
trauma effects people differently
They said that they had a drill earlier in the day for an active shooter in the school, and the shooter knew about it and planned to do the shooting today because of that reason. That was on the show with the blonde chick on Fox. I noticed that girl seemed very odd, but I though it might just be shock, but now that I think about it, it doesn't add up at all.
Jews only have 1 playbook.
"He loved to play with guns"
who would say this shit?
maybe she's in shock.
This chick sounds like a dumbass stoner. Probably making this up for the lolz