How do we feel about the fact that /ourguy/ Enoch got BTFO by Based "I want Europe to remain white" Jewbro tonight?
We need to talk about this.
How do we feel about the fact that /ourguy/ Enoch got BTFO by Based "I want Europe to remain white" Jewbro tonight?
We need to talk about this.
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Lynch yourself with your meme fag
Is Enoch actually Jewish? No shill lies
I dont' think Mike started strong but this Halsey guy is fucking revolting. He ignores that there is any institutionalization of anti-whiteness and thinks that the current paradigm can be resolved through legal process or some other mediation.
Mike wasn't perfect but Halsey makes me fucking sick
feels good, glad these wannabe alt right fags are getting btfo'd and by jews rofl
Why are his eyes so beady?
he's essentially blind
So he just looks like that?
He's Norwegian and Serbian according to his DNA test.
kek, I was about to ask how the hell do you end up looking like a beady eyed jew and not have any jew genes.
Serbian rat face phenotype.
Pic related, Marko Jaric, a Serbian basketball player has a similar face.
jesus christ, that mug
>implying that's his real name
his eyes are black like a dark hole
>implying it's not
>Mike got BTFOd
Halsey conceded all his points. Mike was just too much of a retard to hammer it home. He literally had him on the Israel question and let him go.
eh, he seemed to be do a decent job
the jew helped me understand why people hate jews
if you turn off that assholes nagging voice and just listen to enoch he makes a lot of sense.
I just took one step closer to the alt-right
>comedy gold
Kike Enoch is not a leader. Neither is Spencer.
They're annoying af
Because he had a jew wife. That statement is most likely in response to people attacking him for that.
Hello little brother
How do you like being ripped apart by heebs? Wouldn't you rather be friends with Russia?
Look at the guy. Beady rat eyes, his brow and lips, the gaunt of his cheeks. Dudes a jew. His half brother is a black jew. He was married to a liberal Marxist jew for a decade, even while pedaling his podcast. Even had her appear on the damn show and all his buddies were hush about it.
>no .2 subsharan
Fake as fuck.
The more they normalize white nationalism the higher the chance of talented whites to join in.
The image doesn't mention that and it banks on you thinking he's saying he himself is Jewish
it's completely dishonest
I watched Luke fords stream afterwards and Mike actually came into the stream
to discuss the debate. He was definitely tired, although not really trying to use it as an excuse. He seemed pretty beast up about it. He basically stated that Halsey just didn’t anger him. He was just in that mode of not really wanting to engage in a false debate with a Jewish rhetorician. Halsey is absolutely unbearable and while I’ve always like Mike, I’m going to start listening to him more.
Why aren't you letting me finish? Not letting me to finish is also fraud.
He got married before he awakened.
Halsey had him at the start. But then he started attacking his character and dodging and conceding points. By the end Mike pulled ahead.
>kekistan flag
Enoch btfo that fat boomer kike. fuck off back to plebbit you nigger loving faggot.
Not bad.
Minor point, on the last name bit (15:20), Mike shouldn't play so fast and loose with the Jewish inference. He probably wasn't even wrong, but it's just so easy for your opponent to deny in the moment and almost impossible to verify. The potential upside is that you get to feel clever and show off, the downside risk is that your credibility is undermined because people think you see Jewishness everywhere when it doesn't exist. Not worth it.
He was just acting like a total cuck for like 50% of the stream. He just let the fat kike walk all over him.
The second half was alright but my god everything was going so much better when he wasn't talking about jews and just discussing white issues.
What did everyone think of the Spencer stream? I thought he did much better than Enoch
He's "dinaricized", but some Norwegian do look like that.
Gotta love Mr. "I need to wear sunglasses to debate" taking Mike to task over authenticity
and yet my shitlord channel still has more subs than this boomer kike faggot. If he's so right where are his followers?
kys memeflag
This is the only artist I 'respect' on this Gay earth
I mention because he's Canadian
sick hile
There is no such thing as a based Jew.
Nicholas Fuentes completely stomped that guy on the exact same topic just a few days earlier, the fact that Enoch went in and debated the same guy on the same topic even though it was clear that the guy could only go up after his defeat by Nick makes me question whether Mike Enoch really have muh movement in his priority instead of just his own ego and e-celeb status.
Richard Spencer destroyed some other guy on Baked Alaskas stream though so the the day wasn't a complete loss.
yeah that fat nigger boomer was well below Enoch. i think nick is better at debating some people than Enoch and i think the fatty was more of a nick kind of debater.
You’re correct in your interpretation user. Enoch wanted to debate a Jew in relation to US interventionism abroad at a time when the Nunes memo was going to be released. It had to be explained to Enoch, despite his solid points in relation to the negativity of US interventionism and how the Jewish lobby runs US foreign policy, the debate wasn’t about the merits of said topic it was an opportunity for the Jews to get a statement from someone on the “Alt-Right” that could be spun as anti-patriotic and pro-Russian. Most of these guys have no solid plan to stop the replacement of white people in their own countries through mass immigration and disenfranchisement, except for “acceleration”, that is, do not actively resist the pozzed policies of the govt so as to “accelerate” white discontent in the hope they rise up against the govt, that isn’t going to happen, these cunts are delusional.
nick fuentes absolutely annihilated that fat jew
>kike that said working whites should get replaced with immigrants is based
Isn't Enoch Jewish ?
And isn't his half or step brother black ?
Wasn't his ex wife also Jewish ?
How is Enoch any different from this guy ?
Spencer's debating skills have really improved. He's much more on point and less focused with stump speeches or flowery rhetoric; instead, he calmly and methodically dismantled Tokes. I think it's safe to say that anyone who goes through the whole "Fuck Spencer he's bad for our cause" routine is either a shill or doesn't know what they're talking about.
Who is that goblino?
Young Enoch looks like a /bro/
If by bro you mean degenerate then yeah
It's not the eye color or hair that's troubling...
You'll find people like that among native europeans. Generally, the real suspicion comes with the facial morphology. (bone structure)...
It's hard to tell what Mike Enoch is supposed to be. But that's irrelevant, the point remains, his past is extremely suspicious.
And these are pretty damning
Christ, he's lost, like, 50 pounds since this picture.
Mike 'White Tariq' Enoch
Nah he's not jewish. His wife was jewish but Enoch seems like a pretty good guy.
Too radical for mainstream appeal though
I completely agree. Looking at it objectively, as you said, I think you could make a case for either of them "winning," but what's important is recognizing that Enoch got Halsey to reveal his true feelings and his total lack of anything approximating a solution.
>Too radical for mainstream appeal though
Again, these very damning
Jew or not, i honestly feel more comfy around and honest, real jew than a self hating one.
This jew is ok in my book
and so is this one
start your own podcast and show us plebs how its done, bruh
140 IQ and sociable here
I have yellow plague, but I'm inevitably going to be with you all to the end. Probably tons of people like me in addition to the true believers
He was referring to his wife not himself.
>yellow plague
I'm only really concerned about women racemixing as they are more important to the population. We should male offspring from mixed couples
nah Enoch lost hard
it was really sad actually
One of his problems is that he forgets how his opponent's behavior is being perceived in a different way.
First: by himself and far-right viewers.
Second: by the general audience, many of whom have no idea what to look for in Jewish debate/argument tactics
The audience was not connecting the way Halsey was acting with what Enoch/the far-right were.
This is why the first half of the debate was confusing for many people in the general audience -- seeing Halsey berate Enoch and try to cut him down to the core of his personality and with his past, his career, marriage, family -- and then seeing Enoch just sitting there taking the beating without fighting back.
Enoch made the huge error of thinking that the general audience would be making a connection between typical sheisty pilpul gaslighting and rants filled with cheap-shot ad homenim distractions, void of subtantive argumentation, straight out of their playbook - to Halsey's behavior.
Because the general audience has never been presented with that playbook - all they saw was a Enoch getting ripped to shreds on a personal level -- and just sitting there taking it. This is why IMO we saw so many comments about Enoch getting BTFO for the first ~30-45 minutes.
Later on, when making a criticism of Halsey's behavior, Enoch even confirmed that this was what he was doing, he said: "what you're doing is good for me actually, it's good for my side to see this".
The problem is, Mike, that you weren't there to persuade to your side the people who already share your views. You're there to convince the fence sitters in the general audience of the validity of your viewpoint. By making the mistake of assuming they would 'get it' and laying down belly up for the entirety of Halsey's diatribe, you just made it look like you were getting wrecked.
Your side might've been seeing the pilpul for what it was, but those you had the opportunity to persuade - did not at all.
I do not trust people with eyes like his
He is Canadian conservative
I knew the alt right was a bunch of self hating jews
Yeah, Spencer is probably not good in bloodsports. He does much better in just a normal debate, especially when he doesn't go full on pseud.
bang on shlo
>pilpul + constant strawmans + personal attacks = win
Nope. Enoch won by a longshot.
He was literally the "gradually, I began to hate them" meme
Hi, leftypol.
Hi, misunderstanding faggot
No Enoch was revealed to be ineffectual, misrepresentative, and factually flaccid
He's obviously a Spook/GITD subverter
It really is incredible.
>No Enoch was revealed to be ineffectual, misrepresentative
Meanwhile in reality, see stupid.
Holy shit, I think it's the school shooting, but you guys came in such high numbers today you made it way too easy to see through, reel it back
Lol you trying to do a parody of an obvious shill for lulz? Do you think youre doing a good job here? lmao
We know for a fact we'll never see posts from any of you with any type of substantiation or elaboration on why you think the side you've judged as the winner deserves to have that judgement, and the attempts at
>"B-b-b-but sn't Enoch a Jew?"
>Here watch *links you've been shilling to derail threads for more than a year now*
haven't worked on 95+% of people following along with TRS for well over half a year. Starting to make yourself look lazy / stupid by still harping on a dead attempt at subversion ages after its effectiveness died off.
Hurry along - you have plenty of Cruz threads to play the 'guy who was always right-wing but...' and whine about gun control in.
>722 BC, Samaria, Jews Expelled and captured by King Sargon II
right-o infinit.chan subverter
glad I pissed you off so much
TRS discredit? holy fuck what is this 2016?
alt-kike is next right?
The shills are cringe-inducingly stupid as well.
What’s wrong with his eyes?
Make me a shawarma please
It was harder for Enoch because Enoch has a way more extreme stance.
Enoch wants to deport all Jews and start violently removing them if necessary
Fuentes made no normative claims whatsoever.
I can tell you're functioning as a RW shill, it's better than the LW but still intellectually flaccid
I can tell that you are male, but there is a tremendous chance that you are mutt & subverting
Honestly: olive branch, if you are genuine/ fine
but it seems that you are shilling in a disgraceful way
as much as us leafs are despised the false posters disgust Sup Forums way more than us based leafs
Mike is not the big brained nigga he likes to think that he is.
he isnt white
>its another charackter assassination episode
enoch has its faults but these absolute puritans do bother me
What a fucking dirty kike!
I'm a fan of mike and I can agree, Mike wAs BTFO. Gotta hand it it to the jew
checked and perspected
You should read the book of Enoch!
yup, deeply insightful
DuQuads Mike is a kike confirmed.
Yes it is. We gon burn
and with those confirmary dupes it has been proven
That Walter Sobchak boomer faggot made himself out to be exactly the neocon kike piece of shit I assumed he was. If Enoch seemed given pause or taken aback at any time, I assure you it was to digest the fact that he was entertaining some of the most childish, asinine, hypocritical arguments from a man delivering them in sincere, totally straight faced.
Boomer Dude clearly thinks he's still dealing with WN 1.0. It's almost not worth sweating dudes like him. Almost.
Between Enoch losing last night, and David Duke losing to Tree of Logic the other day, I'm having serious doubts about my position on the JQ.
By the end of the debate Enoch sounded like Tariq Nasheed saying white supremacists except he called Halsey a Jewish supremacist.
What does this mean?
yeah, it's the defeat of identity politics that can't stand up to true populism (though under different demographics it could not be done)
Keep the Power
do not become a slave of the racism & divide and conquer regime
don't let the demographics get to that point
You dont understand english, kys kike